You can plant strawberry bushes in the open ground in anytime of year, excluding winter. But experienced gardeners know that the autumn period is the most favorable for this event. About how to properly plant a strawberry in the fall, will be described below. Seedling, placed on the beds at this time, is best suited and the next year gives a good harvest.
Cultivation of planting material
It is necessary to prepare seedlings in advance, taking it from the strawberry of the first or second year of life.
- On June 15-20 it is necessary to separate the first rosettes from them and dive them on specially prepared beds. For picking sockets, on which formed from one to three leaflets, root rudiments and urus at least 10 cm long, are suitable. To facilitate the process of picking, from the side of the uterine bush leave part of the mustache to 1 cm in length.
- 2 beds of peat and 1 part of sand and soil are applied to the seedling beds. Then dig.
- At a distance of 5 cm from each other, grooves 1-2 cm in depth are made. In them, rosettes are planted, observing an interval of 5 cm between them.
- After the transplantation the furrows are watered and covered with paper, branches, leaves or mown grass for 2 days.
- For several days, the outlet should be watered from the watering can with a nozzle.
- In order for seedlings to develop faster, a frame is made over the bed and stretched film or agrotex on it.
- After three to four weeks, the seedlings will be completely ready for transfer to a permanent place.
You can get seedlings from the mother's bush and in a slightly different way.
- Choose several powerful uterine bushes and wait until they have the first three antennae.
- Selected whiskers should be prikopat directly on the bed or in separate containers. It is not necessary to separate them from the uterine plant.
- When the first-order sockets are well rooted, they need to be pricked to prevent the development of the following mustache.
- From the main plant, the seedlings are separated just before planting to a permanent place.
Preparing the site
When choosing a site for the formation of a berry, it is worth paying attention to several factors.
- The best precursors for strawberries are garlic, beets, radish, carrots and green cultures.garlic carrots
radish beet
- You can not plant berries after potatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers and cabbage.
- The most comfortable strawberry will feel in the southwestern part of the garden.
- The place where the berry will be located should be well illuminated by the sun.
- For landing, the area with low relief is not suitable. Such places are characterized by high humidity, and in them cold air often stagnates. Unfavorable conditions can adversely affect the growth and fruit bearing of bushes.
To prepare the soil on the site chosen for planting, it is necessary to start in the middle of summer. In July, each square meter of land is charged with potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and 20 mg, 20 grams, 25 g and 7 kg, repulsed manure, respectively.
superphosphate repelled manure
Before planting at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, beds of not more than 8 cm in height are made, oriented from north to south. After that, the site can be considered prepared.
Arrangement of berry bushes
The strawberry planting scheme in the autumn depends on the type of soil on the site.
- On heavy clay soil, berry bushes are preferably placed in one line with a distance between rows of 50-60 cm, and between plants in the row - 25-30 cm. If on heavy soil, use a multi-line landing, the air exchange and the berries will start to affect the gray rot.
- On light soil, strawberries can be planted in both 2 and 3 lines. The distance between the lines should be 30 cm, between the plants - 15-20 cm. The rows should be approximately half a meter from each other.
For better aeration the bushes should be shifted from each other by half the distance, that is, staggered.
Planting bushes in the ground
Autumn planting of strawberries lasts about a month( from August 20 to September 15).It should be finished 20-30 days before the frost, so that the plants have time to take root. If you are late, the seedlings are likely to die.
How to plant strawberries in the fall so that everything went well? It should be done in cloudy weather. If the hot sunny weather continues, then the landing should be scheduled for the evening. In the second case, the bushes should be covered with paper or beveled grass.
- Before planting in the soil, the plants are soaked for a quarter of an hour in dilute copper sulfate. To prepare a solution in 10 liters of water, add 1 teaspoonful of vitriol and 3 tablespoons of salt. After processing the strawberry bushes should be rinsed with water. It is also possible to disinfect plants with a solution of potassium permanganate. In order for the roots to get better, they can be dipped into a mallet prepared from a mixture of mullein and clay.
- For a smooth arrangement of strawberries in the rows, you should use a cord. On the beds with an interval of 20-25 cm are digged holes with a sheer wall near the cord.
- The bushes are laid out on the holes, placing them on the mound so that the central kidney( the so-called heart) is at the soil level. For this, it is necessary to follow, since strawberries do not tolerate either deep or shallow placement. In the first case, the central bud will be covered with earth, and the plant will not develop. In the second, the roots are bare, which will lead to the drying of the plant.
- The roots of the plant are straightened so that they are located vertically and do not bend upward. The desired location will be achieved only if the roots are not longer than 5 cm. If they are too long, they need to be cut off.
- Pits with seedlings are filled with loose earth, and then tightly press it to the roots with palms. Then you need to add more land and again ram it with both hands. The procedure is carried out twice to eliminate all voids between the roots.
- Around each bush, a shallow groove is dug out and immediately after planting watering is made from 0.5-0.8 l of water per plant.
- After irrigation the soil is mulched. Peat, humus or humus is suitable for this. If this is not done, the moisture from the ground will quickly evaporate.
- Planted strawberries for a week and a half should be watered daily with a watering can. Doing this is not required only in rainy weather.
Care for the berry
After the seedlings, planted in the ground, will get accustomed, the care for it basically consists in loosening, periodic irrigation and mulching the soil. Particular attention should be paid to the preventive treatment of shrubs from pests and diseases. Various solutions can be used for this purpose. Let's give examples of the most popular of them.
- In early September, preventive treatment of strawberry bushes against strawberry mites should be carried out. The preparation for it is prepared as follows: in 10 liters of warm water, 2 tbsp.l.3% vinegar, ash and soaked laundry soap and 3 tbsp.spoons of burnt lean oil. This composition is sprayed like strawberry bushes themselves, and the soil on the bed. water vinegar
lean oil ash laundry soap
- During the period from 10 to 20 September bushes and soil around them are treated with a solution with the following composition:
- 10 liters of room temperature water;
- 2 tbsp.spoons of liquid soap;
- 3 tbsp.l.overheated sunflower oil.
- In October, the berry should be sprayed with 3-4% solution of Bordeaux liquid or 2% solution of copper sulfate.
Preparation of strawberries for the winter
- A thick layer of peat, sawdust or needles is placed in place of the harvested organic material. This procedure is carried out when the soil freezes to a depth of 5-6 cm( that is, not before November).In this case, it is necessary to cover only the roots. It is impossible to fall asleep completely. Mulch will protect the roots from freezing and pests. In addition, it will save young plants from expulsion by expanding ice from the ground.
- To detain and store snow on the plantation, you can scatter currant branches or install special shields.
- In winter, the berry can attract the attention of rodents. To protect from them autumn planting, you need to scatter around the beds scaring substances. It can be naphthalene or peat moistened with creolin.
Care for autumn planting in the spring
Beginning to care for strawberries, planted in the soil in the fall, it is necessary in early spring.
- In April, as soon as the land is freed from snow and the soil dries slightly, a planting can be made on the strawberry bed. Bushes with bare roots need to be bored. Plants with a central bud buried in the ground - slightly lifted using a shovel.
- If found dead bushes, they need to be removed, and in their place to plant new ones.
- Be sure to loosen the soil. The soil around the plants is loosened to a depth of 2-3 cm, and the row spacing to 8-10 cm.
- It is necessary to remove the dried leaves of last year. They are cut with a secateter closer to the base of the bush.
Thus, the rules of autumn planting strawberries, as well as spring, are quite simple. If they are strictly observed, next summer it will be possible to harvest a good harvest of berries.
Autumn planting of strawberries - video
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