Poster for 18 years of his own hands to the guy and girl: ideas, templates, photos. How to make a beautiful poster for the birthday of a guy and a girl for 18 years with wishes, photos, sweets?

The article will tell you about what interesting and beautiful posters can be made to people close to the 18th anniversary.


  • Beautiful poster for the birthday of a girl, sister, girlfriend, daughter for 18 years with her own hands: templates, ideas, photos
  • Beautiful poster for the birthday of her son, a guy of 18 years with her own hands: templates, ideas, photos
  • How to make a posteron the birthday of a girl, sister, girlfriend, daughter with photos and wishes?
  • How to make a poster for the birthday of a girl, sister, girlfriend, daughter of 18 years of sweets?
  • How to make a birthday poster for a son and a boy for 18 years of sweets?
  • How to make a poster for a birthday son and a boy for 18 years with photos and wishes?
  • What to write on the poster with a birthday to a girl, sister, girlfriend, daughter, son, boyfriend for 18 years, what wishes and congratulations?
  • How to buy a template on the poster for the birthday of the guy and the girl for 18 years on the Aliexpress?
  • Video: "How to congratulate a friend on his birthday?"
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Beautiful poster for the birthday of a girl, sister, girlfriend, daughter for 18 years with her own hands: templates, ideas, photos

Birthday of a loved one is an important date. Of particular importance is the holiday, when a friend or relative celebrates his 18th birthday! You can surprise your girlfriend or boyfriend, sister or brother, girlfriend or child with majority in many ways, but if you prepare a festive poster - you will certainly surprise the birthday person! Make this gift follows the preferences of the one who celebrates the 18th birthday. For example, guys will appreciate playful cartoons and humor, and girls will be pleased with pleasant words and compliments.

INTERESTING: Of course, you can make a poster for the holiday for any member of the family and an acquaintance. To do this, you should study examples of ready-made works and view photo posters for friends, mothers and grandmothers, dads, sisters or friends, a brother, a beloved woman or a man.

Examples of ready-made posters for 18 years:

Poster in a humorous style for a guy( friend, brother)
Simple poster for a girl( girlfriend, sister)
Poster for a daughter from parents with photos and poems
18th anniversary poster made on computer
A humorous poster for a young man on the 18th birthday with wishes
Poster, photo collage and wishes from friends on the 18th anniversary of
A simple bright poster to a friend on his birthday, painted with paints

Beautiful poster on his son's birthday, a guy of 18 years with his own hands: templates, ideas, photo

Make a beautiful poster on your birthday, you can do it yourself, or you can use a computer. On the Internet there is a large number of templates for editing and printing .In such patterns, as a rule, personal photos are pasted and wishes written on their behalf. If you want, you can add to this poster with any other elements:

  • Souvenirs
  • Gifts
  • Surprises
  • Sweets
  • Postcards
  • Colors
  • Balloons
  • Notes and more!

Poster templates for printing and painting for 18 years:

Poster template for girl for 18 years for girl
Original black and white template
Colorful poster template for 18 years
Stylish poster template for 18 years
Candle pattern
Bright templatefor poster for 18 years
Original bright poster
Poster template for a guy for 18 years
Template for a greeting poster for 18 years old girl
Simple template for poster

How to make a poster for a birthday girl, sister, girlfriend, daughterwith photos and wishes?

There are many ideas for creating a beautiful poster for your sister or girlfriend on your 18th birthday. You should choose the most colorful and spectacular, to impress a loved one. Girls love everything beautiful - this is a well-known fact and therefore it is important to maximally change the sheet of Whatman, that he impressed your sister( girlfriend).

How to decorate the poster:

  • Sequins
  • Scissors
  • Balloons
  • Colors and hand-made articles from corrugated paper
  • Application from colored paper
  • Artificial flowers and much more!

Examples of posters for a sister or girlfriend for 18 years:

Beautiful poster, drawn by own hands
An unusual greeting poster with sweet wishes
Congratulatory poster made on a computer
Beautiful poster in the form of a photo collage made on a computer
Original poster from a photo in thethe figure

How to make a poster for the birthday of a girl, sister, girlfriend, daughter for 18 years of sweets?

A poster from sweets is the best way to congratulate a loved one, especially a girl( sister, girlfriend).How much it should be "yummy" - it's up to you. Choose those that have interesting names to make of them congratulatory phrases and compliments. For example: in you there is a magic "CHARM" or we are with you "SMESHARIKI" and so on.

Examples of "sweet" posters on the 18th anniversary of a girlfriend or sister:

A poster with sweets and a birthday gift certificate
A poster with "sweet" and "tasty" birthday wishes
A sweet poster for a girl on her birthday
A poster with sweetsand yummy birthday
Colorful poster for a sister with sweets for birthday

How to make a poster for a birthday son and a boy for 18 years of sweets?

Just like girls, guys like sweets. Of course, they can be placed much less and necessarily give them value( to finish phrases or compliments).The guy likes "cheerful" congratulations and so try to give your congratulations a humorous form.

Examples of posters for guys over 18 years:

Congratulatory poster for a guy with "yummies"
Spectacular poster with sweets for a guy
Poster with sweets for his brother
Poster with photos and sweets for his brother

How to make a poster for his son and boy on birthday18 years old with photos and wishes?

To please an unusual poster with sweets, you can also have children at any age, daughter or son. Attach the bars, chocolates and sweets to a double-sided scotch and write your wishes in bright colors.

Poster samples:

Figured poster with sweets and wishes
Small sweet poster for the son
Poster with wishes, drawings and sweets
Simple sweet poster for the birthday
Sweet poster from the parents to the son
Poster with drawings and sweets with his own hands

What to write oncrying a birthday girl, sister, girlfriend, daughter, son, boyfriend for 18 years, what wishes and congratulations?

Beautiful poster should be decorated with pleasant words and verses. Choose the most eloquent lines and complete the pasted photos, cuttings and sweets with your wishes.

Beautiful words for the poster:

Beautiful words for the poster:
Sister or girlfriend
Son, brother

How to buy a poster on the poster for the birthday of a guy and a girl for 18 years on the Aliexpress?

Make the holiday elegant and sumptuous to celebrate the 18th birthday help shopping in Aliexpress. Here you can find all the necessary attributes for Birthday: decorations, souvenirs, garlands and balls. Shopping is easy, they are available, and the quality pleases. Look through the catalog of props for Birthday and get everything you need for a good holiday!

Video: "How to congratulate a friend on his birthday?"

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