How to get rid of a phobia?

Have you met absolutely fearless people?

Those who are not afraid of anyone and nothing?

Those who have no idea what phobia is?

I personally do not.

It seems to me that people deprived of fears live exclusively in myths, art, literature, but not in real life.

And, if somewhere there is a person who does not need to think, how to get rid of the phobia, then, being an exception, it only emphasizes the rule: we all are afraid of something.

And yet, no matter how natural the feeling of fear, it is not worth living with him.

You need to try to get rid of it with all your might.

What is a phobia and what exactly should I get rid of?

From the Greek language, the word "phobia" translates as fear and means uncontrolled irrational horror in some situations, next to a certain object, a living creature or even - in anticipation of the appearance of the object of its fear.

A phobia in psychiatry is considered a nervous breakdown.

It is already well-studied, described and classified.

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To date, science has proved the existence of so many phobias that only their enumeration and a brief interpretation can not fit within one article.

That only people are not afraid!

Alongside such common phobias as fear of heights, confined spaces, death, different creatures, very original horrors coexist peacefully, for example:

  • panophobia - fear without reason;
  • neophobia - fear of any change;
  • megalophobia - horror in front of big things;
  • laterophobia - people suffering from it, afraid to lie on their side;
  • eichophobia - the fear of hearing and / or talking pleasant words, etc.

The term "phobia" itself gradually evolved and today, merging with other words, means a negative attitude( or non-acceptance) of something.

For example, "homophobia" is hatred for people of non-traditional sexual orientation, "xenophobia" is a hostile attitude toward everything that seems alien, foreign, and therefore dangerous, etc.

But we will be frank: any phobia arises as a result of fear( it is not new that homophobes are latent gays who are afraid of replenishing the LGBT community), so we will further talk about how to get rid of phobia in the meaning of "uncontrollable horror"," Irrational fear ".

Why get rid of a phobia, if it does not bother me too much?

The concepts of "fear" and "phobia" are not identical, as you already understood.

A phobia is more of a kind of fear, it's a panic that covers us when we are face to face with what we fear most.

This nasty feeling makes us absolutely helpless, deprives the ability to think soberly.

If you do not get rid of your phobia in time, then it will not only poison your life constantly, but it is also likely to lead to much more sad consequences.

For example, you are rescued from some kind of mortal danger, and here on your way comes a suspension bridge that rises above the abyss.

And you have a fear of heights.

What should we do: stay on shore and perish or overcome ourselves and be saved?

But if you had previously tried to get rid of your phobia, you would not have faced such a difficult choice, and crossed the bridge without having to blink an eye.

How to calm down after stress?

Or here is another example: you participate in some kind of show, are already close to victory, but between you and the win is a room with large cockroaches.

And that: give up your dreams, because you are afraid of these beetles? Of course, the above examples may seem ridiculous to you and many will most likely be called "Oh, I'll never be in this situation."

Yes, even if you do not, then are you, a reasonable person, allow some stupid fear to lead you?

Here I have a friend who is so afraid of snakes that he never goes to the forest and does not even visit parks.

To deprive yourself of such joy, instead of getting rid of a phobia - this I do not understand.

How to get rid of a phobia? See your fears in person!

Many people do not even suspect what they are capable of.

They are somehow easier to whine, fear and complain than do something.

You can get rid of a phobia if you meet your fears personally.

It's better not to do this abruptly( although this way of dipping into ice water will do), but gradually, so that there is not such a big load on your nervous system.

For example, you are afraid of snakes.

Start to get acquainted with these cute creatures with looking at pictures( just do not need to read the horrors, how many people die from their bites and so these are dangerous creatures), just look at the pictures.

Gradually go to the video( again, do not open a video called "boa constrictor eating a rabbit" or "anaconda killing a person").

The next stage of the struggle against ophiophobia( fear of snakes) is a visit to them, to the terrarium.

Constantly calm yourself, looking at them: "Between us, the glass, they will not do anything to me."

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When you stop trembling, looking at these reptiles, go to full-time acquaintance with them.

You can even make a photo for memory with a snake in the circus as proof that you managed to get rid of the phobia.

How else can I get rid of the phobia: 5 tips

Here are some more ways to get rid of the phobia:

  1. Change of reaction.

    For example, you are afraid of drowning.

    With the help of meditation, visualization, auto-suggestion and other methods, accustom your consciousness to that when you look at the river you have a reaction not of fear, but of relaxation.

  2. Vision of prospects.

    Think for yourself: you, being afraid of heights, deprive yourself of many pleasant entertainments: a balloon, an airplane, parachutes, a "fucking" wheel, roller coaster, rock climbing, etc.

    If you get rid of your phobia, you can enjoy it all.

  3. Finding Confidence.

    Admit yourself honestly that you just feel comfortable living with your phobia.

    And all these "I can not", "it does not work out", "it is difficult" - usual excuses of a weakling.

    Become strong, believe that you can accomplish any accomplishments and your fears and traces will not remain.

  4. Looking for a companion.

    There is such a proverb in Ukraine as "a dick and a dad more easily beaty".

    Do not try to get rid of the phobia yourself, take the help of a friend suffering from the same ailment.

    First, with it you will be more cheerful, and secondly, perhaps you will be ashamed that someone is afraid of something more than you, and you will stop being afraid.

  5. Love for your phobia.

    For example, you love cats, but are afraid of dogs.

    You need to feel sincere sympathy for these person's friends.

    Each time, looking at the dog, remember what feelings you are having for your cat and gradually transfer part of the love from one living being to another.

Some more useful tips to get rid of phobias,

are voiced in the video:

Can not get rid of the phobia yourself? Forward to a specialist!

Let's say you have a phobia that you dream of getting rid of.

You have tried many different ways, including those recommended by me, have studied this topic far and wide, but the phobia is not going to let you off your claws.

In this case, you should not continue to experiment further on your nervous system and psyche - no good such mockery of yourself will not lead.

I can not solve the problem myself - it's not scary, because there are specialists who will definitely help.

Psychologist and psychotherapist are not terrible cannibals, these are the most useful for modern society people who know exactly how to get rid of the phobia.

  • Apr 05, 2018
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