Adapted Milk Blends

Adapted milk mixtures

Adapted milk formulas are made from high-quality cow milk and its components, such as whey, cream and lactose. In addition, they add sunflower, corn, soy or coconut vegetable oil as a valuable source of unsaturated fatty acids and tocopherols( vitamin E), as well as sucrose, dextrin-maltose, starch, missing vitamins and iron.

These mixtures have scientifically developed formulas, which provide for such important points as quantitative and qualitative changes in cow's milk, reduction of protein and mineral salts content, optimization of the ratio of protein fractions( casein and whey proteins), amino acid composition, fats and their fatty-acid composition, carbohydrates, vitamins A, E, D, C, B1, iron and other substances contained in adapted milk mixtures.

Adapted mixtures are characterized by the following properties: in the process of coagulation under the influence of digestive enzymes, small flocculent protein clumps are formed which are more accessible for enzymatic cleavage. Due to homogenization, the fat is in a fine-digested state, which facilitates the process of its assimilation. The carbohydrates found in such mixtures( lactose and dextrin-maltose) cause the development of bifidoflora in the intestines of the child.

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Mixtures "Baby" and "Baby" refer to the first generation of adapted milk mixtures."Vitalakt-M", "Aistenok", "Ladushka" and "Novolakt" are newer and more perfect, but they are inferior in a number of parameters to imported dairy mixtures, as a result of which they were forced out from our market.

Adapted milk mixtures are among other things used to prepare on their basis various sour-milk adapted mixtures in which lactic acid, acidophilic and bifidual sourses are used, as well as lysozyme.

Such dry mixtures as Enfomil-1, Nutrilon, Fresolak, Bona, Pilti, Tutelli, Nan, liquid mixtures of the Tutelli type, as well as the acidophilic mixture "Malyutka" refer tostandard substitutes for breast milk. These products contain in their composition all the necessary macro- and micronutrients and are intended for use in the absence of the possibility of feeding newborns with breast milk.

In addition to the above, there is a group of specialized dry dairy products, called epithets. These products are intended for dietary nutrition of children and adults. They are used to adjust the composition of the diet, to reduce or increase the content of dietary components, as well as changes in calorie diet.

Enpies are divided into protein, fat, fat and anti-anemic. The duration of their application in dietary nutrition is determined in each specific case, depending on the results obtained.

Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"

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