Causes and symptoms of food poisoning in adults. How to cure food poisoning in adults?

The article will tell you about the methods of treatment and ways to prevent food poisoning in adults.

Contents of

  • What can be caused by food poisoning in an adult?
  • The first signs of food poisoning in an adult
  • The temperature of food poisoning in adults
  • What should I do for food poisoning in an adult?
  • How to treat food poisoning in adults?
  • Tablets and antibiotics against food poisoning in adults
  • Folk remedies for food poisoning
  • Diet for food poisoning in adults
  • How to eat after food poisoning for adults?
  • How long does food poisoning last for adults?
  • How to cure food poisoning in adults: advice and feedback
  • Video: Food poisoning
  • Video: People's prescriptions for food poisoning

Perhaps, at least once in our lives, each of us was faced with food poisoning. This, at first glance, not a serious disease has a number of unpleasant symptoms: nausea, weakness and vomiting.

If food poisoning is not cured in time, you can get serious illnesses that are treated with droppers and injections. In order not to delay to such methods of treatment, it is necessary to detect poisoning in the early stages. Sometimes the symptoms of poisoning are weak, it is difficult to recognize and can be mistaken for a slight malaise.

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Symptomatic of such a disease you need to know in order to provide timely assistance to yourself and your family members. If food poisoning is accompanied by serious symptoms, you should consult your doctor.


What can be caused by food poisoning in an adult?

In adults, food poisoning occurs quite often. All because of the fact that people do not follow the correctness of their diet. There are several most common causes of food poisoning, which can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Food poisoning caused by pathogens. In this case, along with food products, microbes penetrate the human body, which are called toxin infections. Such microorganisms may have a fungal or bacterial environment. Their main mission is to get a person to carry their colonies. Therefore, the main symptoms of this type of poisoning are severe vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Food poisoning caused by poisons. Some plants, mushrooms and even animals, have in their composition substances that are poisonous to the human body. By eating such foods without proper treatment, a person can be afflicted with internal organs up to a lethal outcome. Such poisonings include: poisoning with fungi( fly agarics, pallid grebe and other species), plants( belladonna, belladonna, wolfberry) of some species of animals and fish.
  • Food poisoning caused by chemicals that were contained in food. Sometimes, eating food we do not know what harmful substances are contained in their composition. The most frequent are poisoning with pesticides and nitrates

The first signs of food poisoning in an adult

These signs need to be known in order to provide timely assistance and prevent the transition of the disease to a difficult stage.

  • Absence of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness and low pressure
  • Abdominal bloating and dysbiosis
  • General weakness
  • Elevated temperature.

Temperature for food poisoning in adults

Temperature is caused by body toxicity. By raising the temperature, the body wants to overcome the pathogens or poisons that hit the body. At the first stages of poisoning, the temperature will be about 37 degrees. Later, if microbes penetrate the food pathway into the bloodstream, the temperature will rise sharply. Even a slight increase in temperature in combination with nausea requires attention.

What to do with food poisoning in an adult?

If food poisoning occurs suddenly and there is no possibility to consult a doctor, you must give yourself first aid before going to the hospital.

  • The first thing to do when there is no vomiting is to call it. It is necessary that the stomach is cleansed of toxins and they do not penetrate further into the body. It is best to do a gastric lavage with warm boiled water. is possible to dissolve in it a crystal of potassium permanganate, so that the solution acquires a pinkish color. One liter of such a solution is sufficient. For washing, the patient should drink the prepared liquid in small sips for a short period of time. This procedure should cause vomiting of
  • . The rinsing procedure causes severe dehydration. Therefore, when the nausea is a little calming, the patient needs to drink mineral water or unsweetened green tea
  • . If the poisoning is insignificant, you can apply absorbent drugs. For example, activated charcoal
  • After a few hours after the treatment procedures, you need to pay attention to well-being. If the temperature has not subsided, and the nausea continues, you should immediately contact a doctor.
  • It is not recommended to take antibiotics and other strong drugs on your own without poisoning.
  • Do not neglect the treatment of poisoning. If this disease is triggered, the liver and nervous system may begin to damage, and blood and internal organs can become infected

How to treat food poisoning in adults?

