Bulgarian pepper for the winter

In the harvest season, you need to take advantage of the moment and make preparations from Bulgarian pepper for the winter. After all, sweet pepper is so useful! It contains vitamins C and A, group B. Useful substances in its composition help to combat seasonal viral diseases. Dishes based on sweet peppers are low-calorie and easy to digest. The main task of anyone who takes up the preservation of peppers - to do so in order to maximize the preservation of all useful substances.

  1. Preparation of
    • preparation methods
    • pickling Pickling
    • Quilling
    • Salad of bell pepper
    • Lecho
  2. Storage

Preparation of products

Sweet pepper for winter preservation should be carefully selected. There should not be spoiled and overripe fruits. Only select, beautiful specimens with a smooth and shiny skin. It must be firm and thick.

If the fruits are laid in the jar entirely, then you need to select instances of the same size. If the product is cut randomly, then this rule is not necessary.

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According to some recipes, the stem is not cut, nor does it cleanse the fruits inside of the seeds. But more often than not, these actions take place.

You have to rinse the product. Further, the blanching process, which will make the vegetables softer and supple, may follow. They will be easier to lay in a container.

Methods of harvesting

Bulgarian peppers can be harvested for the winter, using a variety of methods. This is pickling, salting, souring, as well as cooking salads and lecho. Each method has its own characteristics and advantages.


The best way is to pour the peppers in a wooden keg or tub. This is a guarantee that the product will last for a long time. But if there is no such container, you can pick up the vegetable in an ordinary glass jar.

  1. First select and approximately the same size specimens are well washed. Remove the hat and seeds.
  2. Then lower in boiling water for a second, immediately after they are transferred to cold water.
  3. Later add to a comfortable wide bowl or barrel. Pour salt in layers. It is taken at the rate of 3% of the total weight of vegetables. You can lay between the fruits and sprigs of dill.
  4. The workpiece must be left overnight to allow it to drain. Then cover and put oppression. To sustain 3 days.
  5. Then transfer the fruit to the jar and roll it up. All packagings should be well washed, preferably with boiling water. Then the mold on the product will not form. You can also leave the peppers in a wooden tub for the whole winter, removing it into the cellar.

Salting allows you to keep the maximum benefit from the product. The dish, prepared by this method, always comes out tasty and fragrant. Real jam! You can use fruit as an independent dish or as a component of more complex, compound.


A reliable and proven method of marinating peppers for the winter allows you to get a quality and delicious product. It is pickled Bulgarian peppers so much loved by many. They can often be found on tables in the form of snacks for meat or fish.

But there is a minus of such a preparation. This is the use of vinegar. This component is not recommended for people suffering from any stomach diseases.

Important rules for the preparation of pickled bell pepper:

  • You can use fruits of different shades, so the dish will look more interesting. But the specimens, which is important, should be of the same size.
  • Vegetables are washed, the hat remains, do not cut it. Such a decision will give some zest to the preparation. Fruits need to be pricked with a needle from different directions.
  • Then put in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. In this way, the product is blanched.
  • Immediately after transferring the peppers to sterilized cans. A liquid used for pickling. Add salt, sugar, vegetable oil. When the boil pour vinegar.
  • Fill the marinade with fruits and roll up the lids.

One recipe from another distinguishes only the presence of various additives in the marinade. You can make any spices and spices that will enhance the taste of the product.


For souring it is better to choose fruits a little immature. They should be with dense, thick skin, fleshy and elastic. Then the workpiece does not lose its shape and presentable appearance. The method of souring a lot of advantages, among which: delicate preservation of all vitamins, excellent taste, ease of cooking and minimal time costs. There are no downsides to the technology. Natural fermentation will be useful to any person.

  1. Before you start harvesting the sauerkraut pepper for the winter, you need to lay out the fruits on the table and leave it for a few days, so they a little wilted.
  2. Then the pepper is washed. Stuff with a fork and fold in a convenient container.
  3. Mix fruits with sliced ​​greens and pressed garlic.
  4. Fill with a brine consisting of water and salt. They put pressure. The liquid should completely cover the peppers. Leave on the table for 4-7 days. The allotted time for souring will depend on the temperature in the apartment. The higher it is, the faster the process will go.
  5. After the product you need to squeeze well from the liquid and put it tightly in sterilized jars. Stack the fruits to the very top.
  6. Then the development of events can go in different ways. First, the product can be left in this state, without brine. Sterilize the cans with the stock for 10 minutes in boiling water. Tuck the lids. Secondly, you can weld a new brine from water and salt. Pour the contents with hot liquid. Any option will save all the vitamins that are so rich in sweet pepper.

Quail fruits can be used as a snack or as an ingredient for salads, soups.

Salad from Bulgarian pepper

You can use a wide variety of vegetables to prepare a salad. Bulgarian peppers are perfectly combined with cabbage, onions, carrots and tomatoes. This appetizer is simply indispensable in winter. A ready-made, high-grade dish is served as an addition to meat and boiled potatoes.

  1. Pepper should be washed, cut the stem, cleaned of seeds. Cut into thin strips.
  2. Carrots grate on a track, chop the onions into half rings, and chop the cabbage.
  3. Tomatoes are blanched and ground on a blender in a puree.
  4. At first a bow is sent to the skillet, which is steamed on sunflower oil. Then carrots and cabbage. After all the ingredients are filled with tomato puree and sweet pepper is added. Tomato lettuce on a slow fire under the lid. It will take approximately 35-40 minutes. Cabbage should become soft.
  5. Then the stock is sent to sterilized cans. Rests in lids and cool.


The most common billet from Bulgarian pepper for the winter is lecho. The product has an amazing taste. Real jam! Tomatoes and peppers make up the perfect duo.

  1. First you need to twist the tomatoes in the meat grinder. If the skin is thin, you can not get rid of it. In the opposite case, it is recommended to blanch tomatoes, removing the top layer from them.
  2. Pure sweet pepper from seeds and cut into slices, cutting it into 4-5 pieces along the entire length. Tomato sauce send to stew on a skillet. Bring it to a dense state. Add the pepper slices. Then add a mixture of sugar, salt and seasonings. It can be peppercorns or carnations, sweet red paprika or cinnamon. The dish is cooked until the peppers are soft.
  3. Then the stock is distributed to the banks. Pour into each vinegar and roll up the lids.

Storage conditions

Jars with any kind of billets from Bulgarian peppers will stand at least a year in a cool and dark place.

Blanks for the winter
  • Apr 10, 2018
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