Food that improves mood

What is depression? Most often it is understood as a bad, depressed mood of a person. Physicians will say that depression is a mental disorder requiring treatment, since it can lead to extremely disastrous consequences in a person's life.

Scientists say that almost 50% of our emotional state depends on what and how we eat. How often did you notice, sitting on a diet that consists of unloved foods, that your mood worsened after a while, you became irritable and aggressive? You thought it was from a "dietary hunger"? !

Not at all. Nutritionists are sure: if you want to cheer yourself up, cheer up and get rid of irritability - immediately eat "favorite" foods. It is in this case that your diet will do you good: you will lose extra weight, in your opinion, and significantly improve your mood.

Food helping to cheer up

What products help in fighting the blues?

  • Green apples, grapefruits, sweet peppers and tomatoes have a beneficial effect on mood and dissolve sadness in your eyes.
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  • It has long been known that serotonin is a substance that is produced in our body when we are happy. Eat chocolate and bananas! It is these products that stimulate the production of this substance, and as a result - you have a great mood!
  • Natural antidepressants are products that contain more amount of vitamin C. This is primarily lemon and rosehip.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are useful not only for our body, but also for our mood. Sea fish is a storehouse of these most valuable acids, so include in your diet fish as often as possible. Scientists are sure that people who do not consume fish lose their joy for life very quickly, become gloomy and more and more often load themselves with sad thoughts.
  • As a strong antioxidant, scientists call selenium, which helps in the production of an enzyme that breaks down and releases harmful substances from the human body. Therefore, selenium plays a significant role in combating depression, especially among urban residents. Products containing selenium in large quantities - mushrooms, celery, asparagus, sprouted oats and wheat, walnuts.
  • An important discovery was made by scientists from America 15 years ago: the consumption of chocolate a couple of times a month significantly raises the mood of a person. However, as it turned out, not only the taste of chocolate, but its fragrant smell, which includes about forty volatile compounds, so positively affect the mental state of a person. Probably the whole point is that with the smell of chocolate each of us has one common, warm memory - childhood, when we have always been good, calm and fun.
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  • Mar 29, 2018
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