How among the variety to choose an effective remedy for hemorrhoids?

remedy for hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids is an unpleasant and dangerous disease that is associated with thrombosis, tortuosity and inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins.

In general, there is a gradual development of the disease, which begins with minor discomfort in the anus and ends with the prolapsed nodes outward with bleeding and pain.

Recently, hemorrhoids become a common disease among men and women, the causes of which is a sedentary lifestyle, a disturbed diet, stress and other factors.

It should be known that it is easier to treat the initial stages of hemorrhoids and when the first signs appear, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Now there are a lot of folk methods of treatment, but the basis of effective therapy is necessarily the use of medicines. To treat hemorrhoids can be used means of different directions, spectrum of action.

In addition to tablets, gels, ointments, creams, antihemorrhoidal suppositories, capsules and aerosols can be prescribed. Complex use of funds is more effective.

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  • Complex of medicines
  • What should I do?
  • Traditional medicine to help traditional
  • Other methods and tools
  • How to help pregnant and lactating women?
  • How to help your child?
  • If the pocket is empty
  • From the practical experience of using

Complex of medicines

Several groups can be distinguished, to which all funds for hemorrhoids are divided:

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  1. Anticoagulants .The active ingredient in the preparations is heparin, which dissolves blood clots, has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, has a restoring effect on connective tissues. They include Heparin ointment, which helps to resolve blood clots, removes inflammation.
  2. Coagulants, hemostatics .Such drugs increase blood clotting, stop bleeding at a chronic stage. Often appoint Natalsid, which includes seaweed. These are rectal suppositories, where the active substance is Sodium Alginate, healing and regenerating cracks and wounds, stopping bleeding, relieving inflammation and possessing a hemostatic effect. a proctologist
  3. Immunostimulators .They contain components that increase the body's resistance to unfavorable factors and increase immunity. These include candles or Posterizan ointment, where the active substance is Escherichia coli cells. It reduces itching, inflammation, restores damage and improves the tone of the vessels.
  4. Venoprotective, venereal and venotonic agents of increase vascular tone, reduce venous permeability, swelling, inflammation and optimize microcirculation. The best means of this group include: Troxevasin. Sold in the form of capsules or gel, used in the early and late stages of the disease;Procto-gliwenol. Presented in candles and in the form of a cream. Reduces symptoms( itching, pain, inflammation);Ginko Biloba. Tablets are prophylactic, with constant consumption increases the elasticity, strength of veins and blood circulation.
  5. Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic preparations .This group includes Benzocaine and Lidocaine, which relieve itching and pain. Preparations for inflammation( Hydrocortisone, Bufexamak) reduce swelling, itching and have a healing effect. Antimicrobial agents include Triclosan and Ethazol sodium, which protect against infection.
  6. Spasmolytics .Substances relieve pain, spasms in the muscles. Produced in rectal candles( Extract krasavki).

Where to stay?

Which remedy for hemorrhoids is the most effective to say is difficult, it all depends on the specific situation, but one can distinguish those drugs that are popular among doctors and patients.

In the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids, Candlesticks can be prescribed( in the therapy of stages 1 and 2 of the disease, for the removal of inflammation and healing of cracks);Suppositories Ginkor Procto( for acute and chronic stage).

The following ointments are widely used:

  • Relief ( for the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids, inflammation, itching and cracks in the anal passage);Relief
  • Aurobin differs antibacterial composition, it is used in the therapy of internal hemorrhoids;
  • Bezornil is used for pain, itching, bleeding, discharge and cracks in the rectum;
  • Ultraproduct is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, pruritus, proctitis and cracks in the anal passage;
  • Ointment Vishnevsky ;
  • Hepatrombin G , a component of which is heparin, with antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates healing;
  • Fleming ointment , based on petroleum jelly and zinc oxide, - it eliminates pain, bleeding and reduces knots.

A troxevasin gel with active ingredient troxerutin is considered popular. This is an artificial analogue of routine, stopping swelling, increasing the tone of the vascular walls. It is recommended for wetting hemorrhoids.

With bleeding external bumps recommend Adroxon, Beriplast and Spongostan.

The best preparations in tableted form include:

  • Pilex;
  • Hemoroidin;Detralex
  • Detraleks;
  • Flebodia;
  • Asklezan A;
  • Nyz;
  • Ibuklin;
  • Pentalgin.

They reduce pain, dilate blood vessels.

With an exacerbation of hemorrhoids appoint: Diclofenac

  • Diclofenac;
  • Voltaren;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Mowalis and Nease.

Detoxification of venous tone is possible with Detralex and Troxevasin.

Traditional medicine to help traditional

Folk remedies for hemorrhoids treatment at home:

  • Potato candles .They have been used since ancient times. A ripe fruit is used, from which a candle of a neat shape is cut out. Potato candles
  • Mumiye .This is a strong and effective remedy, eliminates discomfort, heals cracks. Can be used in the form of washing, enemas and sedentary baths.
  • Sea buckthorn oil .Used when applied to tampons. First, a warm bath is taken, after wiping it in gauze, wrap the cotton wool soaked in sea-buckthorn oil. The resulting candle is placed in the anal passage at night.
  • Garlic .Finely chop a clove of garlic, pour a teaspoon of oil and insist 40 minutes. The composition is filtered and used in the lubrication of the damaged area.

