Rectal rectal examination of rectum: description and technique

rectal rectal examination In medicine, there is a huge number of various studies that allow for a comprehensive diagnosis of the disease in the patient, as well as appoint further treatment.

But despite the development of technical progress, each specialist conducts the examination independently with the help of his own hands.

So, special significance was acquired by the digital rectal examination, which allows to determine beforehand the diagnosis of the patient at the first examination.

Finger research method: the basics of

From the very title the principle of carrying out the presented study is already clear.

Thus, a specialist with a finger inserted into the rectum of the patient who has applied for help and complaints of pain in the anus can perform a diagnosis and, based on the results, prescribe a treatment.

The presented study allows not to resort to any instrumental examination, which can often become painful for the patient.

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The objectives of the digital rectal examination are as follows: finger research

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  1. The specialist, having listened to the patient's complaints, is already putting forward the assumption of an unpleasant situation and the disease as a whole. As a rule, on one assumption, treatment is not assigned, so he needs to confirm his guesses. For this purpose, a finger examination is performed immediately upon examination in the doctor's office.
  2. Also, based on the presented research, a specialist can assign an additional instrumental examination and diagnostics to the patient for an accurate determination of the nature of the disease.

Based on the foregoing, it follows that the finger method is very informative and the patient should not abandon it.

Indications for examination

Finger examination is not carried out by everyone and not always.

Here there is a testimony to the conduct, where there are:

  • complaints of the patient for pain in the lower abdomen;
  • if the patient has a violation of the functions of the urino-genital organs and intestines;
  • complaints of pain in the anal region, with defecation;
  • in the presence of already diagnosed hemorrhoids and accompanying ailments to determine the effectiveness of treatment;
  • preventive examination of men after 40 years with the goal of preventing the development of prostate diseases;
  • examination of women over 40 years old for the detection and prevention of genital tract diseases( if it is not possible to conduct a finger examination directly).

Finger rectal examination allows revealing the development of pathology, which contributes to the beginning of timely treatment.

The specialist can also determine the need for additional instrumental examination in the form of rectoscopy, colonoscopy or anoscopy.

digital rectal examination

Research possibilities

With the help of this type of examination, a number of parameters can be determined, including:

  • state of tissues and intestinal mucosa;
  • definition of the tone of the anal canal;
  • the possibility of further research and its nature;
  • general condition of the shell of the intestinal tracts that are involved in a person during defecation;
  • normal functioning of tissues located near the above sites;
  • color and structure, and also with the help of additional studies the bacteriological composition of excreta.

At first glance, a finger examination of the intestine does not seem informative.

However, it can detect such dangerous neoplasms as internal hemorrhoids, various tumors and polyps, anal fissures( here you can also determine the shape), prostate enlargement, foreign bodies, inflammatory infiltrates.

By finger research, it is possible to diagnose the failure of the anal sphincter and even changes in the internal genitalia in women.

How is the

study conducted?

Rectal examination is performed in a specific position of the patient's body, which directly depends on complaints and pain, that is, if there is a suspicion of a particular disease.

The following possible positions for examination are distinguished here: the

  • patient lies on his side, his knees are bent - the posture allows to determine the diseases of the rectum and the presence of posture in the study neoplasms;
  • the patient is in the knee-elbow position - the study allows to determine the degree and shape of the neoplasm, as well as to reveal the damage to the rectal mucosa;
  • the patient lies on his back in the gynecological chair or on the couch with the legs of , which are spread widely in different directions - this position is used to determine the diseases of the genitourinary system in women and the bladder in men;
  • patient squatting - if necessary, examination of the upper parts of the rectum;
  • the patient lies on his back on the couch, stretching his arms and legs in the forward position of - the pose is necessary for the detection of peritonitis or abscess.

There are three methods of digital rectal examination:

  1. One-finger examination - the doctor smears the index finger with petroleum jelly and injects it into the rectum, starting the examination. Thus, a specialist can recognize the condition of the walls of the anal canal, reveal any new growths, check the condition of the internal genital organs( cervix, vaginal septum, prostate condition in a man).Using a single-finger method, a specialist can feel the sacrum and coccyx, because sometimes the pain in the groin and the lower abdomen can be caused precisely by damage to the lower part of the spine. After the doctor removes the finger, he examines the remaining mucus, where it is often possible to detect pus, blood and other unpleasant and abnormal discharge.
  2. Two-finger examination - the doctor uses the finger of one hand, inserting it into the rectum and finger of the second hand, pushing it in the pubic area. Thus, it is possible to investigate and identify diseases or tumors in the upper rectum or pelvic peritoneum. Through the presented research technique, the specialist also determines the mobility of the rectum wall to the vagina in a woman.
  3. Two-hand examination of - the method of carrying out the procedure is practically the same as the two-finger procedure, except for the use of the fingers of the second hand. A man's finger penetration in this case is carried out in the anus, and in women can pass through the vagina, if there is a suspicion of the presence of malignant tumors on the anterior wall of the rectum.

2 finger tests

How is rectal rectal examination of the rectum - visual video:

Finger rectal examination of the rectum is an important examination, without which no method of proctologist can do, often uses it and a gynecologist.

But the presented examination has contraindications in the form of a strong pain syndrome and a sharp narrowing of the anus. In this case, this method of examination is possible in case of elimination of contraindications.

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  • Apr 05, 2018
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