Compression knitwear Venoteks: a stylish victory over varicose veins

compression knitwear According to statistics, every fifth person on Earth suffers varicose veins of lower extremities.

Looking at the smooth legs of most passers-by, it's hard to believe. However, varicosity is an insidious disease that visually does not manifest itself at the initial stages, developing deep under the skin.

Moreover, over time, it is younger, becoming today a problem of twenty years.


  • Unaesthetic and painful pathology
  • Non-surgical treatment of varicose veins is real
  • Venoteks: one step ahead of analogues
  • Cons of compression knitwear: truth or conjecture?
  • The essence of the curative effect
  • The essence of the curative effect
  • The essence of the curative effect
  • The use of the
  • The low cost for the high efficiency

The unattractive and painful pathology

Varicose veins are associated with a lossveins of tonus, thinning and swelling of their walls. The reason for this stasis is blood in the limbs, because of which the vessels are for a long time overloaded.

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What happens to the elastic band, which is held for a long time in the stretched state? It loses the ability to contract, and sometimes it can even burst.

So with veins: long time "inflated" with blood, they cease to return to their original state even during rest, and their shells do not provide sufficient resistance to subsequent blood pressure.

The first swallows become heaviness and "buzz" in the legs, muscle cramps. This is written off in the heat, uncomfortable shoes and fatigue, until there are visual signs: vascular mesh that clearly appears through the skin.

Soon the veins swell, and even later the legs can "decorate" painful ulcers, it is far from easy to cope with.

Non-surgical treatment of varicose veins - this is real

In the past, varicose veins were treated with the help of surgeons. Later, a wide range of medicines appeared, but applied independently, they, unfortunately, did not provide a full-fledged effect.

Only a few years ago there was a product that strengthens therapy and an equally successful solo, - compression knitwear.

Today, it occupies a leading position in the prevention and treatment of varicose veins.

The principle of compression is not new. Previously, with soreness of the veins, the legs were wound with elastic bandages in an attempt to support the vessels and promote the outflow of blood. Compression leg wear

However, the "grandfather's" method often did not justify itself, because it is difficult to provide the necessary pressure on the vessels.

loading. ..

The advent of compression knitwear, which exerts dosed pressure on different sites of the lower limbs, allowed non-surgical treatment of varicose veins to become a reality.

Venoteks: one step ahead of the analogues

One of the most popular brands of compression knitwear is the Venotex.

Respect for this brand is not accidental: visually the products do not reveal their therapeutic purpose at all, combining style, convenience and German quality.

Elegant stockings and pantyhose can be flaunted in the office, and no one in the head will come to suspect that under them are hidden( and invisibly restored) sick vessels.

In addition to its magnificent appearance, the jersey "Venotex" is differentiated by the adjusted compression on the veins, calculated and embodied in products by modern electronic devices programmed for the necessary elasticity transitions.

Venoteks knitwear compression is strictly graduated, and depending on the series and type of the product is 100% at the ankle foot area, decreasing to 80% to the mid-calf, then to 50-60% to the knee and reaching the hip to 20-40%.

This pressure distribution ensures the most effective outflow of blood from the limbs to the heart, not allowing it to stagnate.

jersey venoteks The combination of nylon, elastane, cotton and microfiber gives rise to 65 products that can cover most clinical pictures and cover 3 compression classes.

The products are hypoallergenic and do not contain latex, are highly hygroscopic and breathe well without creating discomfort when wearing.

Studies conducted by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have confirmed the high effectiveness of anti-varicose knitwear Venotex.

Cons of compression jersey: truth or conjecture?

There is nothing perfect in the world. Despite the undoubted advantages, you should be prepared for the fact that, even with proper care and proper wearing, the product will serve faithfully for 6 months, after which its effectiveness will gradually decrease.

Unfortunately, no leading manufacturer is able to overcome the laws of nature laid down in the properties of materials.

There is also the view that prolonged compression can cause atrophy of the tissues of the vessel walls and the progression of varicose veins. However, this is a far-fetched theory. Jerseys are worn only in the daytime, so one third of the day the vessels are without support and work independently.

Even during compression, the venous blood flow does not stop, which could lead to atrophy, but, on the contrary, is stimulated.

The essence of the therapeutic effect

Anti-varicose knitwear becomes a kind of skeleton restraining venous walls from stretching. Compression on the vessels leads to a narrowing of their diameter, and it is designed so that the bottom up the lumen increases.

According to the laws of physics, the pressure difference increases the blood flow in the direction from the limbs to the heart, training the valves and not allowing blood stagnation and blood clots.

Compression knitwear exerts pressure not only on the veins, but also on the muscle tissues of the extremities. In sport there is a special term - sports bandaging, as protection against edema, muscle pain and joint displacement.

Similarly, limbs that are dressed in such underwear are less prone to fatigue, and this feeling of "light legs" is priceless for patients with varicose veins.

Different types of performance

Venoteks antivarious knitwear is produced in preventive and therapeutic performance. The difference is determined by compression: for the first series, it is 10-15 mm Hg.and for the second, depending on the compression class, from 18 to 46 mm Hg. Art.

