Photos of Sergei Zverev - before and after plastics

Sergey Zverev is truly a king of shocking stardom in the star-studded CIS, compared to which only Kirkorov is capable of matching. The internal desire for experiments over many years has significantly affected the appearance of the showman. They say that the stylist is afraid of publishing pictures before changing his appearance. But the pictures are already leaked in the media.

Since the middle of the 90s Sergey has been carried away by cosmetic operations and plastic surgery. According to experts, the stylist did rhinoplasty, correction of cheekbones, cheyloplasty, and also changed the shape of the chin. And this is all in order to create an ideal image in his imagination.

Since childhood, the future showman was dissatisfied with the Asian characteristics given him by nature. He wanted to look like a blue-eyed and blonde mother. But the first operation, which occurred in 1995, was forced. It was then that Zverev got into a car accident, after which there was a need for rhinoplasty. That operation was not very successful, and the straight nose of the celebrity became too uptight and slightly crooked. After a while the nose was corrected, and already the new form entailed and other changes for preservation of harmony of features.

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You can see the striking changes in the appearance of the TV presenter Catherine Barnabas, her photos before and after the plastics you can see here

After a few years, Sergey decided on cheyloplasty, since alwaysconsidered sexual lips the main accent in appearance. The first efforts to increase the lips led to a non-aesthetic result. The lips became too large, the gel inside hardened. After the repeated operation, the shape of the lips changed, became more distinct, the upper lip rose.

As for the changes in the shape of the face, the opinions come into force. Most experts believe that surgical intervention took place. Sergei himself refutes, then confirms the rumors. Of course, the plastic was and it is clearly visible, if you compare the early and late photos of the stylist.

About the same, exactly how many operations were carried out, it remains to guess.

  • Mar 29, 2018
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