One of the most unpleasant and common proctologic diseases associated with varicose veins of the rectum is hemorrhoids.
There are a lot of folk ways to alleviate the symptoms and help to cope with the disease, the most effective method is the treatment of hemorrhoids with honey.
- Know the enemy in person
- The healing power of honey
- The effectiveness of honey for hemorrhoids
- Tips for pregnant women
- How to use
- Candles with honey
- Preparing ointment
- Bath with honey
- Curative enemas
- Intravenous - tasty and healthy
- Prescription lotions
- Practical experienceuse
Know the enemy in person
The disease causes a huge discomfort, people have itching, burning, pain in the anus, often constipation and bleeding with dfekatsii.
Often problems arise:
- with low physical activity;
- sedentary work;
- with alcohol abuse;
- for malnutrition( especially contraindicated in the diet of salty and smoked dishes) and overweight;
- pregnancy and childbirth.
The healing power of honey
The product of beekeeping is endowed with all sorts of medicinal properties, which were known hundreds of years ago. Natural honey contains various minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, essential oils, as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-de-vegetative components.
In folk medicine, it is widely used for prevention and disposal of a number of diseases, and its regular use has a favorable effect on the work of many internal organs.
The main healing power of honey is the ability:
- to increase the protective functions of the body;
- have a calming effect;
- enrich with essential minerals and vitamins;
- to reduce inflammation;
- to disinfect;
- to improve the functioning of the circulatory system;
- to restore tissue.
Currently, a large number of pharmaceutical preparations are created on the basis of a bee product.
The use of honey in its pure form as a remedy for traditional medicine does not cause concern, in case there is no individual intolerance or allergic reactions.
The effectiveness of honey for hemorrhoids
Due to their qualities, people suffering from hemorrhoids, recipes based on honey are able to provide the following help:
- to relieve itching and inflammation;
- to relieve soreness and swelling;
- to reduce hemorrhoids;
- strengthen the fabric;
- to prevent infection on affected areas;
- to accelerate the healing of cracks in the rectum.
An interesting fact: it is noted that linden and buckwheat honey is somewhat more effective in treating hemorrhoids. It is recommended to use only in a cold or warm state, all useful properties are lost in a hot form.
Tips for pregnant women
During pregnancy, women are susceptible to hemorrhoids, especially to the last trimester.
This is due to an increase in pressure on the lower vena cava, the appearance of prolonged constipation and, as a rule, a decrease in the mobility of the expectant mother. To avoid serious consequences, such as anemia and inflammation of the genitourinary system, the ailment needs to be treated.
A number of medications are contraindicated, therefore, the only correct way is to use honey. Different methods of application are allowed( for example, ointments, candles, lotions, etc.) all depend on the nature and intensity of the disease.
It is worth remembering that every woman in the position should be extremely careful to apply honey inside, as it is easy to provoke an allergy not only in yourself, but also the future baby.
Methods of application of
There are a large number of applications of honey for the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids and other diseases of the rectum. Each person determines for himself the method based on the state of health and personal preferences.
Candles with honey
In folk medicine, several methods of making candles based on a bee product at home are used.
The most popular and effective are:
- With aloe and butter .Take one tablespoon of butter and natural honey, mix well and melt on a water bath. After, pre-prepared aloe vinaigrette into the mixture. Such candles should be placed daily for thirty days.
- With potatoes .Carefully wash and peel the vegetable, then cut out of it a small rounded shape. The resulting candle is smeared with melted honey and used rectally before going to bed for two weeks. Important point: In the morning do not forget to extract.
- With water .In the bee product add water( ratio one to five) and put in the freezer for two to three hours. After making a small longitudinal shape and insert into the anus. Repeat the procedure for one month.
Preparing the ointment
Ointment is the simplest and at the same time effective way that relieves inflammation and reduces swelling. For this, natural honey should be applied to the hemorrhoidal nodes with a small layer.
Make the procedure for the night necessarily on clean and dry skin, until complete recovery( at least one month).This ointment is also possible as a prophylactic against rectum diseases.
It is possible to mix the product with some ingredients for a greater result, for example, vegetable oil or cinnamon.
Bath with honey
It is necessary to take a warm bath three times a week in the evening with the addition of two tablespoons of melted natural honey.
The time in water should not exceed more than twenty minutes.
Medical enemas
For preparation, pre-melted honey and warm water in a ratio of five to one are required. You need to mix everything thoroughly and do enemas no more often than once every two to three days.
The required amount of the obtained component is fifty milliliters per one receive.
Intravenous - tasty and healthy
Take a tablespoon of honey every morning, strictly on an empty stomach, with a glass of cold water. The key requirement - within one hour after taking the meal, refuse to eat, including hot drinks.
Perhaps, in the absence of allergic reactions, increase consumption, but no more than three to four tablespoons a day.
It is recommended to use regularly one to two months. After you take a break for at least ten days and, if necessary, resume treatment.
Prescription lotion
For everyday use, daily lotion is suitable for a significant reduction of the nodes and providing an emollient effect. You can do them in several ways:
- in equal proportions mix honey and burdock oil, then dry and clean tampon dipped in the mixture and apply to the problem area for two to three minutes, you can also add beet juice;
- apply the bee product to birch or aspen leaves, then put on the hemorrhoids for one hour;
- crushed fresh cucumber mix with honey and make compresses on the anus for five minutes.
Practical experience of using
Reviews of people who practice the treatment of hemorrhoids with honey.
During pregnancy, the hemorrhoids became aggravated so that it was extremely difficult to sit and even lie down. No folk remedies brought adequate relief until you tried the honey lotions.
After five days the pain was gone, the size of the nodes decreased.
Tatiana, 31, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
I heard a lot about the treatment of hemorrhoids with honey, but I did not believe it until one day I decided to make an ointment myself. A week later I felt better, and a month later the problem almost completely disappeared.
Olga, 56, Saratov
I have had hemorrhoids for twelve years. During this time I tried all kinds of drugs, from which only a short-term effect was observed.
After the honey candles, I forgot about the disease forever, the pain subsided even after the first procedure.
Svetlana, 43, Arkhangelsk
When choosing a method for treating hemorrhoids with honey, it is first of all necessary to consult a doctor. It is worth remembering that a positive result is faster and safer to achieve only with a comprehensive approach to solving the problem.