Other methods and tools

Other methods and means for treating hemorrhoids:

  1. Minimally invasive methods .This category includes sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation, ligation with latex rings. Cryotherapy can be used to freeze units with liquid nitrogen. Sclerotherapy is the introduction of a drug into a knot, after which it dries. It is used for the 1st and 2nd stages of hemorrhoids. Ligation is an operation to put a latex ring assembly on the leg, which blocks the access of blood to it. With infrared coagulation, the cone is affected by a thermal beam that cauterizes the vessels. Hirudotherapy
  2. Hirudotherapy .Treatment with leeches removes venous stasis of the small pelvis, which normalizes digestion, blood supply. Saliva of leeches contains hirudin, which has a bactericidal effect, which removes inflammation and infection.
  3. Physiotherapy .The methods improve the action of medications, prolong the anesthesia, normalize blood circulation and metabolism. Methods include ultrasound, diathermy, iontophoresis, UHF, magnetotherapy.
  4. Diet .The diet should contain enriched bifidobacteria and sour-milk products, you need to consume a lot of liquid( up to 3 liters per day).The products with vegetable fiber( raw vegetables, fruits, bran bread, buckwheat, barley and oatmeal) have a positive effect. Should be abandoned smoked, spicy, spicy and fried foods, alcohol.
  5. Physical Education .Exercises are prescribed during remission of stages 2 and 3.For example, in the prone position, you need to raise your pelvis, raise and cross your legs, bend them in your lap.
  6. Massage .Massage helps restore digestive organs, restores bleeding, normalizes metabolism. The procedure kneads and warms the muscles.

How to help pregnant and lactating women?

hemorrhoids in pregnancy Pregnant and lactating women are at high risk for hemorrhoids. This is due to certain changes in their body, associated with the circulatory system, physiology and hormonal background.

If you have hemorrhoids during pregnancy or after childbirth, you should immediately begin treatment. To normalize the work of the intestines and eliminate constipation, you need to adhere to a diet that makes the stool soft.

Safe and effective means that will help get rid of hemorrhoids in pregnant and lactating women:

  1. An effective tool is Ointment Vishnevsky , consisting of antiseptic, castor oil and tar. It removes the inflammation quickly, since it forms a protective film on the skin and does not allow air to pass through.
  2. Relief in the form of an ointment( for treatment of external inflammation) and in suppositories for internal hemorrhoids has a good effect.
  3. The basis for the treatment of hemorrhoids is the use of venotonic agents, one of which is Troxevasin .The drug normalizes the tone of the vessels, accelerates the removal of the inflammatory process.
  4. Fleming's ointment, heparin ointment is a good help. candles with sea-buckthorn
  5. Often doctors recommend ointments from propolis or linseed, Posterizan .
  6. Do not cause side reactions candles with seabuckthorn , which have a wound-healing effect, eliminate inflammation, itching and burning.
  7. Eliminate inflammation and bleeding with Procto-gliwenol .
  8. Also safe for pregnant and lactating women Suppositories Gepatrombin G, Posterizan .
During pregnancy, you should not use candles with belladonna extract, which can cause a miscarriage.

In any case, the choice of method of therapy and the means used can only be performed by a specialist in accordance with the symptoms detected.

How to help your child?

First of all, when treating a child, it is necessary to exclude carbonated drinks and fast foods that cause constipation. According to some experts, in the treatment it is better to use sea-buckthorn candles or butter.

If the pocket is empty

List of inexpensive but effective remedies for hemorrhoids:

  • Posterizan Forte - 50-60 rubles;
  • ointment Levomecol - 90 rubles;ointment Levomecol
  • heparin ointment - 60 rubles;
  • zinc ointment - about 25 rubles;
  • sulfuric ointment;
  • candles Neo-Anusolum - 100 rub.;
  • candles Betiol - up to 60 rubles;
  • Olestizin with sea-buckthorn - 100 rub.;
  • ointment Troxevasin.

From the practical experience of using

The following reviews will help you choose the best remedy for hemorrhoids, if there are unclear moments.

I first had hemorrhoids after the birth of a child. After prolonged constipation, the symptoms intensified, burning and itching appeared in the anal passage. I bought sea-buckthorn candles, but this treatment was ineffective.

Then I turned to a specialist who appointed me a remedy for Natalsid. Already at the beginning of treatment, discomfort decreased and the symptoms began to disappear. Now after passing the course, I have lost the nodes.

Natalia, N. Novgorod, 27 years old

I work as a driver, as a result of which hemorrhoids appear from time to time. Already began to feel the aggravation of symptoms with bulging knots, severe pain. But after taking Detraleks, using gepatrombin G suppositories, the nodes decreased and there were no bleeding.

Alexander, Moscow, 38 years

After detection of hemorrhoids, I began to treat the disease with suppositories and glycerine. The first drug had wound healing, analgesic effect, and the second - laxative.

Maria, Moscow, 29 years

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