How to cope with a panic attack: 5 effective tips

In our world, too often we have to think how to cope with a panic attack.

Doctors recommend different methods: from medication to hospitalization.

But which ones are the most effective?

Read and learn!

Megapolis is considered to be a city with a population of 1 million and more.

The benefits of civilization, highly paid work, unlimited opportunities for entertainment - these and many other benefits can be found in large cities of different countries.

They are the ones that force people from small settlements to move here.

But dreams of a new better life sometimes lead to nightmarish consequences.

For example, to get acquainted with a real monster: a panic attack.

It's the inhabitants of big cities that most often have to think, how to cope with the panic attack of .

This kind of neurosis stands apart from its brethren because of the symptoms, insidiousness, unpredictability and complexity of the treatment.

And yet the vegetative crisis can be cured if you do not ignore medical help.

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How to cope with a panic attack or something else?

People who have experienced a panic attack say that its symptoms can not be confused with anything.

And yet, there are cases when people, knowing about this new-fashioned neurosis, begin to put themselves an erroneous diagnosis.

For example, one of my former colleagues lost consciousness in the subway.

When she came to, she decided that she had a panic attack, she attributed herself to a sedative, and only when she fainted again 2 times, she decided to see a doctor.

It turned out that the reason for her poor health was the low pressure, which she further lowered her diet and a large dose of soothing pills.

The doctor prescribed her treatment and fainted.

If you are in doubt about what caused your poor health, do not self-medicate, go to a doctor who will give you a specific diagnosis.

How to identify a panic attack in order to cope with it?

The panic attack has pronounced symptoms, which testify to this type of neurosis only when acting in a complex, that is, from the list below you should have several symptoms, and not - one and then with a stretch.

The main signs of a panic attack are:

  1. A growing alarm, gradually shifting into uncontrollable fear, and then into a panic.
  2. Difficulty breathing.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Increased sweating( not just in the heat sweat underarms, you throw in a cold sweat).
  5. Dry mouth.
  6. Weakness in the legs.
  7. Sensation of unreality of what is happening.
  8. Stratification of your consciousness - you seem to be watching everything from the outside, leaving your own body.
  9. Feeling that you are surrounded by enemies or some monsters.
  10. Acute causeless discomfort.
  11. Dizziness.
  12. Nausea.
  13. Pain in the chest.
  14. Arrhythmia - you literally hear the rapid strokes of your heart.
  15. Feeling that you are going crazy.

To deal with panic attacks, you need to understand the causes of their occurrence

There are a number of reasons that lead to a vegetative crisis.

Before thinking, how to cope with panic attacks , you need to understand what caused them.

So you and your doctor will find it easier to choose an effective treatment.

Causes of panic attacks:

  1. Permanent stay in stress.
  2. Personal heightened sensitivity, receptivity, "experience", nervousness.
  3. Genetic predisposition.
  4. Nedosyp and chronic fatigue.
  5. Constant pressure at work and at home.
  6. Violated life rhythms.
  7. Wrong way of life.
  8. No day mode.
  9. Abuse of medicines, alcohol, drugs.
  10. Incorrect power.
  11. Absence of a tendency to introspection, inability to learn from their mistakes.
  12. Suppressed feeling of fear and anxiety.
  13. Troubles in his personal life and career.
  14. Presence of a large number of unsolved problems.
  15. Dissatisfaction with one's own life.

I can not cope with attacks of panic attacks if I calm down completely

I will not recommend you how to cure a vegetative crisis and certainly will not become clever and attribute some medications.

This is the work of doctors.

I'm not a doctor, so I'm not going to risk your health and recommend some kind of poison.

5 tips on how to calm down during panic attacks to cope with them:

  1. Perform respiratory gymnastics : alternate breathing delay for 2 to 3 seconds, breath through the nose for 4 to 5 seconds and slow exhalation through the mouth.

    When the muscles relax a little, start to breathe deeply and evenly.

  2. During an attack, thoughts rush in the head like frightened birds, and feelings become aggravated.

    Focus on your senses : "My heart is beating often, my hands are sweating, I do not have enough breathing, but I'm at the metro station, where I've been already 100 times, nothing threatens me."

  3. Take something from your brain to distract him from the attack: simple mathematical exercises, a score from 0 to 100 and vice versa, remembering poems, reading signage, etc.
  4. Perform muscular gymnastics : first strain the muscles for 10 to 15 seconds, and then try to relax them for the same time. Start the gym with the muscles of the face and hands.
  5. Do auto-training : "I am calm, I am absolutely calm, I am completely safe. ..".

A few more ways to calm down during a panic attack,

are voiced in the video:

5 common mistakes that can not cope with panic attack

Often there is such a situation: a person experienced a panic attack, did not engage in self-medication,went to the doctor, received a prescription, began taking medications, stopped overexerting and not getting enough sleep, but the vegetative crisis returned again.

What should I do?

Work on your own mistakes.

The 5 most common mistakes of people who try to cope with a panic attack:

  1. are limited only to taking medications , ignoring visits to a psychologist.

    Very often, professional psychological help is more effective in treating a panic attack than the strongest pills.

    If the attack is repeated, despite the taking of medications, immediately write down to see a psychologist.

  2. Reluctance to contact doctors to cope with a panic attack.

    Yes, you are a competent person, yes, there are lots of tips on the Internet, yes, a pharmacist is always ready to sell you the most expensive( and, of course, extremely effective) medicine to relieve someone that stale on shelves, but no one is betterthe doctor does not pick up for you really effective treatment.

    Let you try to cope with the panic attack yourself after the first attack, but after the second one you should definitely seek specialized help.

  3. Waiting for recurrence of an attack of a vegetative crisis.

    It is your fear of experiencing this again that the symptoms are repeated.

    Stop thinking about it at all.

  4. Alcohol, cigarettes and sedatives as a medicine from a panic attack.

    Neither the first, nor the second, nor the third will not help you in the treatment.

  5. Increased attention to yourself.

    You constantly listen to your senses, relish every single smallest problem, dig for yourself for no apparent reason.

    In this case, any small thing can trigger a panic attack.

You will quickly understand how to cope with panic attack , if you seek help from a doctor, put your life in order and stop worrying about trifles and overworking.

  • Apr 05, 2018
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