After diagnosing food poisoning, the doctor determines the cause of its occurrence. Only after this is the complex treatment attributed:

  • Rinsing of the stomach and intestines. In the hospital, these procedures are done with the help of special devices. The cause of vomiting and diarrhea is the best way to rid the body of food toxins.
  • Then the water balance is adjusted. To do this, use special solutions: rehydon, citrakluxol or glucosolan. Sometimes it is necessary to use droppers
  • After the basic procedures, the use of absorbents, for example, white or activated charcoal, as well as the polysorb
  • is attributed. If necessary, relieve the pain with
  • analgesics. If the rinse was done late and intoxication,
  • antibiotics are attributed. Also, I prescribe drugs thatrestore intestinal microflora and protect mucous membrane

Tablets and antibiotics against food poisoning in adult

Antibiotics andTHER pills can be used only doctor's instructions. The fact is that every kind of microorganisms and toxins are afraid of certain types of antibiotic. At home, it is difficult to find out the exact cause of food poisoning. Therefore.only an experienced doctor can attribute antibacterial treatment.

Folk remedies for food poisoning

Folk remedies are not the main method of treatment. However, they can have an auxiliary therapeutic effect. Apply any of the traditional medicine can only after consulting a doctor.

  • The use of foods rich in vitamin C will reduce the feeling of nausea. You can use lemon juice. But it is recommended to add it to foods or tea, pure juice can harm the affected mucosa of the stomach.
  • When poisoning is recommended to use a decoction of dill with honey. It is best for the broth to use the seeds of dill. But, if they are not there, dry greens will do.
  • Ginger, also copes well with poisoning. To use it, you need to fill a teaspoon of dry root with a glass of hot water. Then, apply a tablespoon of solution three times a day
  • When food poisoning is recommended, drink plenty of liquid. Water, green tea, broth of rose hips
  • Camomile is a soft and harmless antiseptic. According to folk medicine, there are special points on the human body that can improve health, overcome nausea and weakness.

Diet for food poisoning in adults

When food poisoning, the human digestive system is extremely weakened. All useful bacteria and enzymes have been removed by treatment and washing. Therefore, it is recommended to follow a special diet for poisoning.

  • When poisoning is recommended not to load the digestive system with an abundance of food. It is better to eat 4 to 6 times a day in small portions.
  • In the early days of poisoning, fatty foods and, even, vegetable oils should be excluded from the diet. During the whole period of treatment it is not recommended to eat fat meat and fish
  • It is impossible to eat fast food and semi-finished products
  • It is necessary to reduce carbohydrates in the diet. Some fruits can cause fermentation in the intestines. However, you should not completely abandon carbohydrates.
  • Food should be more rare than with a normal diet. It is useful to use soups and low-fat broths
  • Food is recommended to cook and cook for a couple of
  • Such heavy foods as nuts and legumes are better not to eat during poisoning.

. How to eat after food poisoning to adults?

When poisoning is cured, several tips should be followed so that the disease does not recur:

  • Do not eat products that have expired or those that smell bad and look stale
  • Do not drink raw eggs
  • When pickling or pickling foods, you need to follow the cooking technology of
  • Do not eat foods bought in stalls or on the street( for example, pies, chebureks and puffs)
  • It is necessary to wash hands before eating, thoroughly wash dishes
  • Do not forget that you need to wash vegetables and fruits before eatings
  • can not eat unfamiliar mushrooms and plants

How long does food poisoning in adults?

It all depends on how quickly a person started treatment. Also, depends on the severity of poisoning and the causes of intoxication. Poisoning can last from one day to two weeks.

How to cure food poisoning in adults: advice and feedback

  • During the summer, the number of food poisoning increases. Watch for the safety of food, put food in the refrigerator on time
  • Do not overstrain the treatment of poisoning. Do not wait for morning if nausea and fever have appeared in the evening. Urgently rinse the stomach and drink activated charcoal.
  • . It is necessary to find out which product caused poisoning. It is necessary to discard the spoiled or harmful product so that the rest of the
  • family does not suffer. After first aid, always contact the hospital. Food poisoning is easily confused with E. coli, jaundice or other infectious diseases.
  • . Observe the diet and take plenty of fluids to make the treatment process faster

With the right approach, curing food poisoning is quite simple. Henceforth, we must be more cautious about the foods we eat.

Video: Food Poisoning

Video: Folk recipes for food poisoning

  • Mar 02, 2018
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