What is dangerous alcohol with varicose veins and is there a "safe" dose of alcohol?

Wine in a glass For many people, drinking alcohol, albeit in small quantities, is the norm. Without a drink, almost no holiday is enough.

Not surprisingly, people suffering from varicose, wondering whether they can drink alcohol, and if so, in what quantities. And can alcohol and is at all useful for veins( and there is such an opinion)?We will deal with this issue.

The action of alcohol on the vessels

It is believed that in small quantities a good liquor will only benefit the body. Sometimes even doctors recommend using good wine or cognac in order to prevent atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. To understand if alcohol can be useful, one should understand how it works on blood vessels.

Many people mistakenly believe that ethyl alcohol is beneficial, as it promotes the expansion of blood vessels, but this is not entirely true.

Alcohol really dilates blood vessels, but only for a short period of time. A striking proof of this is the sharp reddening of the face with the use of hot drinks by some people. Then the vessels narrow. If this did not happen, by the end of the evening feast all the guests had red, like ripe tomatoes, faces, but this does not happen.

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The action of ethyl alcohol on varicose veins does not differ from the effect on other vessels - after getting alcohol into the blood, the damaged veins try to expand, but quickly narrow to the original sizes, and even more. Such changes will negatively affect the patient's condition.

Veins on the limbs

Is there a safe dose?

If varicose veins do not suffer much from alcohol with moderate use, venous nodes can experience a real shock with excessive liberation, which will lead to unfortunate consequences.

From sharp expansion and constriction, they can be damaged, which will cause bleeding and ulceration. To prevent this, it is necessary not to exceed the safe dose. For men, it is 30 g.pure alcohol, and for women only 15 gr. Alcohol in case of varicose veins

Please note that different alcoholic drinks contain different amounts of ethyl alcohol. For example, a safe( after which the body can recover) the daily dose of strong spirits( skate, vodka) is 50 ml, and for women - 25 ml.

Although from their use with varicose is better to give up completely, as well as from beer, which men are allowed to drink up to 500 ml, and women - up to 250 ml per day. Foam drink adversely affects not only the vessels, but also metabolic processes, can cause excess weight and swelling.

Dry red wine is considered to be the safest. Men suffering from varicose veins should not exceed the daily dose of 200 ml, and women - in 100 ml. You can drink alcohol with varicose, but you need to drink only in small amounts and not often. Be sure to choose only quality drinks.

Why are "hot" drinks dangerous?

It is not necessary to exceed the safe dose of alcohol, as abuse can lead to unfortunate consequences. The fact is that ethyl alcohol dissolves the fat layers of erythrocytes. As a result, they glue together, which complicates their passage through small capillaries. In addition, they have the property of adhering to the walls of blood vessels, contributing to the progression of varicose veins.

blood clots and alcohol Alcohol promotes the formation of blood clots. Abuse of alcohol can lead to thrombophlebitis, which greatly complicates the patient's condition, and with frequent libations, even carry a danger to life.

Because a severed thrombus can cause death. If you are ill with varicose disease and concomitant pathologies, then it is better to completely refuse alcohol or to consume it in moderation.

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For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of doctors. .. "

In addition, alcohol leads to a metabolic disorder. It promotes dehydration of cells, but at the same time delays the fluid in the body. As a result of this phenomenon, swelling on the legs often occurs. They lead to an increase in stress in the vessels, including in the affected veins.

What else you need to remember?

If you like coffee with a ridge, then with varicose from this drink it is better to refuse, although it contains alcohol in small quantities. Even coffee in its pure form can adversely affect the health status and lead to complications.

If it's hard for you to imagine your life without this drink, you should prefer latte or cappuccino and do not drink more than 2 cups a day.

When used externally, for example, as compresses and rubbing, alcohol does not pose such a danger to the body. Although it all depends on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the body. In any case, before the start of treatment should consult a phlebologist to avoid unpleasant consequences and possible deterioration of health.

Alcohol and health

Alcohol and health - things incompatible

In order not to expose your body to additional risks, you should not drink alcohol in any form. It certainly will not bring any benefits. At best, it does not hurt, but even if the dose has not been exceeded.

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  • Feb 27, 2018
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