When the fungus settled in the mouth - symptoms and treatment of thrush in adults

Imperfect mushrooms of the genus Candida are the causative agent of a rather unpleasant disease, whose name is thrush( candidiasis) of the oral cavity.

Conditionally pathogenic representatives of microflora are present on mucous membranes more than in half of healthy people, but actively develop only after a violation of the body's natural defense.

Thrush can manifest itself both in childhood and in the adult part of the population, with a greater percentage of cases falling on women.


  • Candida - what is this?
  • Causes of the development of a disorder
  • Features of the clinical picture
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Treatment measures
    • Medical solution
    • Local treatment
    • Mouth rinsing
  • Correction of the ration
  • Possible complications
  • Preventive measures

Candida - what is it?

Unicellular fungus Candida numbers about one hundred and fifty different species, twenty of which are capable of causing disease. They take them to yeast-like fungi, but their difference is that they do not bring any benefit( like yeast) to the body.

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All Candida species are classified as imperfect fungi, they do not form a mycelium( mycelium), and spores multiply inside cells in special bags. There is another difference, in the event of unfavorable conditions, the cell "wrapped" in dense protective shells, followed by the formation of chlamydospores, very resistant to external action.

This vitality facilitates the successful transfer of candida from one person to another.

The impetus for the modification of the fungus can serve as various, at first glance, insignificant factors.

Abuse of confectionery products, addiction to food saturated with simple carbohydrates leads to an increase in alkaline values ​​(pH 5.8-6.5), and this in itself is a favorable and nutritious environment for Candida. The best activation temperature corresponds to the human temperature( 30-37 ° C).

Penetration of Candida into the interior of the epithelium( protective layer of mucous membranes), allows fungi to develop and destroy the surrounding tissues. Intensively secreted enzymes break down the constituent part of the cells( protein, fat, carbohydrates).

Damage to the mucous membranes leads to unpleasant symptoms of thrush in the mouth and lips, pain, burning and dry mouth.

The most famous representative of the Candida genus is Candida albicans. It is on his account the largest number of diseases.

Sometimes the activity of other representatives of the genus is diagnosed: Candida albicans, pseudotropicalis, tropicalis, guilliermondi, krusei.

The most comfortable fungus feels in the oral cavity, on tonsils, in damaged cavities, on mucous surfaces.

Causes of development of a disorder

Thrush of the oral cavity can be transmitted by infection from person to person. Similar occurs in the process of delivery, with kisses, during intercourse.

Risk factor - use of shared dishes, one toothbrush. Sometimes candida is transmitted from animals. How will the fungi of the genus Candida behave, completely depends on the overall index of the organism.

Only a malfunction of the immune system can allow a hostile environment to feel its strength and consistency swiftly attack.

Factors for the emergence of immunodeficiency are numerous and they are all ready to contribute to the emergence of pathology:

  • weakened immunity;
  • pregnancy, with a significant change in the hormonal background;
  • concomitant diseases and malfunctions in the organs of the digestive tract;
  • medicines, with the function of inhibiting the work of the immune system( corticosteroids, cytotoxic drugs);
  • a long course of antibiotics, which leads to a violation of the natural composition of the microflora;
  • dysbacteriosis,
  • deficiency of vitamins of group B, C, PP;
  • unhealthy addictions( alcohol, drugs, smoking);
  • chemotherapy for cancer;
  • oral contraception, if the hormonal background is broken;
  • minor injuries of the mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • dentures with defects.

The appearance of oral candidiasis in an adult sometimes indicates the first sign of diabetes. Accompanying the presence of pathology and such serious diseases as HIV, tuberculosis, endocrinopathy, malignant neoplasm.

Features of clinical picture

In the early stages of the disease can occur with oppression of symptoms, when the patient does not even suspect the need to begin treatment.

However, the symptoms of thrush in adults will make themselves felt, and the disease will cause extremely unpleasant sensations in the mouth, on the lips and tongue.

In the form of the disease, specialists diagnose the following forms:

  • acute period : pseudomembranous or thrush and atrophic;
  • chronic period : hyperplastic or atrophic.

The initial stage of Candida activity initiates redness, swelling, a feeling of dryness, there is an increase in sensitivity and painful sensations.

