- To facilitate the process of sputum evasion, milk with honey helps. Children are advised to give it at night, as in this case it will improve the quality of sleep. To prepare this simple and accessible to every remedy it is necessary to completely dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of warm enough milk, and if a cough caused persistent perspiration or a sore throat, then to remove this discomfort it is necessary to add a small piece of butter to the milk.
Warning! Do not give honey from a cough for children up to a year. And for the treatment of other children dosage should be reduced by half.
- One of the most popular remedies for wet cough is a mixture of black radish juice with honey, which has pronounced antimicrobial and immunostimulating properties. To cook it, you must thoroughly wash the radish and clean it. The flesh is rubbed on a grater and with the help of gauze is squeezed out of it juice, it is it and mix with several tablespoons of honey. Ready medicinal drink take three times a day for 1 tablespoon. If necessary, radish can be replaced with turnips. Turnip with honey from cough can be used in the same way. Also there is another way of making radish with honey. In this case, in the upper part of the rinsed and dry-dried root crop, make a depression that reaches its middle. In it pour a couple of spoons of honey, and on top cover with thick paper. After 4 hours, you can start taking the drug 1 teaspoon three times a day.
- . As a softening throat, expectorant and antiseptic, people often use onions with honey. This compound is the ideal choice when fighting dry cough. To make it, you need to peel 0.5 kg of onion and grind it. In the prepared slurry add 50 grams of good honey of your favorite variety, several tablespoons of sugar and 1 liter of boiling water. After an hour the preparation is ready for consumption 1 tablespoon 5 times a day. In the article about onions with honey from cough, we told about the benefits of the duet and gave some other popular recipes.
- A similar mixture of bee products with lemon and glycerin has similar properties. For its preparation, the whole rinsed lemon is cooked for 10 minutes over a small fire. After it has cooled down, it is cut in half and squeezed juice into any cup. Add to it 2 tablespoons of glycerin and honey so that the cup was filled to the brim. Stirred. The finished product is taken 2 tablespoons three times a day. More information on the composition and useful properties of each of its components you will learn from the article: Glycerin, honey, cough lemon - how to prepare medicinal mixtures.
- At the first sign of a beginning cough, you can make a honey compress. Best of all, a mixture with apple cider vinegar is recommended. It is bred in water in a proportion of 1: 3, after which it is mixed with a spoonful of honey. In the resulting mixture, soak a napkin and put it on the chest, from above cover with polyethylene and a warm towel or blanket. Keep a compress of cough and honey for at least 15 minutes.
- During an exacerbation of a bronchitis it is possible to grind a breast any liquid honey. It is left on the skin for half an hour, and the patient is covered with a warm blanket. At the end of this time, the product is washed off the skin with water, wiped, and the treated area is smeared with a mixture of olive oil and eucalyptus.
- With a dry cough or bronchitis on your back for 4 hours you can put a cake with honey from a cough. Prepare it from boiled potatoes, vegetable oil, vodka, honey and mustard. All ingredients take 1 tablespoon and mix. From the obtained test, cakes are formed which are laid over several layers of gauze on the back. The patient is wrapped in a warm blanket.
Warning! Do any compresses, even with a slight increase in body temperature is prohibited.
- Coping with a chronic cough will help a mixture of honey and cinnamon, taken in a 4: 1 ratio. It is taken three times a day.
- Cure a strong cough capable of honey-garlic mixture. It is prepared by mixing the gruel from 2 cloves of garlic with the same amount of bee products. Take the mixture on a teaspoon three times a day, washed down with a lot of warm water.
- Beer with honey from cough is also often used by the people. He is drunk at night, then wrapped in a blanket and go to bed. The first positive results of treatment can be assessed in the morning. To make such a non-medicinal medicine, you need to boil 0.5 liters of any beer over low heat, then add 2-3 tablespoons of honey.
- Why does this work?
- Which honey to choose?
Cough honey can be called an indispensable tool, because it helps quickly get rid of this unpleasant cold symptom not only for adults but also for children who are more than happy to take sweet, natural medicine than the syrups with an openly synthetic taste produced by the pharmaceutical industry.
Why does this work?
It has been a long time since the question of whether honey helps cough, as it is absolutely certain that this remedy is one of the most effective in combating the most intrusive symptom of ARI.Therefore, why is it working is becoming interesting?
The fact is that honey contains substances that promote the activation of the synthesis of compounds that suppress the cough center. Due to this, the frequency and intensity of an obsessive, dry cough that does not bring any relief is reduced. In addition, due to its enveloping effect, the use of this beekeeping product helps to soften the irritated throat and eliminate perspiration in it.
At the same time, it has components that help liquefy, swell and, therefore, facilitate the release of mucus from the bronchi. Thus, cough treatment with honey is effective in all cases, that is, when dry, and with a wet cough.
It is important: to start treatment with honey is only in cases when a cough has occurred recently or a person had a feeling that this is about to happen. If he poisons the life of a patient for a long time, it is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as possible to find out the reasons for his condition, and not to engage in self-medication.
Popular cough recipes
Attention! Do not heat honey more than up to 40 ° C or dissolve it in hot liquids, since most of the medicinal substances will break down, and this unique product is the favorite cough medicine for already adult boys - beer with honey bee from the medicine will turn into a useless treat.
Which honey to choose?
Undoubtedly, there are many kinds of honey on the market, and they differ not only in consistence, but also in composition. For cough, it is better to choose fresh, that is, liquid. The ideal option is to purchase this beekeeping product from a familiar beekeeper who can guarantee its naturalness.
This is very important, as often unscrupulous beekeepers feed their toiler-bees with sugar syrup. As a result of this action, the quantity of the finished product increases many-fold, and, consequently, the revenue of the "entrepreneur", but such honey does not contain anything useful, so its use will be at least inconclusive. Only the use of this or how to say the right honey will benefit the body and help cope with the manifestations of the common cold.