Folk remedies for a cold and nasal congestion: fast and effective

Life is not nice, when you do not feel your favorite fragrances, you can not enjoy the taste of food. Many people know an unpleasant feeling of stuffy nose, an endless cold, snoring at night. With prolonged manifestations of colds and allergies, it is necessary to take measures to get rid of the symptoms, otherwise the disease will become chronic.

Causes of edema of the nasal mucosa

The nose is a kind of air conditioner in our body: no matter what the ambient temperature, however the air is saturated with dust, microbes, it always gets to the lungs purified, heated to 37 ° C.Responsible for this are special anatomical formations - the lower nasal conchas, which represent the tangles of blood vessels. Slowed blood circulation in these organs causes swelling of the nasal mucosa. This happens for many reasons:

  1. With hormonal failure of the thyroid gland, the vessels are relaxed and dilated, so there is swelling of the nasal membrane with mucous secretions.
  2. Disturbance of vegetative regulation and blood filling of vessels leads to nasal congestion without liquid detachable.
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  3. Polyps in the maxillary sinuses lead to labored breathing, mucous discharge.
  4. Respiratory infection is accompanied by a swelling of the nasal mucosa, a runny nose.
  5. Allergic rhinitis due to sensitivity to cold, pollen leads to a plentiful flow of mucus from the sinuses.

How to get rid of nasal congestion in the morning

The result of shortness of breath with the nose is always one - inflammation of its shell, with which many are reconciled, maintaining their condition by the constant use of drops. From drugstore drugs, especially with regular use, co-occurring diseases can develop, so their use is undesirable. Sometimes nasal congestion is manifested in the mornings - it is a sign of stagnation of mucus and drying of the inner shell of the nose.

Morning physical activity: elementary charging will lead to accelerated blood circulation, which will help clear the nose of mucus.

  • Inflammation of the mucosa perfectly eliminates the essential oil of eucalyptus. It is necessary to moisten the cotton bud in it, hold it for several minutes in front of your nose, calmly breathe fumes.
  • If in the morning to smear with an asterisk the paranasal sinuses of the nose, this will relieve the stuffiness in a few minutes.
  • How to quickly cure a runny nose and remove symptoms

    If you approach the treatment of the respiratory system thoughtfully, clearly understand what folk ways from a cold and nasal congestion can help, then the process of getting rid of the symptoms will not take long. Here are some effective tips:

    1. Get rid of dust in the room, increase the concentration of moisture in the air with a household humidifier or spray.
    2. For the period of the onset of nasal congestion, runny nose refuse smoking, drinking alcohol - this will have a healthy effect on the entire body.
    3. Hiking in any weather has a beneficial effect on the health of the nose.
    4. Even with severe stuffiness, try to breathe through the nose, not the mouth. In this case, breathing should be smooth, superficial. Try this method - zalozhennost and runny nose will pass very quickly.
    5. During the problems with the respiratory system in the diet should be easy, quickly digestible food.

    Folk remedies for the common cold

    To prevent colds from catching up for a long time, it is necessary to start treatment at the first appearances. With the help of folk remedies for a cold and nasal congestion, in a few days you will be able to regain your sense of smell, appetite, and normal sleep.

    1. Grind a clove of garlic, chop the onion and mix. Kashitsu put in a piece of gauze, pawn in your ears for half an hour. Phytoncides( biologically active substances) of these vegetables will penetrate into the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses and bear fruit.
    2. Beetroot is able to permanently rid the nasal congestion. It should be dripped a few drops of its juice in both nostrils. Apply this remedy for two days, and on the third day the symptoms will disappear.
    3. Aloe vera juice( 1 tsp) is combined with honey( 0.5 tsp).Lubricate the nostrils with this solution with a cotton swab for the night. This recipe will help avoid the morning nasal congestion.
    4. Kalanchoe juice is used in folk remedies for a cold and nasal congestion. It causes intense sneezing, which cleanses even the maxillary sinuses from the purulent contents. No wonder homeopathy makes extensive use of this plant.

    Than to treat nasal congestion without a nozzle

    If you have a nasal congestion for four days without apparent causes or a cold, this is a sign of over-dried air. Such a cavity and mucosa are a breeding ground for pathogens, bacteria. Eliminate dryness and, consequently, nasal congestion, easily at home:

    • purchase an air humidifier and use it regularly;
    • ventilate the room where you sleep, work, stay for a long time;
    • when stuffy nose without a cold, do not be afraid to go out and in rainy weather.