On the photo, a progressive thrush in the mouth is a fungus on the lips and the tongue

. What can be observed with the appearance and further development of the disorder:

  1. Accumulations of multiplying microorganisms look like white cheesy coating , towering above the upper layer of the mucosa. At first it is small whitish grains, constantly increasing, growing into milky films or plaques. Damaged areas multiply and merge into a single whole.
  2. With thrush , the formation of plaques can be observed on the cheeks, on the gums, in the language of .In more rare cases, candidiasis covers the sky, tonsils, skin on the lips.
  3. Initially, the plaque can be easily removed and removed, underneath it there is a bright red skin , occasionally with ulcers. Gradually penetration into the layers of the skin becomes deeper, to remove the plaque is no longer obtained.
  4. Allergic response in the oral cavity causes itching and burning .Painful sensations increase at the moment of swallowing( saliva, food), there is a "lump in the throat".The most sensitive reaction occurs when eating with specific and enhanced flavors( hot, sour, hot).
  5. It is possible that increases body temperature .
  6. Candida can come out, reddening of the skin, the appearance of small cracks in the corners of the mouth is called a mycotic gall. If the condition worsens, discolored scales, whitish plaque, are easily removed and accompanied by soreness.

Diagnosis of the disease

The appearance of a disorder can be an independent disease or a consequence of other pathologies. In any case, without visiting a doctor, you will not manage.

After a visual inspection, the examination of damaged tissues is performed under a microscope, and in the case of suspicion of esophageal candidiasis, additional studies can be prescribed:

  • , the smear allows to study the presence of possible cultures, and precisely determine which bacterium or fungus species caused the pathology;
  • endoscopic diagnosis is performed to study the stomach, esophagus and duodenum.

The diagnosis can be made by a dentist, but usually the diagnosis and treatment of oral milkweed is handled by the periodontist together with a gastroenterologist, sometimes if the progression of the disease has reached other organs, a connection of the mycologist or infectious disease specialist is required.

Treatment measures

To begin treatment of thrush in the mouth can only be after receiving the results of the performed tests and confirming the diagnosis by a specialist.

As a rule, the scheme of the therapy is prescribed individually, and, first of all, the treatment of chronic diseases, if any, is carried out. Divide the treatment into general and local, we will consider in detail all the options.

Medication solution

The general therapeutic course lasts 10-14 days. To prevent relapse, treatment should be timely and most effective, it is highly desirable to follow a strict diet.

The main active drugs in the treatment of candidiasis are antifungal agents that have a systemic effect on the body and carry the disposal of candidiasis on the mucous membranes and in other organs, which contributes to the complete cure of the fungus.

In combination with antimycotics, prescribe fortifying drugs to strengthen and strengthen the immune system: vitamin complexes, biostimulators, immunomodulators. If necessary, correct the intestinal microflora, normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Local treatment

The appointment of local treatment is also mandatory, the funds are not absorbed into the blood and actively act on the surface of mucous membranes.

This approach eliminates the harmful environment of Candida and successfully restores the natural flora of the oral cavity.

The main purpose of topical drugs is to stop the growth and reproduction of the fungus, eliminate unpleasant symptoms, promote healing of injured skin.

Rinsing the mouth

Rinsing is beneficial for all kinds of inflammation in the mouth. This method is used in the treatment of teeth, gums, with the care of dentures.

Alkaline and disinfectant solutions for thrush promote cleansing of mucous membranes from plaque, remove accumulation of fungi, accelerate the healing of wounds.

Correction of the diet

Food can not be used as a remedy and will not relieve thrush in an acute course, but following a certain diet promotes a quick recovery and the strength of the trained result.

It is forbidden to eat:

  • sugar in any form;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • vinegar and all kinds of sauces( ketchup, mayonnaise);
  • grains( rice, oats, wheat);
  • products with yeast, including bread, pastries;
  • coffee, black tea;
  • milk;
  • fermented products( sour, marinade, salting);
  • confectionery.


  • Lean fish;
  • lean meat products( poultry, beef);
  • buckwheat;
  • vegetables and in a small amount of fruit;
  • eggs;
  • cheeses, with a low content of lactose.

Possible complications

Thrush in the mouth and on the lips - a kind of marker, indicating a decrease in the protective properties of immunity, which can lead to the development of serious and dangerous diseases.

Not without reason in the diagnosis of AIDS, thrush is manifested in three patients out of four. For HIV-infected people this is the most common fungal pathology.

In some cases concurrent candidiasis of the esophagus may occur.

Preventative measures

The main preventive task is based on the timely treatment of diseases of a chronic nature, as well as enhanced maintenance of the immune system.

Do not forget about hygiene, and systematically monitor the health of teeth, clearly follow the rules for the care of dentures.

It will not be unnecessary to live an active lifestyle, walk in the fresh air, enrich the diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, sour-milk products.

  • Mar 29, 2018
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