All about non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids: methods and solutions

Ligator for the treatment of hemorrhoids Although the word "hemorrhoids" has long passed into the field of folklore, where it means "a bad, hard-to-solve problem", he has not lost the disease of his positions to this day, despite the obvious successes of medicine in his healing.

Hemorrhoids are a chronically occurring variety of varicose veins with more or less frequent exacerbations, each of which is accompanied by "seizure of new territories".The disease affects the lower parts of the thick( in particular, straight) intestine with the formation of its veins from the walls of the hemorrhoidal nodes with the subsequent high probability of them:

  • thrombosis;
  • infringement;
  • malignancy;
  • bleeding.

Although hemorrhoids are not a deadly disease by themselves, death can cause all the listed complications - they are the specific reasons for its onset.

For reference: the mortality rate on the globe from malignant degenerated hemorrhoids is at least 5 million people per year.

But even with a relatively successful current, it leads to a vascular insufficiency, as well as to chronic intoxication, combined with a pronounced exhaustion of the body. And although this death is not quick, it inevitably comes.

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And hemorrhoids are a constant pain. And it's a shame to show this pain. nodes of hemorrhoids

This is also the need for frequent changes of clothes. Or wearing special clothes, "non-flowing".

This is an intertrigo in the area of ​​the anus with a corresponding odor.

And yet - is the need to sit every day on turned into a "cactus" or in a "hotrock" anus.

But for a significant part of the population of the civilized region of the globe( from 20 to 40%) to list all the "delights" of hemorrhoids specifically and there is no need for it - with its various manifestations, it is personally familiar, not by hearsay, but personally.

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Hemorrhoids take new peaks in a snare

In brief, "Napoleonic", taking onslaught-nag, tactics-the essence of hemorrhoids consists in the successive replacement of four stages. And here it is very appropriate to remember that in the translation from Greek the word "hemorrhoids" means: bleeding.

Stage-by-stage disease progression:

  1. The first stage of manifests itself as disappeared or newly emerging symptoms in the form of itching in the area of ​​enlarged-swollen hemorrhoidal nodes with blood-drop during defecation.
  2. In stage 2, joins the emergence more or less regularly( with the release of the intestine or due to the lifting of weights), the loss of hemorrhoids, accompanied by moderate bleeding from the anus.
  3. Stage 3 of the is already a habit to manually insert the nodes that fall out at the lowest tension of the body, as well as regular "small-format" bleeding from the anus, accompanied by swelling and a feeling of heaviness in this area.
  4. In the final, 4 stages of the , the nodes stop refilling completely - they are hanging limply from the anus. This is the "dirty victory" of the commander-hemorrhoids, the picture of an almost complete stoppage of life in the "conquered" terrain: the unceasing discharge of blood( if not trickle, then drops), persistent pain in the anus with maceration( due to constant wetting) and a change in the color of the skin of the anusnatural on purple-cyanotic.

Stages 3 and 4 are the time of onset of menacing complications, a time when "patient reconstruction" is impossible without a painstaking, often - multi-stage surgical treatment.

Stages of the same early, unopened( with the timely use of qualified medical, namely - proctologic care) for the treatment of hemorrhoids without surgery are favorable.

Stages of hemorrhoids

"Announce the entire list!", Or the means of choice is. ..

It is established by statistics: a full-scale surgical operation is necessary from the whole "mass" of examined patients with a proctologic profile of only 5-10% - the rest can be serviced using the latest methods of hemorrhoid treatment.

Therefore - along with medical and surgical treatment of hemorrhoids - in recent years, the method of minimally invasive interventions made on an outpatient basis has become valid.

Of all the most known at the moment methods of non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids, modern proctologic clinics can offer one of the modifications of seamless manipulation with tissues in the form: ligation of hemorrhoids by rings

  • electrocoagulation;
  • compression;
  • ligation;
  • sclerosing the veins of the large intestine, "carried away" by the process of forming themselves from nodes.

But most often the treatment is combined, combining the merits of each method, character.

