Spirulina during pregnancy, breastfeeding, children: how to take? Can children spirulina and from what age?

Recommendations for the use of spirulina during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Contents of

  • Can spirulina be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
  • Spirulina during pregnancy and breastfeeding: instructions for use, dosages
  • How to take spirulina during pregnancy planning?
  • Can children be spirulina and at what age?
  • Spirulina Val for children - instructions for use, dosage
  • Can there be an allergy from spirulina in children?
  • Spirulina for children, pregnant, lactating mothers, when planning pregnancy: reviews
  • Video: Spirulina during pregnancy

Pregnancy gives a lot of different emotions to the fair sex. Positive are associated mainly with the expectation of the birth of a small person, negative, usually associated with experiences about their health, and the baby.

After all, as practice shows, even if the pregnancy is ideal, the body of a woman still very much suffers. And most often this is due to a lack of useful substances.

Since all nine months of pregnancy, he has to spend his reserves not for one, but for two people at once, then at the beginning of the second trimester future moms begin to lack vitamins. In case you want to avoid such problems, then try to take spirulina from the first days of pregnancy.

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Is it possible to have spirulina during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Spirulina during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • A large number of women, after learning about their pregnancy, refuse to take spirulina as they think that it can harm their baby. Most often they do so because some gynecologists claim that one of the contraindications to using a unique alga is pregnancy. But in fact, this applies only to those women who have intolerance to this product.
  • If you are completely healthy and your body is not prone to allergic reactions, then you can calmly take algae as well as before. Moreover, regular use of spirulina will help your body to easily transfer all the changes that occur to your body. Vitamins B, B12, A, E, calcium, magnesium, iron and amino acids will maintain your organs in a normal state, thereby helping your child to develop properly.
  • The baby himself will receive from spirulina folic acid, which he needs for the formation of the nervous and cardiovascular system. As you can see, drinking spirulina during pregnancy can and should be done. The truth is if you want it to really benefit you, then try to find the alga without any additives. As a rule, such products are designated by the word Organic .As for the use of spirulina during breastfeeding, then there is nothing to be afraid of either.
  • The main thing is not to exceed the permissible daily dose( this is about 30 g) and then both you and the baby will be fine. If you still have any doubts, you can reduce the dose twice in the first few days. After you make sure that the crumb feels good, you can gradually bring the amount of used spirulina drug to the original volume.

Spirulina for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Instructions for use, dosages

Instructions for the use of spirulina

As you have probably already realized, taking spirulina during pregnancy and during breastfeeding can be quite easy. If you adhere to a safe reception scheme, then this product will help ensure that both your body and your baby's organism work as correctly as possible. Moreover, regular reception spirulina contribute to the fact that you will lose all postpartum problems.

And this means that you can quickly return to the old form, get rid of hair loss and brittle nails, and also as quickly as possible bring the nervous system back to normal. But the most pleasant thing is that spirulina will help not only you, but your crumb. Since the minerals, vitamins and amino acids contained in it will be absorbed into breast milk in large quantities, your baby will also receive a vitamin charge that will help her body develop in a timely manner.

Instructions for the use of spirulina during pregnancy:

  • 1 trimester - 2 tablets 3 times a day about 30 minutes before meals. Spirulina is consumed exclusively by pure water without gas.
  • 2 trimester - 2 tablets 4 times a day with warm, clean water. If pregnancy provoked the development of some pathology, the daily dose can be increased to 10-12 tablets.
  • 3 trimester - 3 tablets 3 times a day. The spirulina is drunk for 1 month, and then a weekly break is necessarily done.

Instructions for the use of spirulina during breastfeeding:

  • 1-5 month - 1 tablet 3 times a day
  • 6-11 month - 2 tablets 3 times daily
  • 12-18 month - 3 tablets 3 timesin day

How to take spirulina when planning pregnancy?

Recommendations for the reception of spirulina in the planning of pregnancy
  • Unfortunately, in our country many couples are not at all responsible for planning pregnancy. And that is why in the end we have quite a lot of problem pregnancies, as a result of which babies with pathologies of different severity are born. In view of this, if you do not want your family to face such problems, then be sure to prepare yourself right for this period of your life.
  • After all, as the latest research of scientists show, every seventh person on our planet is experiencing a shortage of useful substances. For this reason, you can quite calmly turn out to be precisely the person whose body will not receive any vitamins and minerals. In case if in such exhausted condition also pregnancy comes, the female organism starts to work on deterioration.
  • In view of this, it will be better if you try to do everything so that your body is ready for additional stresses. To do this, it will be enough to buy spirulina in the nearest pharmacy without additives and start using it at least 3 months before the onset of pregnancy.

