Food smoker

In the modern world, many people tried to smoke. Some stopped on time, and some of this habit was drawn so much that it seems impossible to quit smoking. Can I somehow reduce the toxic load on the body of a smoker?

Of course, without a radical solution to the problem, that is, a complete cessation of smoking, it will not be possible to fully support your body. It is possible to compensate only a small fraction of the harm that tobacco smoke causes to the health of a smoking person. It will help in this proper nutrition.

Item one - vitamins

Smokers often suffer from a deficiency of vitamins. It is necessary to take care of their entry into the body.

Cigarette smoke reduces the amount of vitamin C in the body. Smokers have an average need for vitamin C higher than others, so a smoker needs to eat kiwi, citrus, black currant, strawberries. A lot of vitamin C in sour apples, cranberries, lingonberries.

Clean the body of fresh vegetables. They replenish the body's content of vitamins and trace elements.

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To reduce the impact of toxins on the body, you need to eat foods rich in selenium( rice, corn, wheat bran).

In the apricots, carrots, pumpkins, sorrel, green onions, eggs, there is a large amount of vitamin A.

Buckwheat and oatmeal, liver, nuts will fill the deficit of vitamin E and B-12.The diet should contain dairy products, spinach, fish and legumes. Seafood will enrich the body with vitamins of group F. They will clear the vessels from atherosclerotic plaques. Smokers are at risk of atherosclerosis.

Withdraw toxins

To help cleanse the body of incoming toxins will help freshly squeezed juices with the maximum amount of pulp. It is recommended to drink apple, orange and grapefruit juices. Carcinogenic substances of cigarette smoke will help to remove pomegranate juice from the body.

Try to reduce or completely refuse to eat fatty foods. Smoked foods and alcohol also do not add health, but only exacerbate the harm that smoking causes.

Drink one and a half liters of water per day if there are no problems with the liver and kidneys. Water will remove toxins from the body, will not allow nicotine to concentrate in the urine.

Green tea promotes bronchial cleansing, so it is recommended that it be preferred over other types of teas. Green tea blocks the growth of cancer cells in the lungs to which a smoker is exposed.

Remember that only you are able to help your body to be healthy. Make the most of your diet, eat only healthy foods and do not forget about vegetables.

Proper nutrition will help the smoker partially compensate for the harm caused by tobacco smoke. But we will remind once again: without a complete cessation of smoking, any attempts at recovery will be at best half-measures.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 29, 2018
  • 69
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