Prepare a face mask at home is not difficult. There are many recipes that can rid any skin of acne and acne.
- Effective home masks from acne, recipes
- Video: "Home masks from acne"
- Mask from aloe from acne, recipe
- Video: "Scarlet juice against acne and acne"
- How to make a mask of scarlet with clay?
- Video: "Mask with aloe and clay for problem skin"
- Mask from acne from acne, recipe
- Video: "Bodjaga. What problems does it struggle with? »
- How to prepare a mask from an antioxidant against acne?
- Video: "Mask with hardness from acne and acne"
- Mask from yeast from acne, recipe
- Video: "Yeast mask for the face. Features »
- How to prepare a yeast mask?
- Video: "Yeast mask for the face. The secret of perfect skin »
- Acne mask with gelatin
- Gelatin mask recipe from black dots
- Gelatin mask with addition of activated carbon
- Video:" Gelatin mask for face. The Best Recipes »
- Oatmeal Face Mask for Acne
- Video:» Oatmeal Face Mask for Acne »
- Egg Facial Mask for Acne
- Video:" Getting Rid of Black Points and Acne. Egg mask »
- Mask with honey and cinnamon from acne recipe
- Video:» Mask from acne and traces of acne with honey and cinnamon »
- Aspirin facial mask for acne
- Video:» Face mask with aspirin. The best recipes for aspirin masks »
- How to get rid of pimples at home: advice and feedback
- Video:" How to get rid of pimples, skin care "
Effective home masks from acne, recipes
There are many different folk recipes that successfully cope with problems, arising on the face. Rashes, acne and acne are no exception.
Important: Cosmetics prepared at home, contains in its composition natural ingredients that favorably influence not the dermis, caring for it and treating it for inflamed areas.
For centuries, people have been studying the properties of plants and home remedies to invent an effective way to fight acne. So, unusually effective are masks:
- yeast
- from aloe juice
- with honey
- soda
- from the body
- gelatin
Home cosmetics are much more useful than what is sold in stores and contains chemical impurities. Even the most expensive products from boutiques can sometimes cause allergies, irritations, intolerance and a complete lack of healing properties on the skin.
Acne is a disease of excessively expanded pores. It is time - the place of growth of the hair follicle, it ensures the air saturation of the upper layers of the skin and produces sebum, which is released to the outside. Too much time is hammered by dust, then dirt from the environment. That is why an inflammatory process occurs that affects the neighboring tissues.
It is important to find an effective tool that can gently clean pores and narrow them, to avoid contamination.
Treatment with masks can be carried out periodically as needed, but you can introduce an intensive course aimed at complete recovery.
Video: "Home masks from acne"
Aloe vera mask from acne, recipe
Aloe - an amazing therapeutic home plant, which was used even hundreds of years ago. Its juice has properties:
- shooting inflammations
- purifying
- eliminating bacteria
- treating
- healing
Important: Aloe juice can be used and in its pure form: rub off the cleansed skin twice a day, but it is much more effective to make a mask out of it.
Video: "Scarlet juice against acne and acne"
How to make a mask of scarlet with clay? To make
mask , need have all two ingredient: scarlet and cosmetic clay ( buy can in pharmacies) e . Remember scarlet in porridge , mix with cosmetic clay .
. Such a cosmetic procedure is able to moisten even the driest skin, dry individual areas, remove excess subcutaneous fat and refresh your face.
It is important to know about the required storage condition of scarlet. Cut the most fleshy leaves from the rhizome of the plant. Store scarlet in the refrigerator on the side shelf or in the vegetable compartment, wrapped tightly in paper or a plastic bag. Use scarlet only after two weeks of storage. It is this condition that guarantees the effectiveness of the tool.
Video: "Mask with aloe and clay for problem skin"
Mask from acne, recipe
A fresh-water sponge, which is dried, rubbed into powder and received a remedy for problem skin. Unique properties of the bodywort fight with:
- acne( acne)
- consequences of acne( post acne)
- skin inflammations
- skin pigmentation
- wrinkles
It can be confidently said that the bodyguard is a way to keep the face skin young and beautiful. The secret of the bodyguard is in a substance like silica. It acts on the cellular level, updating the skin layer.
