Types of temperament - classification, system of definition by nature and psychological characteristics

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Psychology distinguishes the types of personality temperament, each of which is characterized by its own psyche features. Each person is unique in depth, intensity of stable experienced emotions, impressionability, pace of life and energy. These physiological components affect the behavior of the individual, its activities, the formation of a social being. Aspects of character reflect the dynamic manifestations of a person's psychological characteristics.

What is the temperament of a person

In psychology, by temperamental definition, the properties of the psyche of an individual psychological property are understood that affect the dynamic characteristic of human activity. Manifest those are diverse, do not depend on content, goals, motives. The formed type of character remains constant until adulthood. There are four types of temperament. There are no varieties with vivid psychic manifestations, there are rather mixed ones.

Types of temperament and their psychological characteristics

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Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who lived before Christ, is considered the first creator of the theory of temperamental types. People are distinguished by "body juices" - blood, phlegm, yellow or black bile. On this basis of psychology, Gallen created four descriptions of temperaments - sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic. In modern times the typology was developed, the scientist Pavlov added, he decided to extend the classification of temperaments to people.

Characteristics of temperament types asserts that each person has a psychological manifestation of emotions. Mental differences affect feelings, motivations and actions. Isolate mental properties( innate characteristics):

  • Sensitivity - the force of external influences, which is necessary for the occurrence of a reaction;
  • reactivity - the degree of involuntary reaction to the effects of the same force, its inhibition;
  • mental activity - intensity, vigor of human impact on the outside world, overcoming obstacles( psychological characteristics: perseverance, focus, concentration);
  • plasticity( stiffness) - lightness, flexibility of personal adaptation, stiffness of body;
  • extra- or introversion - dependence on impressions or images;
  • emotional excitability is the force of the action needed to trigger a reaction, a combination of its speed.


For people with phlegmatic temperament, high activity, low reactivity, sensitivity and emotionality are characteristic. He hard to laugh, sorrow, remains unperturbable in any situation, even in the unpleasant. He has poor facial expressions, inexpressive slow motion, smooth speech. Phlegmatic people are distinguished by the lack of resourcefulness, the difficulty of switching attention, adapting to a new place, the slowness of adjustment of habits. Positive qualities: vigor, efficiency. More often it's introverts.


The melancholic temperament is characterized by high sensitivity, weak reactivity, great inertia. Even an insignificant occasion causes tears, resentment, painful feelings. Mimicry, movements with a melancholic temperament are weakly expressive, the voice is quiet, the movements are poor. There is no certainty, in any situation, timid, in the difficulties lowers his hands. He does not have energy, perseverance, a person quickly gets tired, does not work well. Attention is easily distracted, psychological differences are introverts.


Increased reactivity and balanced activity has a sanguine temperament. A person of this type responds with pleasure to attracting attention, he has a lively rich facial expression, expressive movements. People easily laugh or anger, the person expresses emotions, attitudes toward man. Sanguine people are very energetic, efficient people, actively accepted for a new cause, can work long without fatigue.

Due to high plasticity, ability to concentrate, mobility, the sanguine person quickly joins work, but is changeable in feelings, moods, interests, aspirations. Easily finds contacts with strangers, gets used to requirements, places, easily switches from work to work. Mostly responds to external impressions, rather than subjective, is prone to extraversion.


Looks like a sanguine small sensitivity, high reactivity, activity and choleric temperament, but the latter is characterized by rampant, incontinence, impatience, quick temper. Unbalanced choleric are less plastic, more inert, the mobility of nerve impulses is higher. From this follows the great stability of aspirations, interests, difficulties in switching attention.

Determination of the temperament

The psychological characterization of the personality depends on the type of the nervous system. Due to the characteristic of the individual, the attitude to what is happening is expressed. The type definition helps to understand the inherent qualities, to learn to smooth out acute situations. Temperatures and their characteristics are needed for predicting reactions, building success and self-efficacy.

Tests for determining the temperament type

There are several tests to determine your temperamental type. Most are based on comparison of positions with actions of the person. Belov's test, Eysenck can be found online. There are statements that personality notes whether those are right for her. Then the answers are compared and based on the choice of typical typical situations, a decision is made.


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