    What to do with an allergy

    In response to the appearance of an allergen, the body tries to protect itself from it: so that the foreign substance does not get inside, the nasal congestion and runny nose, sneezing occur. These symptoms occur for no apparent reason. Traditional medicine recommends that the nose and stuffiness of the nose during the period of allergy exacerbation use a nettle tincture. The leaves of this plant contain special compounds that help get rid of histamine, which is the reason for the sensitivity of the nasal mucosa to the environment. The recipe for the preparation of a natural medicine:

    • leaves nettle( 30 g) put in a jar;
    • pour vodka( 100 g), leave to infuse for 14 days, shaking every day the contents of the can;
    • strain through a strainer, pour the liquid into a dark bottle;
    • tincture take one sip every six hours.

    Effective home remedies for the common cold

    In case of malfunctions in the respiratory system it is very important not to miss the moment of the beginning and start treatment with folk recipes, then you do not have to resort to aggressive drugstuffs that cause allergies, addiction. Using home remedies for a runny nose and stuffiness, you will not spend much effort, money and time, and the effect of the procedures will be long.


    The face has such places, massaging which you can easily overcome the stuffiness of the nose. Following the step by step self-massage instructions, regularly repeating the exercises, in the evening you will feel that unpleasant symptoms recede. How to work on a cold with massage:

    1. The first point is under both nostrils. Gently massage your fingers ten times.
    2. The second point is located slightly higher and also on both sides. Press gently in the corners of the eyelids, where the tears come, and massage it ten times.
    3. The third point is in the back of the earlobe, but not in the place of the cartilage. Gently press your fingers ten times in a row.
    4. The fourth point is located on the cartilage of the earlobe. Press it ten times.

    These exercises are recommended to combine with the grinding of the paranasal sinuses. Before the start of self-massage, it is necessary to rub palms intensively between each other to form heat. The back side of the thumbs should be pressed on the maxillary sinuses, and the indexes slightly compress the nostrils and massaging in circular motions. This will provoke a rapid outflow of mucus and release of the nose from obstruction.

    Nasal wash

    This method is both a remedy for inflammation of the nasopharynx and preventative in the period of viral epidemics."Jala Neti" allows you to get rid of purulent maxillary sinusitis, swelling and drying of the respiratory system. To wash the nose you need a teapot for 1-2 glasses of water with a thin spout, which can be inserted into the nostril painlessly. Step-by-Step Actions:

    • pour into the kettle a third of the dessert spoon of sea salt;
    • add soda( 0.5 tsp), iodine( 2 drops);
    • bend over the bathroom, keep the head inclined;
    • into the upper nostril insert the tip of the teapot so that the solution flows out of it and poured out through the lower nasal opening;
    • pour half of the liquid, tilt the head in the other direction and change the nostril;
    • at the end of the rinsing, it is necessary to bend low over the bath several times, fix and rise with an exhalation.
    • alternately blow out each nostril.


    Many of the adults who are often ill in childhood have vivid memories of carrying out inhalations - warming up under a woolen blanket. Breathing over hot potatoes, vapors of essential oils of eucalyptus, etc. In modern conditions, convenient branded inhalers are used, for example, a nebulizer-it can be used for adults and children. If it is not possible to purchase such a device, then at home it is easy to make a similar device:

    • cut the bottom of the plastic bottle;
    • pour hot water into the glass, add the essential oil of eucalyptus( a few drops);
    • put the plastic bottle on the glass, and inhale the therapeutic couples through the neck.

    Treatment of a runny nose in children at home

    Runny nose leads to poor appetite, anxious sleep, capriciousness in infants. The use of children's drops, such as Quix, can cause addiction and even more swelling of the mucosa. With the help of folk remedies for the cold, you can cure the newborn:

    1. It is necessary to drip sea-buckthorn oil in the nose( 1 drop into each nostril) immediately after a night awakening.
    2. At the first signs of a cold catch, use a pharmacological saline solution: bury every two hours with two drops of both nostrils. This will help moisten the mucous membrane and allow it to breathe freely.
    3. Drinking plenty of water will help prevent nasal congestion.

    Video: How to help your child with snot

    • Mar 29, 2018
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