Cooking tincture on cranberries, cranberry wine and liquor!

  1. Basics of cooking
  2. Cranberry tinctures
  3. Cranberry wine
  4. Cranberry liquor

Cranberry tincture can be prepared from both fresh and frozen berries. In this case, it is allowed to use vodka, alcohol and cognac in the role of an alcohol component. There are many recipes for such drinks, and depending on the set of ingredients, each of them will have its own flavor and taste.

Cranberry tincture will be the best decoration of the festive table

Basics of cooking

In general, cranberries are considered to be one of the best berries for making liqueurs, wines and liquors. After all, it ripens in the very beginning of autumn( so to speak, in the very season of creating tinctures), while on bushes it can be even in frosts, without losing all its flavor and useful properties. If you collect cranberries in September and put it in a barrel filled with water, it can be kept fresh until the next harvest.

To prepare the tincture, one should take the ripe dense fruit, without damages and rotted areas. You can also use frozen berries. By the way, there is an opinion that the latter is suitable for this purpose in the best way. When frozen, the structure of the pulp loosens slightly, which subsequently positively affects the separation of the juice.

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Note! For this reason, before preparing the tinctures fresh berries are recommended to freeze - hold it in the freezer for 24 hours!

So, how to insist on vodka, alcohol and cognac on cranberries, to cook a fragrant wine and tart liquor from it? Let's understand!

Cranberry tinctures

Let's start with the options for preparing strong drinks.

Tincture for alcohol

The recipe for cooking cranberries on alcohol involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • alcohol - 2 liters( 45% strength);
  • cranberries - 400 g;
  • sugar - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • lemon;
  • honey - a couple of tables.spoons.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare berries: carefully sort them, rinse them in several waters and discard them in a colander, so that excess liquid is gone. Next, take a needle and pierce each berry in several places.

Note! This laborious operation can not be carried out, but simply stretch the fruit with a spoon. But in this case, the ready tincture will turn out muddy. If you want to get a light drink, the proper treatment of cranberries will have to spend some time!

Some give the berries a few "wander".Fruits are put in a bowl, kneaded, covered with two tablespoons of sugar and left overnight. After the appearance of foam, they are poured with alcohol. But only this method is suitable for cranberries, which you have grown on your own site. On such fruits there are wild yeast. If the berries were bought in a store, then, as a rule, they do not have such yeast on the peel( because of the presence of preservatives), and therefore they will simply disappear.

So, let's get to the preparation. Prepared by the chosen way, the berries are covered with sugar and mixed. We pour in a liter of alcohol, carefully plug the container and send it to a warm place. After two weeks, the infusion is drained into a separate bowl, and the berries are poured with the remaining portion of alcohol. We close the bottle again and send it to heat for another week.

After the specified time, merge the second infusion and connect it with the first one. We pass all through gauze, then add lemon peel and honey. We close and insist in a warm place for 10 days. After 10 days, the infusion is filtered once again and bottled.

If you want to get a drink with a strength of 30 °, then in this infusion it is necessary to add sugar syrup( per liter of water 600 g of sugar and boil).As a result, you will receive about 3 liters of 30-degree cream of cranberry.

If you used crushed cranberries and the drink became cloudy, then to lighten it, you need to hold the tincture in the warmth for 2-3 weeks - during this time the sediment will fall to the bottom of the container. Next, the infusion is passed several times through gauze or a paper filter.

In addition, a long exposure time will make the filling more tasty

Vodka tincture

A recipe for tincture of cranberries on vodka. You will need:
  • cranberries - 260 g;
  • vodka - half a liter;
  • sugar is a pair of tables.spoons;
  • water - 50 ml.

We sort out the fruits, carefully wash them and add them to a jar with a capacity of 1 liter. With the help of a wooden crush we knead them until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We pour in a specified amount of vodka, mix it well, cork it and send it to heat for 15 days. After this time, we filter the resulting beverage and add sugar syrup: combine sugar with water, bring to a boil and cool.

We connect tincture on cranberries on vodka with sugar syrup, leave for a day and take a sample. If everything suits, we pour it into bottles and send it to the refrigerator. The longer the drink stands, the more delicious and rich it becomes.

Tincture on brandy

Cranberry on brandy, prepared according to the following recipe, its taste is not inferior to store analogues. Cook and try it yourself. You will need the following products:

  • a pound of cranberries;
  • a glass of vodka;
  • half a liter of cognac;
  • a glass of water;
  • half a kilogram of sugar;
  • pair of tables.spoons of honey;
  • 3 carnation buds;
  • cinnamon stick.

We wash the berry in several waters and add it to a glass jar. We fall asleep with the specified quantity of sugar, carefully mash and cover with gauze. We put the container in a dark place, where we leave for a day at room temperature.

After the specified time, we shift the contents of the jar into the saucepan, pour in water and put it on the stove. On a small fire, bring everything to a boil, then let it cool down and return it back to the jar. We close and leave for three days.

The resulting mass is filtered, squeezed the berries and fill this cake with vodka. We combine the liquid infusion with cognac in a separate container. Close tightly both banks and leave in a dark place for 15 days. We maintain the specified time interval, after which we merge the contents from the sediment and mix. It remains only to add buds of cloves, honey and a stick of cinnamon. We put the infusion in a cool place and wait about a month. Then we pour the finished drink in bottles and store it in the refrigerator.

Note! The shelf-life of such tincture is about 16 months!

Cranberries on brandy

Cranberry wine

To make a wine from cranberries you will need the following ingredients:

  • kilo berries;
  • liter of alcohol;
  • 18 tables.spoons of sugar;
  • water.

Fruits are sorted, discarded spoiled. A good berry is thoroughly washed and grinded in a blender or let through a fine screen of mincers. The resulting puree is transferred to a jar( 3 liters), pour alcohol and leave in a dark place for 7 days. After this time, add water to the jar so that the contents reach the neck, close again and leave for another 7 days.

In two liters of water, dissolve the sugar and add the resulting syrup to the tincture. We mix everything thoroughly, warm it up on low heat, then let it cool down and filter several times. The finished drink is bottled and left for another day. We store wine in the refrigerator.

Cranberry liquor

For preparation of liquor from cranberries it is necessary to prepare such ingredients:

  • 7-8 glasses of berries;
  • kilo of sugar;
  • one and a half liter of vodka;
  • a pair of carnation buds;
  • a couple of cardamom stuff.

Flush the fruit, discard them in a colander and let it through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. The resulting mass is placed in a glass jar, pour in a specified amount of vodka and tightly seal. We leave in the heat for 4 days.

After the specified time, pour everything into a bowl through a colander, covered with gauze. Filter and squeeze well. The resulting liquid is poured into the saucepan, we add sugar, put it on the fire and warm it up thoroughly until the whole sugar dissolves.

Important! We can not boil it!

In a mortar we add cloves and cardamom, knead it all with a pestle. The resulting powder is poured into a gauze sack and dipped into a warm drink. After 5 minutes we take out the spices, we filter the liquor and pour it on the bottles.

We store cranberry liquor in the refrigerator

Cranberry tincture will decorate any festive table. It can be drunk both in its pure form and diluted with natural juices, for example, cherry, lemon, grapefruit, etc. The best snacks for this drink will be fresh fruit, chocolate or ice cream. Observe moderation and be healthy!

  • Mar 29, 2018
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