Recommendations on the use of spirulina in the planning of pregnancy:

  • Powder. 1 tsp dry product must be dissolved in 100 ml of warm water and drank before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Tablets .The daily dose of such spirulina can range from 6 to 12 pcs. Take them, too, will have to be 3 times a day before eating.
  • Spirulina oil. 15-20 drops are taken three times a day and washed down exclusively with warm water.

Can children be spirulina and at what age?

Spirulina for children

Spirulina is a natural product with general strengthening and immunomodulating properties. In view of this, when used correctly, it will have an extremely beneficial effect on the body of a small person. But remember, the child as well as women in the position is best to give a completely organic product. So you will be sure that the baby gets only substances useful to his body and reduce the possibility of developing allergic reactions to a minimum.

With regard to the time from when the children can be given spirulina, then the opinions differ slightly. Some mothers give it to their children literally with the first lure, while others believe that it is possible to inject spirulina into the baby's diet not earlier than a year. But as practice shows, the optimal period for this is a six-month age. Until then, the baby will have enough vitamins and minerals that fall into his body with the mother's milk.

But since the seventh month, the children are becoming more mobile, which means that their body will need to spend a lot more energy than usual. For this reason, parents must do their best to have their crumbs receive a little more useful substances than the first months of their lives.

Spirulina Val for children - instructions for use, dosages

Instruction for the use of spirulina Val for children

Spirulina Val is a ready-made vitamin-mineral complex made on the basis of seaweed. In pharmacies, you can find this bioadditive as in pure form, and in combination, for example, with selenium.

In principle, this drug in its composition is almost no different from natural algae, the only difference is the additional dose of vitamin C.

Instruction for the use of spirulina Val for children:

  • 1-6 months - 0.5 tablets 2 times a day
  • 6-12 months - 1 tablet 2 times a day
  • 12-18 months - 1 tablet 3 times a day

And, of course, do not forget that, like an adult, a child must necessarily drink algae with water. If the kid refuses to do this, then you can try rubbing the pill into powder and adding it to compote or tea.

Can there be an allergy from spirulina in children?

Spirulina is capable of causing an allergy
  • Although spirulina is considered a hypoallergenic product in some cases, it can cause an allergic reaction. As a rule, this happens if the baby has a predisposition to an allergy or has an intolerance to this product. In case this is the case, then literally from the very minimum dose of spirulina in the crumb will have a skin rash, runny nose and tear the eyes.
  • Some parents perceive these symptoms for a temporary side effect, and still continue to give it to the child, although any pediatrician will tell you that you do not need to do this. After all, with such actions, you every day will increasingly saturate your body with crumbs allergens, which will clog its body with toxic substances.
  • This will provoke an even more allergic reaction and very serious consequences for the general condition of the body. Therefore, if you notice at least one symptom of an allergy, then completely abandon the use of spirulina.

Spirulina for children, pregnant, lactating mothers, when planning pregnancy: reviews

Reviews about spirulina

Daria: During pregnancy, my body completely refused meat. As I just did not hide it, I could not eat it. Mom and mother-in-law began to worry that because of this my child will be born very weak. At first I did not pay attention to their everyday hysterics, but after a while, too, succumbed to panic.

To solve this problem, I turned to my gynecologist, and she advised me to try to restore the balance of missing proteins, vitamins and minerals with spirulina. On the way home I bought algae and immediately started taking it. Saw according to the scheme specified in the instructions for use, right up to the most genera. My baby was born with a normal weight( 3.950), and most importantly, completely healthy.

Ilona: For nine months of pregnancy, she gained more than 20 kg. This was very depressing, so I decided to go on a diet. But as soon as I did, I immediately began to decrease the amount of breast milk. Therefore, I reluctantly returned to the original method of nutrition and decided to wait a little with losing weight.

But somehow, walking in the park with a child, learned from the same as I am a young mother, that losing weight after birth is a great help spirulina. Slightly doubting, still decided to try this method on myself, the more so that in this case I did not have to starve myself. Saw spirulina slightly smaller doses than indicated in the instructions, but still in a month the first results began to appear.

Video: Spirulina during pregnancy

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