Workaholic: how to deal with workaholism?

In today's world, it is common to work hard, work hard and even take work at home.

Hard labor is valued by many employers and is considered an indispensable quality on the road to success.

However, on the way to a career Olympus, diligence often transforms into a certain dependence on work.

A person starts to devote all his time to business, lingers in the office until late at night and even sleeps there.

From this situation there is only one way out - to fight the workaholism of !

Who is a workaholic?

So, you can safely call the workaholic if:

  • gives all your attention to work to the detriment of rest and communication with the family;
  • at moments of rest you experience anxiety and want to return to work;
  • you are a perfectionist;
  • on the weekend trying to give work at least a couple of hours;
  • refuse to leave;
  • depend on the work and are afraid to lose it;
  • you experience joy and satisfaction only at work;
  • after the end of the day you can not switch and talk only about work;
  • instagram viewer
  • without work, you experience nervousness and even anger;
  • you do not understand the meaning of rest;
  • you quickly get bored of communicating with friends or relatives;
  • in front of you you set unattainable goals;
  • failures in the work you take to heart and you can even fall into depression.

So, if most of these items are about you, then congratulations!

You are a complete workaholic!

And if you continue to work in the same spirit, then soon you will be pounding a small wooden house.


Yes, because workaholism is no less dangerous disease, akin to a heart attack or stroke.

Causes of workaholism

Workaholism is a dangerous disease, which, when tightened, a person can easily "throw off skates".

Workaholism can cause heart attack, stroke and serious heart problems.

Before starting to disassemble, how to deal with the workaholism of , let's first identify its causes.

So, in most cases, the beginning of workaholism takes in childhood.

A small child sees a father-drunkard, suffers from lack of money, and grows to strive for better well-being.

With the head goes into work, after which it can not get out of the whirlpool that has tightened it.

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Also, workaholism can from childhood to vaccinate the child parents.

They begin to inspire the son or daughter that the main happiness lies in the work.

Growing up, a person can no longer think in a different way.

Finally, workaholics are people who are trying to escape from some problems.

A woman can not stick with men.

As a result, she plunges into the work, then generally tries to avoid any contact with the opposite sex.

How to deal with workaholism - instructions for the battle!

Rule 1. Realize the problem of

The main and most important rule on the way to combat workaholism is the awareness of the problem.

The workaholic should realize its dependence on work and understand that it's impossible to live like that.

Rule 2. In the fight against workaholism learn to say "no"!

Very often, workaholics can not refuse to help their colleagues.

As a result, lazy colleagues throw all the work on hardworking employees, and they themselves smoke bamboo.

That's why learn to say NO to colleagues who allegedly do not have time or can not finish the job on time.

Understand that you have your duties as prescribed in the employment contract.

And you have every right to not fulfill the duties of another person.

By the way, you do not get paid for doing all the departmental duties alone.

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Rule 3. Reputational reputation

As we all know, first we work for reputation, and then the reputation works for us.

That's why, instead of quietly performing someone else's duties, invite a colleague to go to the authorities and officially transfer her responsibilities to you.

In this situation, you deserve the attention of management, and perhaps even an increase to the salary.

Rule 4. Schedule the work of

The obstruction at work, for the most part, is due to the lack of a system.

That's why systematize all your business and make a schedule of work with the timing of the performance of a task.

In the future, when adding any instructions, you can always refer to the existing schedule and avoid taking a job at home.

Rule 5. Learn to rest

To work well, you need to have a good rest.

Remember this rule, and even better - hang it in a prominent place.

Try to limit yourself to clear deadlines.

For example, you work from 9 to 6.

Therefore, at 6 pm, turn off your computer and forget about work.

If you do not have time to do something, do not despair.

Tomorrow morning continue to work with the unfinished job.

Know that if you work overtime, and then take work at home, then very soon you can be on a hospital bed.

This is the situation that happened with my friend, who worked in the beauty salon in 2 shifts almost without days off.

One day she started such terrible headaches that she was lying on the hospital bed for 2 weeks.

Having recovered, the girlfriend left with such hard labor, got a job as a secretary in a small firm and worked strictly from 9 to 6 with the set days off.

Rule 6. Know how to cunning

If you need any calculations or letters of the same type in the process of work, create in advance all the blanks.

And having created - keep this little secret in secret.

Having ready templates, you can spend more time on solving more important matters.

I recommend to see a useful video,

where the real truth is shown both about workaholism and its aftermath!

Watch and analyze!

Having started to fight the workaholism of , at first it will be very difficult for you not to think about work.

However, try to fight yourself, try to relax and distract yourself.

Remember that at work the light wedge does not converge.

And in life there is still a lot of interesting and besides work.

Begin to strictly delineate work and personal life, and when you begin, you will see how blind you have been all this time.

  • Apr 05, 2018
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