Every year, experts diagnose new types of influenza virus. This can not but frighten people, and especially nursing mothers. During this period, they must take care of flu prevention and cold safety methods of therapy. It is vaccination that is considered the most effective and sparing way to fight the flu. But here it is always possible to vaccinate a nursing mother, we will find out later.
- 1 Is
- 2 vaccinated Is there a contraindication to
- 3 Which vaccines are better for using
- 4 Komarovsky's opinion
Is the
vaccine needed? Today there are two versions of the vaccine against the influenza virus: live and inactivated. The first option today is not used so often, because the inactivated are constantly being improved. It is because of the variability of the virus that many pharmacological laboratories are constantly conducting research on the types of pathogen and correctly choose the composition of modern vaccines. Thus, it is possible to avoid side effects and consequences after vaccination.
It's impossible to give an accurate assessment of how the virus was struck in this year. If the prognosis was made correctly, then during vaccination the nursing mother will be able to protect herself and her child from influenza infection. To do vaccines a woman is obliged, since this is the only effective variant of protection from an ailment.
There are also a number of cases where it is necessary to do the vaccination:
- disease and CNS defects;
- disease of the blood and kidney;
- reduced immunity;
- diabetes mellitus.
When carrying out the vaccine, the following result can be obtained:
- Vaccination is a great way to purchase an antibody to resist the flu strain.
- If you adhere to all the rules for vaccination and use a quality vaccine, then its effectiveness will be 85%.
- The breastfeeding mother will gain not only protection from the flu, but also its inherent complications.
- Vaccination is a voluntary affair. It can not be performed every year, but only with an epidemic.
Is there any contraindication to
Vaccination against influenza is contraindicated in nursing mummies because of health problems. In this case, contraindications can take a temporary and permanent nature.
Temporary contraindications include diseases that occur in acute and acute form. If a woman's condition improves, then the vaccine can be given. But the constant contraindications are hives, allergies, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.
The nursing mother must understand that the vaccination will be safe and effective only if the following conditions are met:
- The composition of the vaccine has been studied thoroughly.
- The patients were isolated.
- The maximum number of people has been vaccinated.
- No contact with affected people.
Following the flu vaccine in lactating mothers, the following reactions may occur:
- Allergic reaction to chicken protein .This reaction is considered the most common.
- Killed vaccines can cause a local reaction. As a result, the patient has pain and redness.
- Temperature rise .But only it should rise no more than half a degree. Another washes my throat. Similar symptoms are very similar to a viral infection. But after a few days the condition is normalized.
After vaccination, nursing mothers may be troubled by certain problems if the administration of the formulation was incorrect. With the introduction of a non-sterile drug, inflammation can occur at the injection site, sepsis and toxic shock. Often this leads to death.
If the vaccine has been incorrectly diluted, then an inflammatory process develops, or if the administered composition does not produce the desired result. If the vaccine is not properly stored, the proper effect will be absent or a local reaction is formed.
And here's how to use Amoxicillin for flu and cold, and how effective this tool is, is described in great detail in this article.
What are the most popular and effective colds that relieve flu and cold symptoms, and what are they called, described in this article.
What is the prevention of influenza and colds in children, and which remedy is most effective, is described in detail in the article: http: //prolor.ru/g/ detskoe-zdorove-g / chto-dat-rebenku-dlya-profilaktiki-prostudy.html
Maybe you will also be interested to knowon what antibiotics for influenza in adults are the most effective, and how to choose them correctly.
Which vaccines are better for using
Today in polyclinics there is a wide range of influenza vaccines that can be given to nursing mothers. Naturally, only a qualified doctor can help in the selection. When choosing, he must find out if the patient has an allergy to chicken protein and the rest of the composition.
The following are the most common variants of the vaccine:
- Live vaccines, in which there is a weakened influenza virus - Vaccine influenza allantoic alive. "This is a Russian preparation. It can be used by nursing mothers and children after 3 years. It is quite effective, as it contains immediately from 3 strains of the virus.
- Felovirion vaccines - Grippovac. This is also a Russian drug. But it can not be used by those mothers who are allergic to chicken protein.
- Split vaccines "Vaxigrip"( France), "Begrivac"( Germany), "Fluariks"( England).Their composition does not presuppose the presence of chicken protein, which makes it possible to vaccinate even those mothers who have an allergy to the component presented.
- Subunit preparations - Influvak( Holland), vaccine against influenza Grippol and vaccination against influenza Grippol Plus( Russia).
And what are the folk remedies for influenza and colds worth using, and what are the best, will help understand this article.
How is the prevention of influenza with Amixin, and how to apply it correctly, is described in great detail in this article.
Opinion of Komarovsky
According to Dr. Komarovsky, the reaction of the body to vaccination can be observed provided that all the rules have been observed. Sometimes in place of the vaccine there is pain, redness and a rise in temperature to 37.5 degrees. Such a reaction is considered normal, and all symptoms will go in 3 days.
Komarovsky is sure that the vaccine against the flu of the future mother should be in any case, if there are no contraindications. And it is also necessary to instill a child, but only if he is already a year old. When the baby is injected for the first time, the vaccine should be given 2 times, with an interval of 30 days.
On video vaccination against influenza in nursing mothers according to Komarovsky:
Komarovsky claims that in his practice, adverse reactions were absent for the use of such modern vaccines as vaksgripp, influywak, fluorite. The vaccine should be done at least 14 days before the expected epidemic. The effect of vaccination is maximum in the first 4 months.
Every nursing mother should decide whether to vaccinate her or not. Today, this issue is quite acute, because many are afraid to make the vaccine because of side effects. If you doubt this question, it is better to consult a knowledgeable person. In any case, the vaccinated person will be much easier to bear the flu, and, therefore, he protects his body from the development of severe complications that have arisen against the background of the flu.