TOP-7 best methods that allow you to treat hemorrhoids without surgery:

  1. Application of infrared photocoagulation or electrocoagulation makes it possible to "repair", for 1-2 seconds "hard-boiled" proteins of worn tissues or heat emanating from the light source, directed to the problem area, or alternating current, passed between two electrodes, which are parts of the thermocoagulator.
  2. With laser coagulation , the focused laser beam of the external hemorrhoidal node is cut off before its foundation, or the inner internal parts are burned away, leaving no scars behind.
  3. The method compression hemorrhoidal node is based on a simple law: the node collapses( empty) when the flow of blood to it artificially stops( due to the interruption of blood circulation in the vein that forms the node).
  4. The ligation of the consists in tightly clamping the hemorrhoidal node's foot with several rings of highly elastic latex, which are "tossed" onto it with the help of a ligator.
  5. The modification of the method is vacuum ligation ( where the manipulated unit is preliminarily insulated by being pulled into the head of the ligator due to the creation of a reduced pressure in it).In a period of 7 to 10 days, the node with the "transferred" leg, when it is discarded, is discarded.
  6. With sclerosing ( in particular, with chemical sclerosing) - especially effective in the early stages of the process - a substance is injected into the vein causing "gluing" of the vein walls with subsequent desolation( due to the absence of an internal lumen).The dormant vein subsequently resolves itself.
  7. The essence of the procedure for transanal deserteration of the hemorrhoidal arteries is the deprivation of hemorrhoidal nodes of nutrition with the blood flowing to them through the ligation of the branches of the arteries, leading to them - the assembled nodes are atrophied;The manipulation is performed under Doppler control. Rehabilitation takes no longer than 1-2 days.

Bleeding the nodes of hemorrhoids

Advantages of minimally invasive( produced without incisions) methods of hemorrhoid treatment are the possibility of intervening:

  • quickly( within a half an hour);
  • is painless;
  • without anesthesia;
  • with virtually no complications;
  • , avoiding blood loss and traumatism surrounding the operating area of ​​tissues.

In addition to the rapid recovery of the patient's health after the intervention, a significant point is also the absence of significant shocks for the patient's psyche in the period preceding the treatment. For there is no longer the need for hospitalization, nor the "prospect" of an exhausting operation with the imagined patient's imagination, with a menacingly ominous shine of the scalpel, along with puddles poured from the body of blood.

The manipulated node for a few days "falls off" without leaving the wound surfaces.

By the way, the use of non-surgical ligation of hemorrhoidal nodes allows to successfully heal patients not only in the 2nd and 3rd stages of hemorrhoid development, but even in the "non-standard" for other similar methods of stage 4( on special indications).

But sometimes you can not do without a scalpel

Hemorrhoids With all the temptation of treatment of the disease without surgery, there are cases when without a scalpel and spillage of a certain amount of blood you still can not get by - you need a "full" and "full-blooded" operation with powerful anesthesia and all the inherentattributes.

This is the situation:

  • with a constant, coming after each defecation loss of internal nodes, hence, with individual cases of the 2 stages of hemorrhoids and all the variants of stages 3 and 4;
  • with all cases of a complicated course of hemorrhoids( moreover, suspected malignancy of the tissues is an absolute indication for an emergency operation).

However, there can not be any "iron standards" for a full-scale operation - in each individual case a specific decision is made. Taking into account all the factors that determine the individual characteristics of the disease in each individual patient.

Questions that require answers

The first questions that arise after getting acquainted with the "minor surgery" of hemorrhoids are, of course, the following:

  • how much will the patient take this "latest squeak of surgical fashion";
  • is also an "iron" guarantee of the quality of a new type of treatment, in other words, how low is the percentage of complications and is it possible to relapse - the return of the disease?

The answer to the first question is the figures comparing the different methods of treatment.

If with a standard hemorrhoidectomy the wallet of the patient is "facilitated" by 40-50 thousand rubles, and approximately the same amount( about 45 preparation for surgery thousand rubles) will cost the transanal desarterization of hemorrhoidal arteries, then the price of sclerosing or ligation of one node is about 5 thousand rubles.

Figures, right, make one wonder: is it worth continuing to live as randomly and thoughtlessly? And can you somehow ease the life of your long-suffering organism and, specifically, the intestines?

So the patient comes to the idea of ​​prevention and a healthy lifestyle. This is the answer to the second half of the second question - as long as there is a basis for the disease, it can always return.

With regard to the "iron" guarantees, then:

  • the tissues subjected to manipulation heal with a gentle scar( or scar is not formed at all);
  • , with all the recommendations of a specialist-proctologist, there are almost no complications.

"Practically" means that complications arise in the case of intervention in a process beyond the control of the human- and medical-mind factors, or under the influence of "dislocations" of the patient's behavior. In the form of "unexpected" use of alcohol or a strained desire to embrace your beloved woman too tightly.

It is also possible to conceal from the "consequence" any important details of physiology, which the patient regarded as unimportant, which he therefore did not consider necessary. Or they are such that to tell about them the patient still was ashamed.

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  • Apr 05, 2018
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