Important: The masks from the body spas are suitable for all types of skin: oily, dry, problematic and combined. The only condition that should be adhered to - bodyguard can not be applied to the skin, which has purulent inflammations and has open wounds.
Video: "The Body Girl. What problems does it struggle with?
How to prepare a mask from an antioxidant against acne?
The recipe is quite simple, but it depends on the type of your skin. If you do not have sensitive skin, then mix several spoons of powder with hydrogen peroxide. The mass should resemble sour cream in its structure. For those who have dry skin, you can replace peroxide with plain water or vegetable oil.
The mask is applied for 15 minutes and then thoroughly washed off. It is necessary to moisturize the skin after the procedure. In some cases, redness is possible due to the fact that the bodyguard has "cleaned" the old layer of skin, so do not go out and have a rest in your home environment.
Important: The mask should not touch the lips, eyes and nasal mucosa!
Video: "Mask with acne and acne"
Mask from yeast from acne, recipe
A mask from yeast cooked at home, can work wonders because it contains many useful micronutrients that favorably affect the skin:
- PP vitamins, E, B and H
- antioxidants
- Mineral substances
Important: Properly prepared mask puts in order even the most problematic skin and it turns into velvet. The mask removes all inflammatory diseases on the face, acne and post-acne.
Video: "Yeast mask for the face. Application features »
How to prepare a yeast mask?
There are three recipes for the most popular yeast masks of different skin action plan:
Mask eliminating sebaceous discharge and oily shine:
- dry or soft yeast - 10 g
- warm kefir - 20 ml
- not fatty sour cream - 20 ml
This procedure is able to givematte skin tone, rid of excessive rash. Keep the mask for half an hour, no less.
Mask cleansing:
- yeast( any) - 10 grams
- tablespoon vegetable oil
- tablespoon flour
Mask applied to the face and hold for half an hour. During the procedure, it is necessary to ensure the peace of facial muscles of the face. Rinse thoroughly with water. The effect of the mask is not worse than from the scrub: the skin breathes, gets rid of the old cells of the dermis, the inflammations become smaller.
Mask from black dots:
- yeast - 1 sachet( dry)
- boiled water( required quantity)
- lemon juice
Video: "Yeast mask for the face. The secret of perfect skin »
Mask from acne with gelatin
Gelatin is increasingly used by cosmetics companies in caring cosmetics. All because he is able to heal the skin and rid her of various acne, blackheads and black spots.
film. Important: Gelatin contains a large amount of natural tree - collagen, which favorably affects the skin.
Prepare gelatinous mask is not difficult. The main thing is to observe the proportions one to five, where a larger quantity belongs to the liquid. In the composition of the mask can be included, like ordinary water, so the milk( nourishes the skin) and the decoction of herbs( cleans).Before use, gelatin is necessarily soaked to swell, and then the lumps are dissolved on a steam bath.
Recipe for gelatin mask from black points
- tablespoon gelatin
- lemon juice
- aloe juice
- egg white
Dissolve gelatin, add protein and a teaspoon of lemon juice and scarlet( you can do one thing).The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. We are waiting for drying and rinse.
Gelatine mask with addition of activated carbon
Perfectly cleans wide pores activated charcoal:
- purified water - 50 ml
- coal pellet( crush)
- food gelatin - teaspoon
Melt gelatin, mix with ingredients. Keep on the problem areas for half an hour, remove as a film.
Video: "Gelatin mask for face. The best recipes »
Oat face mask from acne
Oat flakes are full of Group B vitamins and trace elements, which favorably affect the skin. A mask of oatmeal fits any type of skin and can even soothe inflamed areas and eliminate acne.
Oatmeal is made both from the main component, and with numerous additions: essential oils, decoctions, vitamins. Apply the oatmeal mask necessarily to problem areas, avoiding sensitive ones.
