Rhinitis is a response of the human body to certain pathogenic microorganisms that have affected the mucous membranes of the nose. In addition, to provoke a runny nose can hypothermia and contact with a sick person. When the rhinitis has acquired a protracted character, the mucous secretions become purulent. This sign indicates that the common cold acquires a chronic form. Today, it can be eliminated by various methods, but the most effective is considered to be oil of thuya.


  • 1 Treatment
    • 1.1 Nasal wash
    • 1.2 Aromatherapy
    • 1.3 Aromatherapy bath
    • 1.4 Ointment from the common cold
  • 2 Treatment of sinusitis
  • 3 Reviews


The presented herbal preparation has a vasoconstrictive effect, for this reason it is actively used to treat the common cold.

oil of thuja in children

You can apply the medicine even to small patients, but only according to the dosage established by the doctor, because the use of this drug gives only positive results. In addition, before using the oil, it is necessary to dilute it with those that the doctor deems effective in a particular situation.

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Nasal flushing

Thuya oil is a unique product that can be used to prepare a medicinal solution for nasal lavage. Such manipulation can be carried out not only by adults, but also by children. First you need to prepare an infusion of herbs. Here it is worth using chamomile ( how to properly wash the nose of a chamomile child can be learned from this article) , sage and calendula. Take these ingredients in the same amount and 2 tablespoons account for ¼ of a cup of boiling water. Let the infusion cool down, put 15-20 drops of thuya oil in it, drain the prepared preparation. When there is a runny nose, then the flushing is 2 times a day. At the time of the epidemic, do the procedures once a day as a prophylaxis. baby nose wash


Thuya oil is not only effective, but also an inexpensive remedy for coryza. It can be used to perform aromatherapy sessions. First, prepare the aroma lamp. This device can be bought at a pharmacy and a special store. If you do not have the opportunity to buy a lamp, then you can use a wide vessel with hot water in the process. Aromatherapy oil of thuya

For the treatment procedure, you should install an aroma lamp with a few drops of thuja oil in the room where the patient is located. Under the influence of the lamp, essential oil will spread throughout the room, eliminating all pathogenic bacteria. As a result, the air becomes pleasant and fragrant. When the oil gets on the nasal mucosa, then puffiness is eliminated, and a vasoconstrictive effect is achieved.

Aromatic baths

Such activities are not only useful, but also very pleasant. To do this, you should fill the bath with warm water, then place 5-6 drops of oil. After this, the patient can enjoy taking a bath and inhaling the vaporized vapor. But to conduct such treatment is not worth women at the time of bearing a child. Aromatic bath with tuya oil

Ointment from the common cold

You can treat the runny nose with the help of tuja oil, which is contained in the finished ointment. You can buy it at any pharmacy. The price at it low, and here efficiency, on the contrary. The composition of the preparation assumes the presence of tuya oil and petrolatum. Thanks to this, it became possible to use the ointment not only to treat children, but also adult rhinitis. During therapy, care should be taken so that the patient does not develop an allergic reaction. Aromatic bath with tuya oil

The medicinal ointment has an emollient and soothing effect. When it is used, it is possible to eliminate drying, formation of crusts and adenoids. During the treatment, the production of normal mucous secretions comes into play, and this contributes to a rapid and natural recovery.

The best remedy for treating a common cold in children

Which is the best treatment for the common cold in children is most often indicated in this article.

Which good remedy against the common cold is most often used, is indicated in the article.

How to treat a runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy is indicated here: http: //prolor.ru/n/ lechenie-n / nasmork-pri-beremennosti-1-trimestr.html

Many doctors prescribe thuja ointment in the treatment of the common cold, as this is the most affordable medicine with whichit became possible to cure chronic rhinitis. Applying the ointment is very simple: soak the cotton swabs with medicine and put them into the nasal passages. Doing such exercises 2 times a day, and the duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes. Treatment is carried out for 7-14 days. Already on the second day, patients feel relief, and the amount of mucus released decreases.

Treatment of sinusitis

Removing sinusitis can also be done with this natural medicine. Due to its natural origin, it is important to use oil for small patients who have reached the age of 2 years. Also, with maxillary sinusitis, acupressure can help, and how to do it can be seen in the video in the article.

On the video - instruction on how to use oil of thuja in the common cold in children:

With this natural remedy, it is possible to render antiseptic, restorative, antiviral, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect on the human body.

In addition, essential oil allows you to cope with the quality of mucosal edema and destroy all pathogenic microorganisms.

runny nose during pregnancy 2nd trimester How to overcome a runny nose during pregnancy 2 trimester, indicated in the article.

The better to treat a runny nose for a child of 2 years, is indicated in the article.

How to inhalate in the common cold to a child of 3 years, is specified here: http: //prolor.ru/n/ detskoe-zdorove / nasmork-u-rebenka-3-goda-kak-lechit.html

The following folk remedies based on tuya oil effectively fight against sinusitis:

  1. Forto eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis, you must use thuya oil in its pure form. It is digested in each nasal passage 2 drops 4 times per knock. The duration of therapy is 14 days.
  2. Effectively used during inhalation therapy using the presented component. Just add a few drops of oil to the stove with hot water, and then inhale the healing couples. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.
  3. If you do not trust the finished product, you can make butter of the Tui alone. To do this, grind a part of the needles, add 10 parts of olive oil. Wait 10 days until the agent is infused. Then drain everything and apply as a drop to the nose.


  • Marina, 27 years old: "Tui oil really helped me during the runny nose. This symptom is always very difficult to eliminate. I decided to try inhalation with this tool. I continued treatment for 12 days. After 2 x manipulation, my condition improved markedly, the nasal congestion, puffiness left. Now at the first manifestations of cold I immediately use this natural medicine. "
  • Michael, 29 years old: "When I was diagnosed with maxillary sinusitis, the doctor prescribed a puncture. I decided that I would try to cure the disease myself. For this, I used an ointment based on thuya oil. I made tampons 2 times a day, and also dripped the oil 3 times throughout the day. When after 2 weeks I went to the reception, the doctor was pleasantly surprised, as my illness left me. "
  • Anastasia, 45 years old: "I knew about the beneficial properties of thuya oil for a long time, and when my child had a runny nose, I decided to test it with my own example. For treatment, I used a decoction of sage and a few drops of the main product. We did a nose wash with the remedy 4 times a day. After 2 days, I managed to relieve my nose, ease my breathing and improve my health. "

Rhinitis is not a dangerous pathological process, but if it is started, it can take a chronic form. To quickly and effectively treat rhinitis, you can use thuya oil. During therapy, you can remove puffiness, destroy bacteria, improve breathing and ease the general condition.