How to increase nails acrylic

  • Advantages
  • procedures Disadvantages
  • procedures What is needed for acrylic escalating
  • Types build
  • Features nail on tips( + video)
  • building technology Forms
  • Nail acrylic on forms - video

Well-groomed nails are the calling card of every woman. Thanks to a neat manicure you can look attractive in any setting - at work, a party or a date. Due to the correct decor it will be possible to make nails a successful addition to the image. What to do if they are constantly broken or puffed up? Acrylic nail extensions will help you in a short time to become the owner of a spectacular and attractive manicure. Modern technologies help to easily solve any problem.


treatments Many women are interested in what is best nail - gel or acrylic. Of course, the use of acrylic has many positive aspects.

The most significant advantages include the following:

  1. use of different shades of the material makes it possible to obtain a variety of patterns. It can be fancy ornaments or maximally natural effect. In any case, the girl will be able to avoid the painful need to constantly paint her nails.
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  2. Acrylic perfectly holds, even in case of thin build-up. Thanks to this, it is possible to get the most natural and attractive result.
  3. Acrylic belongs to the category of rather elastic materials. That's why he can bend a little. With direct strokes, one can not worry about the integrity of the nail plate.
  4. Acrylic is easy to remove from nails. To do this, just place it in a special solution. After that, the material will dissolve quickly.
  5. If there are cracks or minor damage, the nail can be easily repaired. This avoids the need for a repeat procedure.
    The technology of building with acrylic allows using different methods. In this case, you can select tips, shapes, etc.
  6. Thanks to the use of acrylic extensions, you can create a variety of drawings. A popular option may be a French or moon manicure.
  7. Acrylic build-up can be done not only on the hands. Many masters apply this technology to their feet. Due to this, it is possible to easily extend the life of the pedicure. In addition, this method avoids such unpleasant problems as the growth of the plate or its curvature.


procedure Thinking that it is better - gel or acrylic, it is important to bear in mind that this procedure also possesses certain disadvantages. Experts consider the most serious negative points as follows:

  • application of insufficiently high-quality raw materials will lead to the appearance of a specific odor;
  • acrylic leaves the nail plate faster than the gel;
  • in the composition of this substance there are components capable of provoking an allergy;
  • after permanent washing off the varnish acrylic can lose its shine and become cloudy, which forces the girls to constantly use special coatings.

Before starting the procedure, you should always read the contraindications. They include the following:

  1. Extension is forbidden to perform if the nail plate is damaged or if a fungal infection occurs.
  2. Procedure is prohibited when injuring the cuticle. After getting acrylic on the affected area, serious inflammation can begin.
  3. You should not do the procedure for girls who suffer from excessive sweating of hands.
  4. It is not recommended to build up during the period of antibacterial drugs or hormones.

What is needed to build an acrylic

To do this procedure, you need to stock up on the following materials and tools:

  1. Liquid. It is a liquid that promotes the polymerization of acrylic. The substance can be used for both transparent and colored powder - it does not affect the shade of acrylic.
  2. Acrylic powder. It is a substance that hardens pretty quickly. Currently, on sale you can find quite a lot of different options - transparent, colorful powder. They can be combined, which allows obtaining very interesting solutions.
  3. Acid primer. Thanks to this substance, it is possible to ensure the adhesion of acrylic with the nail plate. The primer is not used when performing the procedure on tips, as it can provoke their cracking.
  4. Bond is an alternative to the primer. The substance can be used for any kind of build-up.
  5. The solvent helps to get rid of the old acrylic coating. Also with his help wash the brush.
  6. Degreaser helps to rid the skin of hands and nails of dirt. Thanks to this, it is possible to increase the life of nails.
  7. Brushes are considered the main tool for performing the build-up. The shape of the instrument is not very important, it all depends on the master's preferences. The main requirement is naturalness.
  8. Forms or tips - all depends on the type of build-up.
  9. Type cutter - is used when performing the procedure on tips. With its help, the length of the plate is corrected.
  10. The adhesive can be used as a gel or liquid glue.

Types of build-up

Acrylic build-up can be performed by different methods:

  1. On tips. They are billets that are made of plastic in the shape of a plate. They are attached with a special adhesive composition to the end of the nail and a third of its bed. Then the plate is grinded with tips, giving it the required length and shape. Finally, the acrylic coating is applied. After solidification, the plates are polished, giving them a beautiful appearance.
  2. On forms. They are special devices made of paper or other material. The template is applied to the end of the finger and pushed under the natural nail. Then, acrylic is applied to the mold and plate. After solidification, it forms an artificial nail. At the end it needs to be cut to the required size and polished.
Thanks to the use of tips for building up, it is possible to significantly speed up the work process. However, as a result, the nails do not look too elegant. Applying templates allows you to get more diverse results.

Once you have prepared all the necessary and selected method of building, it is necessary to determine the shape of the nails. Currently, there are quite a few options. The most common are the following:

  • classical forms - almond-shaped, oval, square;
  • complex options - bridget, stylet, age.

Features of nail extension on tips( + video)

To make an extension using tipsy, you need to treat your fingers with a disinfectant. Then carefully remove the cuticles and treat the nails with an antiseptic. The primer is applied to the end of the nails. During its drying, pick the right size tips.

The build-up process is not very complicated. At first, acrylic is applied inside the mold, and then gently applied to the plate. Excess material falls on free edges. Then you need to wait a certain time for acrylic to harden, and remove the tips. The free part of the nail is shaped to the desired shape.

Extension technology with

forms To make a beautiful manicure, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly and wipe them with disinfectant. Then gently get rid of the upper nail cover with a large file. After it is possible to get a flat surface, dust is blown off from it.
  2. It is good to clean the cuticle. For this, it is recommended to use a fine-grained file.
  3. Collect the primer on the brush and apply it in such a way that the nails glisten. It is important not to let the substance get on the skin.
  4. Put the shape on the end of the finger and bend it. It should be at the corners of the nail, otherwise it will quickly break and crack. Then the form is fixed in the central part of the nail and carefully pressed. The tips should be connected.
  5. Apply the primer again. White acrylic is applied to the mold and spread evenly over the surface. You should also create a smile line by treating the brush with liquid.
  6. On a natural nail put a ball of pink color or a little acrylic. The second ball is applied to the cuticle.
  7. After drying the coating, it is recommended to remove the mold. After this, you can proceed to align the plate. First, sharpen the side parts of the nail with a file with large grains. Then it is tilted at an angle to align the end of the nail. After that, you can start grinding. To do this, the surface of the nail is processed from the top down with a small saw blade.
  8. Apply oil to the nail and spread over the entire surface. Then it can be ground. Thanks to this, you will be able to cope with the scratches that leave tools. To assess the quality of the result, the nail is turned towards the light - it must be reflected off the surface.
  9. At the end of the nails should be treated with a transparent coating.

Acrylic nail extensions are considered a fairly simple and effective procedure. Thanks to its holding, you can get a beautiful and neat manicure in a short time, which will last for a long time. To achieve the most attractive results, it is best to contact an experienced master.

Nail extensions with acrylic on forms - video


Technique for nail extensions with acrylic
Acrylic nail extensions
Acrylic nail extensions
  • Mar 02, 2018
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