Slimming enema

  • We use an enema to fight extra pounds. A Few Nuances of
  • Use or Harm? What will the health of the enema
  • ? What is the composition of the enema to choose? All the interesting recipes
  • We put the enema correctly and lose weight

Many people dream of reducing weight, but can not achieve the desired effect, despite great efforts. The thing is, a significant portion of our weight is often the products of vital activity that have accumulated in the intestine.

Unfortunately, some deposits( stones) can be extremely difficult to eliminate from the body. Only an enema for weight loss can help in such cases. With it it will not be difficult to get rid of all the superfluous and very quickly move the arrow of the scales to the desired side.

How to keep the intestine clean and healthy - video:

It is necessary to remember a number of nuances, correctly determine the frequency of the procedure and choose the optimal composition to effectively get rid of extra pounds and stimulate normal bowel function, good metabolism.

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Simple tips will allow you to easily, practically without painful sensations to carry out the procedure and get rid of unnecessary kilograms.

We use an enema to fight extra pounds. A few nuances

Now many people are increasingly using an effective method for weight loss - cleansing enema for weight loss. The popularity of the methodology is growing, but one can not forget about certain nuances.

  • Widespread discussion of the harm and benefit of enema. Some believe that performing artificial cleansing of the intestine is not only inefficient, but also harmful.
First of all, it is important to weigh the pros and cons before proceeding with the procedure. It is possible that in your case you need to pay attention to the features of the menu, exercise, and not to focus on the cleansing of the intestine.
  • It is necessary to receive specialist advice before applying the technique, if there is the slightest doubt about the capabilities of the body.
  • It is necessary to take into account contraindications, to receive the recommendations of doctors. For example, great importance is how many days you do it.
If you limit to two or three sessions, tangible results are not to be rejoice. However, too often cleansing the intestines with an enema can not.
  • To create an accurate schedule of procedures will help a specialist, but you yourself will also be able to determine the best option yourself. The main thing is to always listen to your body and not allow the occurrence of serious side effects, painful sensations.
  • The benefits and harm that the enema brings for weight loss largely depend on the subtleties of the technique and the state of human health. Of course, you can not put an enema in the presence of contraindications.

Reviews of doctors show that in the absence of contraindications, individual intolerance of the procedure and with the observance of all recommendations, artificial cleansing of the intestine is very effective.

  • You can not put an enema in the presence of any inflammatory processes in the intestine.
  • The enema is contraindicated in serious gastrointestinal diseases.
  • With hemorrhoids, artificial cleansing of the intestine is also not performed.
  • Of course, intestinal bleeding also does not allow you to get rid of extra pounds due to enema.

You will also need to take care of the correct procedure and the correct definition of the optimal schedule.

Benefit or harm? What will bring the health of the enema

At the moment, the enema is widely used for weight loss, but many still have doubts. The question arises as to how useful the enema is, whether it will cause negative consequences.

It is important to note a few highlights:

  1. It is necessary to carry out the procedure with the utmost care for the first time. Keep track of the state, the sensations, do not try to quickly pour a whole mug of Esmarch. For the first time in general, you can limit yourself to a minimum portion of the liquid, about 200-400 milliliters.
  2. The composition of the enema can be different. Add to the liquid soda, lemon juice, coffee, various herbal infusions. But for the first time it's better to use simple boiled water or urine( urine).So, Malakhov recommends urine, noting that such an enema is the most mild, safe, natural, perfectly perceived by the body.
  3. Effective enemas do not need to be done every day.
    Beginners are advised to put an enema for weight loss not more than two times a week.
  4. For slimming belly is often used a special course, when enemas are put every day, and sometimes twice a day. It is important to remember that this technique requires careful attention. It is better to get expert advice.
  5. It is not necessary to put the enema right after eating, it is also not recommended to eat when the procedure was recently carried out.
  6. The temperature of the liquid should also be closely monitored.
    The best option is to heat the water to body temperature.
  7. When interested, an enema for losing weight - what it is, you must first remember the algorithm of the procedure, then consider different recipes and choose the most suitable, and only after that start using the technique. Otherwise, it's easy to make a mistake and hurt yourself.
If you have any pain, burning or tingling in the intestines, you should immediately contact a specialist! When everything goes well, the procedure does not cause pain, serious discomfort.

Now you need to remember the algorithm itself for setting the enema for weight loss, as well as various recipes.

What is the composition of the enema to choose? All the interesting recipes

Now it's time to choose the composition of the enema. At home, you can carry out the procedure not only using simple boiled water, but also with the use of effective compounds with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and soda, with chamomile infusion, herbal collections.

  • Pay attention to different recipes, alternate them. Gradually, you determine by experience, which ones are more suitable for you, with which it is more comfortable, more effective to get rid of unnecessary volumes.
  • Please note that the procedure is aimed at a purely mechanical weight loss. Expect the rapid restructuring of the metabolism is not worth it. Your main goal, quite accessible, is to remove excess weight, remove sediments, stool stones.
  • Later, after regular procedures, you will see other results. Thus, the work of the intestine as a whole will improve, gases and unnecessary deposits will cease to accumulate, and a sense of discomfort will disappear.

Choose recipes for enema

  • You can choose a classic option. Take water just.

Please note that this should not be a liquid from the tap.

  1. Water must first be defended in a jar with a wide enough neck so that all harmful chemicals settle.
  2. Then you have to bring it to a boil and cool it. The temperature should be close to body temperature.
  3. You can make such an enema in the morning and in the evening, as it practically does not affect the condition of the mucosa.
  • Net urine .

