Aloe arborescens

Aloe arborescens

The homeland of aloe - South Africa, where the plant has the appearance of a tree. It is widely distributed in the form of room culture around the world, we often call aloe vera.


A perennial succulent plant of the lily family, stems erect, branched, densely leafy to a height of 60 cm. The leaves are alternate, xiphoid, juicy, fleshy with a slight waxy coating and large cartilaginous teeth along the edges, contain bitter, yellow, slimy juice.


Contains bitter tastes of complex glycoside compounds - anthraglikozidy( aloin), nataloin, rabarberon, mucous and resinous substances. There are a lot of enzymes and vitamins in the plant juice. Of the leaves of various types of aloe, including Aloe arborescens, , a medicinal substance Sabur used in the manufacture of medicines as a purgative is obtained. A. saponaria, A.vera, A.plicatilis, A, perryi and other types of aloe have the same therapeutic effect as ( A. arborescens).

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Cultivation of

An unpretentious houseplant, undemanding to water and fertilizers. In summer, it is transferred to the garden in tubs located at a distance of 40-50 cm, on solar areas, where the aloe is before the first frosts. Re-wintering of aloe occurs in the closed ground of a greenhouse or in a light cool room. If it is a house plant of aloe, it is simply transferred from the garden to the room and placed in a bright place. In winter, water is not enough. The main way of propagation of aloe is the rooting of lateral shoots of "children", cut from adult plants. Aloe prefers good soil with a weakly acidic or neutral acid reaction.


Usually, cut the lower fleshy leaves, they are kept fresh in the refrigerator for a day.

Medicinal properties

Painkiller, anti-inflammatory, regenerating wound healing effect. The juice of leaves as an external agent is used in the treatment of purulent wounds, burns, insect bites, sunburn, certain types of skin diseases, and is also used for muscular spasms, joint pains and arthritis.


It is an integral part of numerous moisturizing ointments and cosmetic preparations.

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