Tkemali from plum recipe classic in Georgian with photos and videos

Georgian dishes are able to conquer with their exquisite, unusual taste. And if you cook a sauce of this cuisine, then in addition to it any food will turn into an unusual one. Tkemali - one among such oriental dishes, which is served as an addition to meat, and to fish, side dishes. In the article we will examine the best proven recipes of Georgian sauce, how to make it from yellow, red plums, on the stove and in the multivark.

Tips for preparing traditional Georgian sauce from plums

  • Yellow, red, blue plums should be moderately ripe, not hard, but not too soft.
  • Good for preparing tkemali suitable types of plum, because this fruit is easily separated from the stone and quickly cooked on the stove.
  • Include spices when cooking Georgian sauce - coriander, chilli, coriander, hops-suneli, they help to form the desired taste.
  • If the prescription needs to clean the plums from the peel, then the best way is scalding the fruits with boiling water and soaking them in hot liquid for 5 minutes. After that, the fruits are well cleaned from a thin crust, which greatly simplifies the work on the preparation of the sauce.
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  • It is not worth a lot of time to cook ketchup, from this taste can spoil, and useful substances will decrease.
  • Tkemali can not be eaten easily even by children, because it includes natural products. The main thing at the same time to serve a dish with the usual food for the baby.

Step-by-step recipes of classic tkemali from plums with photos of

There are a lot of recipes for tkemali sauce, every true Georgian adds something special, special. But there are also proven classical recipes, using which you will never go wrong with the future taste of the dish. For beginners, it is recommended to use simple cooking methods, and after that it is possible to take unusual options. Consider the recipes of the most delicious Georgian sauces tkemali.

The classic recipe for sauce-tkemali from yellow plum is

Yellow cherry plum ripens in the middle of summer, and some varieties are early and ready for use in early July. By this time, the bulk of the spices are not yet ripe, so you need to get dry, previously prepared seasonings. Tkemali sauce from yellow cherry plum has an unusual sunny color, so it attracts attention not only with an unusual taste. Outwardly, such a dish may look like mustard, but after trying it, it will immediately be clear that this is a completely different food. Consider the classic recipe for this sauce.


  • Ripe yellow plums or cherry plums - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 50 g;
  • Garlic - 2-3 heads;
  • Salt - according to taste preferences;Pepper spicy - 1 pod, up to 7 cm long;
  • Cilantro fresh or dry - 50 g;Dill fresh - 60 g;
  • Ground coriander seeds - 1 tsp.

How to prepare classic tkemali sauce from yellow plums step by step:

  1. Fruit washing under running water, dried on paper towels.
  2. With the help of a meat grinder we grind plums or cherry plum, before getting rid of pits.
  3. Add salt, sugar, put in a pan, cook on the stove for 7-9 minutes.
  4. While the sauce is being cooked, we clean, mine, grind garlic, pepper, greens, spices in a blender or meat grinder.
  5. Add the remaining ingredients to the plum boiling sauce, mix thoroughly and boil everything together for 1-2 minutes.
  6. After this, it is worth trying on the edge of the spoon ready-made sauce and, according to your own preferences, to correct its taste.
  7. To prepare for the winter for a hot dish to spread on jars or glass bottles, tightly closed with tin lids.
  8. The remaining tkemali is allowed to eat immediately after it has cooled down to room temperature.

A simple recipe for making sauce in a multi-wok

Multivarks have long since replaced pressure cookers, steam pans and microwaves, since in this dish it is easy and without extra time to prepare the most delicious dish. The popular tkemali sauce will turn out to be ideal using such a kitchen appliance, but the recipe should be special. Consider how to properly prepare such a dish in a multivariate, so that it turned out really Georgian.


  • Plums of any sort, slightly greenish, with sourness - 1 kg.
  • Fennel greens, parsley, fresh - 1 bunch.
  • Salt, sugar - according to taste preferences.
  • Vinegar 70% - 1 tsp.for 1 liter of sauce. Garlic fresh, peeled - 6-7 denticles.
  • Red pepper pod - 1 pc.or ground - a quarter of a l.
  • Seasoning Georgian "hops-suneli" - 2-3 st.l.

