Poisoning in the child. Symptoms and signs of food poisoning. What should I give my child for poisoning?

Signs, symptoms and treatment of food poisoning in children.

Contents of

  • Causes of food poisoning in children of different ages
  • Symptoms of food poisoning in children
  • Can there be a temperature for food poisoning in children?
  • Treatment of food poisoning in children
  • Antibiotics for food poisoning in children
  • Can I feed a child with food poisoning?
  • Diet for food poisoning in children
  • How and how to treat food poisoning in a child: advice and feedback
  • Prevention of food poisoning in children. Video
  • Video: Food poisoning of a child

Food poisoning is no laughing matter. If there are signs of food poisoning in the child, parents should first of all drop the panic and take the necessary measures. Let's talk about the causes, symptoms and measures to prevent food poisoning in children of different ages.

Causes of food poisoning in children of different ages

Food poisoning is a digestive disorder resulting from the ingestion of poor quality foods, as well as poisonous fungi and plants.

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Food poisoning occurs for many reasons:

  1. Infection with bacteria products and infections
  2. Eating foods that are stored at the wrong temperature
  3. Eating foods that have expired
  4. Toxicity of some fungi, plants and their seeds
  5. Improper cooking of foodnutrition

Peak intestinal poisoning - summer. At this time it is sometimes difficult to observe the low temperature of food storage.

The most "unsafe" products:

  • Unboiled milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream
  • Cakes and pastries with cream
  • Raw water
  • Sausage products
  • Unwashed vegetables and fruits
  • Raw eggs that can contain salmonella
  • Sometimes vegetables that were stored in the basement. Their skin can be an infection, the carrier of which are rodents
Food poisoning in the child

Signs of food poisoning in children

Signs of poisoning appear suddenly. The most characteristic signs of food poisoning in a child are:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal and Muscle pain
  • Diarrhea

With severe poisoning, vomiting can occur up to 15 times a day. The child's chair can become watery, the discharge can contain impurities of blood, mucus.

Important: Food poisoning is terribly dehydrated. Dehydration occurs as a result of frequent diarrhea and vomiting. If you see that the child is pale, there is dryness in his mouth, his pulse and breathing are rapid, the child seldom urinates, urgently seek medical help.

Symptoms of mushroom poisoning:

  • Dizziness
  • Pale skin
  • Growing headache
  • Blue lip color
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain

Mushroom poisoning is extremely dangerous, it requires urgent medical intervention.

Mushroom poisoning is very dangerous and does not accept self-medication.

. Can there be a temperature in food poisoning in children?

Elevated temperature( over 37.5 °) is also one of the frequent satellites of food poisoning. It may appear some time after symptoms of poisoning. A baby with an elevated temperature becomes sluggish, weak, capricious.

Poisoning almost always accompanied by fever

Treatment of food poisoning in children

Light food poisoning is amenable to self-management. Parents should provide first aid to the child. Children who are heavily poisoned, whose symptoms do not go through a few days, and are dehydrated, are hospitalized.

Important: If the child has poisoned with mushrooms or inadvertently ate fruits or seeds of a poisonous plant, immediately contact an ambulance. Before her arrival, lay the child in bed, warm his legs and no drugs. Treatment of such poisoning is only stationary.

First aid for poisoning:

  • Gastric lavage .Vomiting is a protective reaction of the body to harmful bacteria. The body thus tries to get rid of toxins. If it does, let the child drink a large amount of water, then apply pressure to the child's tongue. In this way, you will induce vomiting
  • Rid of toxins .After washing, you need to help the body get rid of toxin residues. Enterosorbents will come to the rescue. Give the child only the drug that corresponds to his age. Observe the correct dosage of

Known enterosorbents - activated carbon, smect, enterosgel, polysorb. Enterosorbents absorb toxins and leave the body in a natural way.

  • Dehydration Control .Often, let's drink to the baby. It can be not only water, but also a weak boil of dogrose, tea, rice broth

Important: Some give the baby milk, considering him an assistant in the fight against toxins. This is a wrong opinion. The organism during the food poisoning has no time to digest milk, it strenuously fights harmful bacteria.

First aid for food poisoning - reception of enterosorbents

Antibiotics for food poisoning in children

Antibiotics for food poisoning are extremely rare. Parents should not prescribe antibiotics on their own. Along with harmful bacteria, antibiotics can also destroy useful ones.

Levomycetin is administered with certain pathogens that are detected in the laboratory.

Can I feed a child with food poisoning?

If the child does not want to eat, do not force him. If the child does not mind eating, keep a sparing diet. When poisoning is important not to give up drinking, at least one or two sips, but more often.

Nutrition rules for poisoning:

  1. Food should be liquid or ground
  2. Portions small
  3. Meals can be up to 8 times a day, but in small portions
  4. The diet should be observed for a while after recovery

Diet for food poisoning in children

In poisoning, discard:

  • Fatty food
  • Fresh bread
  • Sweets
  • Milk
  • Freshly squeezed juices

Suitable food:

  • Vegetable soups
  • Mashed puree
  • Porridges on water
  • Yesterday's bread or crackers in a small amountETS


  • broth hips
  • weak tea
  • compote of dried fruits
  • Still water

After two weeks of recovery follow a sparing diet. Do not cook fried food for a child, give preference to cooked or steamed food. Be wary of fresh vegetables and fruits, sweet, fat.

When food poisoning can eat light vegetable soups

Than and how to treat food poisoning in a child: advice and feedback

Inna : "Food poisoning is scary. I myself have faced this several times. Pain in the muscles, upset stomach, vomiting - the enemy does not want. And when such a child, then in general a nightmare. My two-year-old daughter drank raw water from a well when we were visiting a village. Almost immediately there was a loose stool, the temperature was 37.5.It's good that I had a first aid kit with me. Immediately gave a smectic, switched to a diet, then enzymes for the normalization of microflora. "

Marina : "We ended up in infectious diseases with signs of poisoning. The child had fever, vomiting, lethargy, weakness. My first help did not help. We called an ambulance, they took us to an infectious disease. They put drippers, prescribing drugs, taking tests. It turned out to be rotovirus. "

Anastasia : "Mommy, watch out for the foods that the baby eats, especially in the summer. And most importantly - wash your hands. Often you see children on the street who are chewing something. It is not known what can be in the hands after the sandbox and contact with other children. "

Prevention of food poisoning in children. Video

It's unbearable to watch children suffer. To prevent food poisoning problems, observe preventive measures: wash hands before eating, after contact with animals, after a walk;Avoid contact with people with intestinal infection;carefully handle the products;store food in the refrigerator, after the expiration date, throw away the products without regret.

Video: Child food poisoning

  • Mar 02, 2018
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