According to Malakhov put an enema with urine. A well-known specialist recommends using a simple, evaporated urine. Malakhov believes that this kind of liquid is perfectly perceived by the body, effectively displays all the contents of the large intestine. Urine is perfectly safe, it does not injure mucous membranes and is suitable even for very sensitive people.

  • Water with lemon .

Enema with lemon also copes well with the cleansing of the body. You can add a half liter of water a tablespoon of lemon juice, and you can supplement the composition with a spoonful of honey.

Please note that honey can only be used in combination with lemon juice or vinegar, otherwise you will get an undesirable effect, because the water will become too sticky, sweet.

  • Make enema with salt and soda .

Specialists recommend preparing the so-called "sea water" and washing it with the intestines. For this it is enough to take a simple soda, salt, boiled water.

Half a liter of water will be enough for you a tablespoon of soda, salt should be put a little less. Well helps and enema only with salt or soda.

If you decide to limit yourself to salt, caution should be exercised when preparing the solution. Do not put too much salt to not irritate the mucous membrane.

Add salt from the calculation of two tablespoons per liter. Soda can be put more, about a half times.

  • Popular enema and on apple cider vinegar .

However, it should be noted that it is with such a composition that one must be extremely cautious. It is important not to injure the intestines, mucous membranes.

When there is a feeling of severe burning, you must immediately stop the infusion and rinse the intestines with simple boiled water or soda water. Of course, it must be prepared in advance, filling it with a separate mug.

The composition should be at hand. To prepare a liquid with apple cider vinegar, you need to add about 500 ml of boiled water about one tablespoon of vinegar. You do not need to pour in more. This is a wonderful cleansing enema, but do not forget about caution.

  • Effective enemas on herbs .

Most often do it on chamomile, since such a composition is the most mild, perfectly safe, it will not damage the body. It is interesting that the enema with chamomile not only does not injure, but even can heal. Also use plantain, sage.

  • Many people choose for themselves the composition of with coffee .

It softens in its own way, but it has a good cleansing effect. You only need one tablespoon of coffee for half a liter of water. Green coffee is better not to take. You can make a composition with tea.

It is interesting that enemas are equally effective for young and elderly people of both sexes.

It is important to always listen to your body so that you do not miss signals when you are adversely affected. If you do not make the solutions too saturated, put enemas very often, your health is definitely not in danger.

We put the enema correctly and lose weight

You will need to remember the basic rules of the procedure. Also you can use the popular method of Nadezhda Semyonova , which has long enjoyed a well-deserved trust:

  • The enema is placed twice a day in this technique. Once this is done before breakfast, and the second time late at night, before dinner.
  • The classic course is designed for two weeks, but you can limit yourself to seven days.
  • It is advisable to take a course with a preliminary preparation. If you've done an enema several times in your life, it's worth waiting for a course on Semyonova. The body must "get used to" the procedure.
Cleansing of the bowel by enema, what and how - video:

The main thing is to know how to put the enema correctly. We will answer questions .

  • How to make an enema?
  1. You need to prepare a mug of Esmarch in advance. The liquid is poured into it.
  2. It is necessary to lay down on one side, spreading an oilcloth, and legs to bend. Having adopted the so-called "embryo pose", you can get down to business.
  3. The spout of the mug is clamped, if there is a tap, it spins.
  4. Then the tip is smeared with petroleum jelly and very gently injected.
  5. After this, you can open the cock and begin to pour in a little. Details - in the video above.
  • When to make an enema?

It's best to put it in the morning, although someone is more suitable for evening time. The procedure is carried out before eating, but it is advisable to drink well before it.

  • How often can an enema be made?

It is worth remembering that the strengthened course of Semyonova does not suit everyone, but it is better for beginners to abstain from it immediately. The best option is to put the enema once a week. This periodicity will allow regular cleaning of the intestines, but not very much to influence it. Then you can gradually reduce the intervals between the procedures.

  • Can I do an enema every day?

Yes, that's how they act by the method of Nadezhda Semyonova. But this course should be conducted no longer than two weeks. If you really need to lose weight quickly, but you are a beginner, it is advisable to stop on the schedule when the enema is put in a day.

  • Which solution should I choose?

Beginners are suitable for ordinary water, an enema with chamomile, you can prefer and urine, listening to the advice of Malakhov.

  • Do I need to drink before and after the procedure?

It is necessary to drink before the enema, but immediately after the procedure you should not drink. Let it take at least half an hour.

  • How many times do an enema, if you need to quickly lose weight?

Carry out the procedure more often than two times during the day in any case is not worth it. Experts do not recommend putting an enema after each meal, since the load on the body in this case is too great.

  • How important is it to keep the proportions?

Suddenly a more saturated solution will work better? Be sure to study the recipe, do not over-saturated solutions! The liquid prepared according to the prescription will be effective, safe, and too saturated solution can damage the body.

  • Why keep the fluid inside?

Indeed, after infusion of liquid, you must necessarily stay with it within 5-10 minutes. Thus, the solution will work better and "disperse" in different parts of the intestine. Malakhov recommends additionally to perform small exercises: raise your legs over your head, roll over from one side to the other, walk around the room a little. As soon as the urge appeared, you must go to the toilet.

  • What are the results of the procedure?

Many are interested in how much you can lose weight when using enemas with different compositions. It all depends on how many kilograms of unnecessary sediment has accumulated in the intestine. They will come out, so the possibilities of the procedure are limited by this parameter.

In the future, the intestine will work better, because it will cease to suffer from the presence of deposits, stones.

Now you can independently do an enema for losing weight at home! Follow all recommendations, carefully select solutions. Be sure to follow any reactions of the body and do not forget about the presence of contraindications.

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  • Mar 02, 2018
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