To properly prepare the original tkemali sauce in a multivarker, it is necessary to follow the following steps:

  1. We thoroughly wash our fruits, garlic and greens under water, put them in a colander or a strainer to save excess water.
  2. Cut each sink, remove the bones.
  3. We add the cut fruits, greens, garlic to the bowl of the multivark. We grind all this with a blender. We work with this device carefully, so as not to damage the surface of the bowl. Otherwise, it is better to perform this step using a different capacity.
  4. Add all the spices, salt, sugar and mix. Try on the edge of the spoon a little tkemali sauce, and if necessary, adjust the taste.
  5. Put the bowl in the multivark, set the mode "Quenching" for 1 hour and 20-30 minutes.
  6. After that, we spread the hot Tkemali sauce over the cans and roll it with iron lids. We store in the cold up to 2-3 years. Bon Appetit!

Ketchup-tkemali with the addition of hops-sundles

The Georgian national spice of hops-suneli is very popular among chefs, because it contains very fragrant spices. It is customary to add it to almost every Georgian dish. Tkemali sauce with such spices will have an unusual smell and taste. But here there is an important point, that the dish really was so fragrant, the hops-suneli should be put on time. Consider the recipe for ketchup with such spices and the correct step-by-step implementation of it:


  • Plums are wild, small( it is allowed to take a Hungarian) - 1 kg.
  • Turned ripe - 200 g.
  • Red pepper - 1 pod.
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Seasoning "hops-suneli".
  • Salt, sugar - according to taste preferences.
  • Mint, basil, other spices - according to taste preferences.
  • Garlic - 1 peeled head.

Step-by-step process of preparation of tkemali with seasoning of hops-suneli:

  1. Green plums are washed, cleaned from bones.
  2. We perform similar operations with the turn.
  3. Next you need to mix the fruits, add purified pepper, greens and spices.
  4. Blender all the fruits. If there is no such device, then use a meat grinder.
  5. Add to the resulting mass of salt, sugar, seasoning hops-suneli.
  6. Put in garbage with the future sauce the frayed garlic, mix.
  7. We put the mass on the fire and bring it to the boil. After that, you should try a snack and, if necessary, enhance the taste( adding sugar, salt or vinegar).
  8. Boil the sauce for about 15 minutes and hot poured into storage containers.

Plum tkemali with Bulgarian pepper through a meat grinder

The secret of a delicious tkemali lies not only in the right sort of plums, but also in interesting additives. In different recipes there is the addition of tomatoes, apples, lemon juice, olive oil, etc. Tkemali with Bulgarian pepper is very popular, this vegetable gives the dish an unusual flavor and a sweetish hue. Consider a good way to prepare such a tkemali.


  • Plums of any sort, can be different - 1 kg.
  • Bulgarian pepper of any color - 400 g.
  • Garlic violet - 2 heads. Red pepper - 2 pods.
  • Seasonings - according to taste preferences.
  • Salt, sugar.

Step-by-step process for preparing tkemali sauce with pepper:

  1. Rinse and clean all fruits and vegetables. Pass the pepper, plums, garlic through the meat grinder.
  2. Next, you need to grind through the sieve the resulting mass, so that extra large pieces do not fall into the sauce.
  3. Place the billet in a saucepan on a stove and bring to a boil.
  4. Add seasonings and spices to taste preferences.
  5. Cook the sauce until cooked for about 20 minutes.
  6. Pour over cans and roll tightly with iron lids.

Video recipes: how to cook tkemali at home

Preparing Georgian tkemali sauce at home is not so difficult, the main thing is to stock up with tasty and quality ingredients. But for beginners in cooking it is still worth learning from the examples of other, more experienced masters of the kitchen. For this, you do not need to go to Georgia and look for the old cook, you need to watch the training videos that demonstrate the processes of the correct preparation of the tkemali sauce. Such scenarios we propose to look further.

Real sauce-tkemali for meat in Georgian

Homemade sweet and sour-sweet melted red plum

How to prepare tkemali for the winter

  • Mar 29, 2018
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