How to prepare watermelons for the winter

Watermelon is an unconditional hit of a summer feast. At the end of September, behind the striped berry, queues of citizens are formed, who know that getting delicious and ripe food is possible only for several weeks. But in fact it is not so - after all, you can prepare watermelons for the winter!


  1. Rules for harvesting watermelons
  2. Pickling
  3. Pickling
  4. Jam
  5. Freezing

In addition to outstanding taste qualities, watermelon flesh is incredibly useful for the body. Its valuable elements( ascorbic acid, thiamin, carotene, niacin, folic acid) prevent the development of cancer, promote vision, slow the manifestation of age-related changes, facilitate the growth of cells and give the skin a healthy shade. In addition, the berry is known for its diuretic properties, which helps with swelling and overweight. No wonder watermelon diets have gained stunning popularity in recent years.

Of course, like any other product, you should not abuse sweet delicacy. However, how sometimes you want to preserve the useful properties of watermelon for the winter, in order to strengthen your immune system and just eat the yummy in a severe frosty day.

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Rules for harvesting watermelons

There are many ways to preserve the palatability and beneficial elements of watermelons for a long time. A huge plus of berries is that it is not necessary to use ripe and sugar fruits. Quite the contrary. Often it is from immature variants that the more original and fragrant blanks are obtained. Thus, there is a chance to turn the main drawback of watermelon( the inability to look under the crust when buying) into its plus.

There are several basic rules for the preparation of berries, applicable to any variety of blanks.

  • Thoroughly rinse watermelon, preferably with soap. Not all recipes imply the use of the fruit together with the crust, but even if not - the presence of microbes has not been canceled. Before you get to your cutting table, the food overcomes a long way, and, despite the sanitary control, it can contain harmful substances and elements. Therefore, my product under running water is thoroughly, better not once.
  • For marinating or pickling it is not recommended to take watermelons with cracks - they do not tolerate fermentation processes. In addition, on the peel should be no darkening, unnatural stains or dents.
  • For one particular type of billet it is desirable to take berries, bought in one day and, ideally, of one kind. This will contribute to a correct and even cooking.
  • It is desirable to sterilize the packaging used for blanks, in order to prevent the possibility of spoilage of the product.


Surprisingly, the sweetest fresh watermelon can acquire any taste by adding various spices: from acid-saline to spicy-sweet. The classic recipe for salting watermelons suggests a minimum of ingredients, however, if desired, you can add honey, horseradish, vinegar, currant leaves, greens and even aspirin tablets( help banks not explode).The indisputable advantage of pickling watermelon is that the resulting billet can be stored for more than a year.

The classic recipe for salted watermelons

Ingredients( per three-liter container):

  • 1.5 kilograms of berries,
  • 1 tbsp.salt,
  • liter of water( preferably distilled),
  • 3 tbsp.sugar( if desired, you can add more, the amount depends on the sweetness of the pulp).


  1. In a large enamel saucepan it is necessary to pour water mixed with sugar and salt, put on a plate.
  2. As soon as the contents boil - the flame should be reduced and boil the mixture for another 15-20 minutes.
  3. Then remove the fill from the fire and filter. We put it aside( if the brine strongly cools down, it will need to be heated before pouring).
  4. Watermelon cut into equal pieces of medium size along with the skin, put them tightly in a jar and pour in a prepared mixture.
  5. After it is necessary to close the container with a lid and tightly roll, carefully wrap the blanket.
  6. Cool the cooled product in a cool, dark place.


Marinated watermelons are an amazing aromatic snack that will easily become a decoration of the winter table. From pickling, this method is distinguished by the use of a marinade, which makes habitual tastes play with new colors.

Spicy marinated watermelon


  • 5 kg.watermelon,
  • 2 liter.water,
  • for 30 grams of salt and sugar,
  • 70 ml.vinegar( 9%),
  • 100 g. honey,
  • currant and cherry leaves( focus on your own perception of aromas).


  1. This recipe involves pickling only the pulp of watermelons, so pre-fruits must be cleaned and cut into cubes.
  2. In cans with a volume of up to 3 liters, fold the thread as tightly as possible.
  3. Then you need to boil water, pour it watermelons, wait 10-15 minutes and pour back into the pan. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times.
  4. After the last call, add vinegar, salt, sugar, honey and leaves to the pan and boil for a minute.
  5. Prepared marinade pour into jars, tightly roll the lids and leave to cool.
  6. After the finished workpiece should be stored for storage in a place protected from overheating.


Jam is a favorite treat for many, which is equally good to eat both in pure form and with various kinds of pastries. Watermelon jam is good in that in most cases it is made from crusts. It turns out wasteless production - the flesh can be eaten or marinated, and the peel is used to prepare a sweet treat.

Watermelon preserves from crusts


  • 1 kg.watermelon crusts( if desired, you can add a little pulp for a more saturated color),
  • one lemon,
  • 1.5 kg.sugar( you can use cane - this again affects the color and slightly transforms the taste of the final product).

Tip: To make jam from crusts, choose a watermelon with a thick skin.


  1. To begin with, we clean the watermelon, lay the flesh and cut off the green portion from the crusts( only light will go to use).
  2. Cut the crust into small squares, put in a bowl and fall asleep with sugar.
  3. It is recommended to leave the product for a whole night in a cool place.
  4. The next morning, pour the crusts with sugar in a saucepan and begin to cook.
  5. After about half an hour, add the previously sliced ​​lemon( right with the skin), hold, already with the lemon, for another 10-15 minutes on the fire, then remove and leave to infuse( 4-5 hours).
  6. Then, before pouring the jam over the jars, it will have to be heated again and boil for 20 minutes.
  7. Tare tightly closed lids and put them in a cool place.


Freezing is the most simple and effective way not only to preserve the original fetal taste, but also useful properties. In the case of watermelons, there is one important nuance - to freeze it with whole pieces, like apples or peaches, will not work, as the texture of the berry does not tolerate minus temperatures.

The way out of this situation is simple - it is necessary to prepare from the pulp of mashed potatoes. In this case, it can add other fruits, such as melons or nectarines, as well as some sugar( if the watermelon is unripe).The resulting mixture should be folded in sealed bags and put into the refrigerator. If the kitchen utensils allow, you can first grab the mashed potatoes in the "super freeze" mode, and then set the standard temperature for the freezer.

Watermelon - amazingly tasty and hotly loved by all the berry, perfectly suits any kinds of blanks. With a minimum of effort, everyone is able to preserve the taste and benefit of the product, making themselves and their loved ones happy with the fragrant dainties in the snowy winter.

Blanks for the winter
  • Apr 11, 2018
  • 19
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