Important: Even the most common mask, which is prepared by brewing oat flakes with a glass of boiling water, is effective. But if you pre-make stripping the face on a tray of medicinal herbs, then promote a deeper penetration of medicinal and nutrients.
It is recommended to make a mask on the decoction:
- a glass of decoction of any medicinal herb
- 5 tablespoons of oatmeal
- lemon juice - a few drops of
- aloe juice - one teaspoon( optional)
Important: The mask is kept for half an hour, rinsed with cold water. Aloe juice and essential oils, added to the recipe, can moisturize dry skin, and jojoba oil - soothe.
Video: »Oatmeal Face Mask for Acne»
Egg Facial Mask for Acne
The easiest facial mask that can save acne is egg. In order to prepare such a mask you only need one egg, a blender( mixer) and water.
It is recommended to use only protein, but if you have too dry skin, you can use yolk. In the dishes chilled protein is beaten to a stable foam. After that it is applied to the face. It is necessary to completely immobilize yourself and lie down until the mask is completely absorbed and dried. You can not move your face muscles.
After the mask has dried, it must be thoroughly rinsed off with warm water and moisturize the skin with cream. The pores after the egg mask narrow and white, and the inflammations become smaller.
Video: "Getting rid of black spots and acne. Egg mask »
Mask with honey and cinnamon from acne recipe
Honey is hard to overestimate. Honey is full of many useful microelements that nourish all layers of the skin. It is able to have bactericidal action, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing. Honey heals wounds and eliminates acne.
To prepare a mask with honey and cinnamon you will need:
- cinnamon - third of a spoon
- sour cream - one spoon
- honey( any) - spoon
Honey needs liquid, if you have candied - try to melt it inmicrowave( a few seconds).Mix the ingredients and apply to the face. Keep the mask for fifteen minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.
Video: »Mask from acne and traces of acne with honey and cinnamon»
Aspirin facial mask for acne
Acetylsalicylic acid( aspirin) is able to eliminate oily shine and treat inflammation on the face if it is added to cosmetic masks. It is worth to carefully consider the tolerability of this substance. Acting on the dermis, it improves blood circulation and stimulates the growth of new cells.
Important: This mask should not be used too often, since excessive exposure to aspirin on the skin provokes the development of a vascular network. Aspirin mask effectively removes the skin, removing all keratinized cells.
Aspirin mask is suitable for those who are tired of fighting with persistent acne and acne. If you have very dry skin, mix the mask with oil and do not forget to moisturize the skin after the procedure.
Aspirin mask can be very simple: crush the tablet and mix the water, get a gruel. It should be applied to the problem area and washed off after 10 minutes. But there are recipes that, in addition to the medicinal effect, have a nourishing effect:
- oat flakes - four spoons
- water
- liquid vitamins
- aspirin
Flakes are poured over with boiling water and infused. The crushed tablet is added to the cereal slurry. There we pour liquid vitamins - ten drops. Vitamins can be selected based on their needs:
- vitamin A - restores the skin at the cellular level
- vitamin C - slows down aging
- vitamin E - hydrates
Video: »Face mask with aspirin. The best recipes for aspirin masks »
How to get rid of acne in the home: tips and feedback
Get rid of acne with the help of traditional medicine - you can! Moreover, the recipes created by the years are no worse than the expensive cosmetics of well-known brands, and sometimes even better. Masks from improvised means and medicinal plants narrow the time, eliminate sebaceous discharge on the skin, prevent the appearance of acne and can even remove acne.
Every time you decide to experiment with one of the masks, make sure that you carry the components well, because many people are allergic to honey, aspirin or bodyguard. Try to observe exactly the proportions and apply masks strictly to the required areas. Do not use the mask on the areas around the eyes and lips - since this skin is too sensitive.
Regular cleansing and moisturizing of the face can effectively relieve you of inflamed acne, acne and black spots. The standard course of treatment is one month, after that it is necessary to arrange for itself "beauty courses" and arrange procedures as needed.