Infertility in women is manifested by the absence of pregnancy, provided that a regular sexual life without the use of any contraceptives for 24 months or more. Treatment of this pathology is a very long and complicated process, as there are a lot of reasons for female infertility. Therefore, it is so important not to waste time and to seek medical help at the first signs of illness.
- Causes of
- Symptoms of
- Types of
- Degrees
- Assays
- How to cure
- Folk remedies
- Prevention
Reasons for
Female infertility factors include:
- Tumor formation of the brain.
- Endometriosis.
- Congenital physiological defects of the genital organs.
- Various forms of menstrual irregularities( oligomenorrhoea, amenorrhea, etc.) caused by hormonal failure.
- Increased secretion of prolactin.
- Acquired defects in the development of genital organs.
- Two-sided obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Adhesive disease in the pelvis.
- Psychosexual disorders.
- Tuberculosis of the genital organs.
- Systemic autoimmune diseases.
- Sexual infections.
- Inflammatory processes in the appendages, uterus, ovaries.
- Pathologies in the structure and functioning of the reproductive system.
- Chromosomal pathologies of oocytes.
- Removal of one of the ovaries.
- Abortions.
- Unclear causes of infertility.
Also the causes of infertility in women are such gynecological diseases as uterine myoma, erosion, ovarian cyst, etc.
Another reason for female infertility may be miscarriages. However, this is not always a sign of pathology, fetal death can occur due to genetic problems and other causes. If permanent miscarriages occur, it is recommended that a woman undergo a medical examination to identify infertility or lack of it.
to table of contents ^Symptoms of
- Disorder of the menstrual cycle( amenorrhea).
- Elongation of menstruation.
- Soreness of the monthly.
- Lean or too abundant vaginal discharge.
- Presence of yellowish, watery discharge throughout the cycle.
- Periodic aching pain in the lower abdomen.
- Appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor.
In some women, the first signs indicating problems with conception appear at an early age. These include:
- Late onset of menstruation( after 16 years).
- Long cycle( 40 days or more).
- Irregular periods.
- Insufficient weight, anorexia.
- Birth defects in the structure of female genital organs - ovarian depletion, infantile womb, sinuous tubes, etc.
Even if there is one of the listed signs, this does not mean that the woman is infertile - the diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.
Kinds of
Given the main causes of the disease, infertility is divided into:
- Hormonal( endocrine).
- Royal.
- Trumpet-peritoneal.
- Autoimmune.
- Psychogenic.
- Idiopathic.
- Pathology on the background of endometriosis.
Also infertility can be:
- Relative, which can be cured.
- Absolute or incurable, which appears in women due to birth defects( for example, during the infiltration of the uterine cavity, the baby's uterus, the pathology of development of the genital organs or their absence, etc.).
Infertility 1 degree( primary, congenital) is the inability of a woman to conceive a child from the beginning of reproductive age. Usually term infertility is determined after 24 months of regular sexual life without contraceptives.
Infertility 2 degrees( secondary, acquired) - is diagnosed already giving birth to women or those who at least once was in position. All repeated attempts to become pregnant in this case are ineffective.
There are a lot of ways to evaluate the reproductive system in women. First of all, the study of hormonal regulation of the ovulation process is assigned. To do this, test for the syndrome of luteal phase failure and on the 20th day of the cycle, the progesterone level in the blood is examined. Also, when examining the hormonal status, analyzes to determine the quantitative parameters are shown:
- Steroid hormones.
- Thyroid hormones.
- Cortisol, prolactin, estradiol, LDH, FSH.
- Insulin.
Diagnosis of the number of hormones can be carried out by urine. Also, the test includes a test( sample) of the use of certain hormonal medications. For example, a test for the detection of a syndrome of luteal phase insufficiency is the administration of progesterone at a particular period of the cycle.
Other laboratory tests conducted with female infertility:
- Definition of cervical index.
- Analysis for STIs.
- Postcoital test.
- Assay for other infections( eg, for cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis).
Functional tests include basal temperature measurement for the accuracy of the ovulation schedule. Thus, they analyze the activity of the ovaries and the correctness of their work.