Use for prevention purposes

Such products are intended for healthy people whose lifestyle or inherited factors can contribute to the development of diseases of the venous system. prevention of varicose veins

About wearing such a jersey should be thought of by those who suffer from excess weight, takes hormones or does not think of life without a high heel.

Such products are shown for long trips in the car or air travel. This kind of jersey is purchased without medical advice.

In the range - men's and women's knee socks, elegant women's stockings with openwork trim, transparent pantyhose and their version with an elastic insert in the abdominal area for expectant mothers.

Therapeutic knitted wear

The medical knitted fabric Venoteks is represented by lines Clinic and Trend .

The products are developed in 3 classes of compression:

  • 1 class( 18-21 mm Hg);
  • 2a( 23-25 ​​mm Hg);
  • 2b( 26-32 mm Hg);
  • 3( 34-46 mm Hg).

The assortment of Clinic products for women is extensive, because for the beautiful half of the society, aesthetics and elegance are at the forefront, and not only the therapeutic effect.

Depending on the location and degree of varicose veins, the necessary kind of knitted Venotex:

  • knee socks ( transparent, dense, with microfibre and specially designed golfs for travelers and active women with the effect of improving blood circulation in tissues);
  • stockings ( transparent, dense, with a belt and for wearing on one leg);
  • pantyhose ( transparent, dense, with a microfiber and with an insert in the abdominal area for pregnant women).

The Clinic line also includes products for men, although less than 30% of the stronger sex suffers from varicose veins:

  • knee socks( conventional, with microfibre and cotton for sensitive skin and specially designed golfs for travelers and active men);
  • stockings with silicone lock and for wearing on one foot;
  • tights .

Trend line is represented by products for women who want to remain attractive and desirable even during therapy of venous insufficiency.

It is represented by transparent golf, stockings, and pantyhose( including for pregnant women) only the initial compression classes - 1 and 2a, in bodily, smoky and black colors.

In the video you will find details on how the compression knitwear Venotex works and the expert's feedback:

The finer points of the choice

Without consultation of the phlebologist, it is possible to purchase preventive products, and only the doctor can determine the compression class of the knitted fabric.

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For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. The opinion of doctors. .. »
Usually, when the initial stages of varicose veins, when there is no protrusion of the veins, the first compression class is recommended, and in the more severe cases - the 2nd or 3rd class.

To correctly determine the required size, you need to know the key parameters of the body, which are measured in the morning after awakening, when there is no puffiness.

knitted sizes

It will be necessary to measure the circumference of the ankle, the circumference of the calf in its most voluminous position, the legs under the patella, the hips 5 cm below the buttocks and waist.

You should also know the length of the leg from the knees or from the groin to the heel. Based on the results obtained, the manufacturer's tables can accurately determine the required product size.

Putting on and removing: the skill of

is required. Occasionally acquaintance with compression knitwear brings disappointment at the first attempt to put on the product, especially when it comes to products of the 2nd or 3rd degree of compression.

It is recommended to wear the product in the morning, in bed, when the rested veins are not yet overcrowded. If the skin is wet, you can sprinkle it with talc. The task of using rubber gloves makes it easier.

It's worth remembering the dressing of the kids: first they assemble the product with an accordion and put on the foot, then turn it inside out to the Dressing jersey heel and gradually roll up the leg, leveling the folds.

To remove knitwear, grip the upper edge with your fingers and pull it towards the foot, turning the product inside out on the principle of snake skin.

Reaching the heel, gently release the foot. Ornaments and wristwatches can damage knitwear, so manipulations need to be carried out without them.

Features of care for compression linen

The manufacturer guarantees that, with proper care of the product will remain effective for 6 months of daily wear.

However, in order for the expectations to be justified with a vengeance, it is necessary to know the basic rules of care for compression knitwear:

  • , it is impossible to cut technological threads from the underside of the product;
  • should be washed by hand in water at room temperature with soap;
  • silicone strips it is better not to wet, but to wipe with alcohol solution;
  • is not allowed to use bleach;
  • products are wrung out in a towel without twisting;
  • for drying it is necessary to choose a shaded place, far from heating devices.

Low pay for high efficiency

The anti-venous knitwear "Venotex" is popular due to the optimal ratio of German quality, cost and affordability.

In the Russian Federation, the manufacturer's products can be purchased in the networks of pharmacies and orthopedic shops in most cities.

The price of jersey Venoteks is loyal to the consumer of an average level of the income: assortment is accessible in a price range from 800 rbl.(golf preventive class) to 3455 rubles.(pantyhose 3 classes of compression).

It is worth noting that this price has a minimum of 6 months of effective treatment.


Summing up the line, we can say with confidence that everything new in medicine is not always a long forgotten old or skillful marketing move.

Compression knitwear can really be called a breakthrough in the treatment of varicose veins, because it allows you not only to feel instant relief, but also to look elegant, without hiding your legs from extraneous views.

Treated beautifully and without pain - is not it ideal?

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