Diagnostic methods include instrumental examinations:
- Colposcopy.
- ultrasound.
- Hysterosalpingoscopy.
- Biopsy.
- MRI or X-ray of organs( according to indications).
- Diagnostic curettage.
In some cases, a woman undergoes diagnostic laparoscopy or hysteroscopy under general anesthesia.
to table of contents ^How to cure
The choice of treatment measures depends on the cause that causes infertility. Initially, the patient is prescribed conservative therapy, which includes candles, pills, injections, tampons with medications. In case of ineffectiveness of medical actions, a surgical intervention is shown to a woman. If this method did not bring any positive results, methods of treatment with assisted reproductive technologies are planned.
Conservative treatment is mainly indicated for hormonal infertility. For example, with increased insulin, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed, glucose is injected intravenously. When the luteal phase is deficient, hormonal drugs are shown( Menotropin, Clomifene Citrate, Urophol- lithropine).In some cases, the hormonal background stabilizes due to the normalization of body weight( weight loss or, conversely, weight gain) by diet therapy, physiotherapy and increased physical activity.
In case of problems with the thyroid gland, correction is performed with drugs that lower or increase the level of hormones T4 and TSH in the blood;in the syndrome of polycystic ovaries, oral contraceptives are recommended for 6-12 months. With reduced immunity, a special vitamin complex is prescribed for a woman.
Female infertility of tubal origin is treated with laparoscopy. During surgery, the surgeon dissects spikes, removes ovarian cysts or scars. However, in serious cases of uterine tube obstruction, the IVF technique for conception is used.
If the cause of infertility is the wrong structure of the uterus, restoration operations are performed. Sometimes, in pathologies of development of female reproductive organs, one can only hope for surrogate motherhood. Endometrioid nodes, tumors are removed surgically.
In immunological infertility, IVF( in vitro fertilization) is offered to the patient when the sperm does not enter the cervical canal( the area of the uterus that connects the vagina and the uterine cavity) and is not destroyed by its own immune cells.
Folk remedies
Herbs and home therapies for infertility are used after diagnosis and consultation with the doctor, as the causes of the disease may be different. For example, if the problem lies in chronic inflammatory diseases, use anti-inflammatory herbs;if female infertility has developed against the background of hormonal failures, other gatherings and herbs( for example, the hog urchin) will help.
The most effective in the treatment of infertility are:
- The red brush promotes the normalization of local immunity and helps with immunological infertility.1 tablespoon of the root of the plant to brew in 300 milliliters of boiling water and stand for 60 minutes. Take 100 milliliters 3 times daily before meals for 45 days.
- Uterine clove is indicated for irregular cycle and intermenstrual bleeding.10 grams of herbs to insist in 300 milliliters of boiling water 1 hour. Drink 5 milliliters 4 times a day for 30 days.
- Royal jelly during infertility normalizes the endocrine background and heals the body. Preparations of milk should be drunk 100 milligrams three times a day, completely dissolving in the mouth. The recommended course of treatment is 4-6 months.
- The bovine uterus normalizes the parameters of the hormonal background, treats inflammatory uterine diseases and endometriosis. Also, grass is recommended to eat with a lower level of estrogen. Also for the treatment of infertility, the women use plantain seeds, geranium oil, sage, honey, perga, black cumin oil, etc.
- Take the bovine uterus best as a tincture of 40 drops 3 timesa day, brewing boiled water. To begin treatment it is necessary for 3-7 day of a cycle after the termination or ending of a menses. The course of treatment is 6 months, but during a month it can not be drunk.
Prevention of
To prevent infertility, the following rules should be observed:
- Do not abuse diets, but also avoid obesity.
- Do not do abortions.
- Parents should contact a gynecologist if their daughter is delayed the first menstruation or sexual development.
- Take your time with the onset of sexual activity.
- Fight depression and stress.
- Timely treat inflammatory diseases of the genital area.
- To increase immunity.
- Observe intimate hygiene.
The earlier the infertility treatment is started, the more chances of having a baby, so after 12 months of unsuccessful attempts it is necessary to seek help from a specialist.