Pain in the ear can not tolerate children. In addition, it is often so strong that the child can not sleep properly, eat and engage in ordinary activities. And not necessarily the ear can get sick due to the presence of an inflammatory process.

If the pain occurs 1-2 times and no longer worries the baby, then it can be removed at home using proven methods. If unpleasant symptoms appear frequently and become more severe each time, parents should consult a doctor.


  • 1 Than anesthetize
  • 2 Than to drip
    • 2.1 Preparations
    • 2.2 Folk remedies
  • 3 Komarovsky's opinion

Than anesthetize

pain in the child

What to do when a child has an earache? In this case, parents should immediately consult a doctor, as well as provide first aid. It is to relieve the symptoms and give peace to a small child. The procedure here is as follows:

  1. Perform a thorough examination of the auricle .Maybe the reason for the pain in the ear is the presence of a foreign object. Then you need to gently get it, tilting the baby's ear down. Do everything you need extremely accurately, so as not to shove the object even deeper.
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  2. If after inspection there is no visible damage, the child's temperature is normal, then it's worth to measure the pressure of .If it does not correspond to the norm, then give the baby a drug to normalize the pressure. In this case, make sure that the dosage corresponds to his age.
  3. You can put pressure on the trailer .If the child does not feel anything after that, it means that the pain that arises is an echo of another pain.
  4. If the pain in the ears suggests a rise in temperature, then this indicates the presence of the inflammatory process of .In this situation, parents should give the child an analgesic and antipyretic agent in the dosage that corresponds to his age. Today in the pharmacy there are a number of drugs that have combined and have an analgesic and antipyretic effect - Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen. But whether Paracetamol helps with a cold, is described in this article.
  5. Drip the nasal passages with vasoconstrictor drops. It must be done without fail, even if there are no symptoms indicating a runny nose. The reason is that the vasoconstrictive drops narrow the blood vessels, and this will reduce the pressure in the ear canal and the pain will subside.

On video pain in the ears of the child:

Than to drip the

After the first aid has been provided, it is possible to start treating the pain in the ear in the child. First, the doctor must understand what led to the development of such symptoms. In any case, the therapy is complex. It will include both medicines and folk remedies.


If the cause of pain in the ear is inflammation, then no treatment will not do without antibiotics. They are presented in the form of drops. Drip them need 7-10 days. If you do not use antibacterial drugs, it can lead to the development of complications such as meningitis, mastoiditis, brain abscess.

hearing restoration with sensorineural hearing loss How hearing restoration works with sensorineural hearing loss is described in detail in this article.

What to do when a child has an ear in the cold, and what means should be used first, is described in this article.

And here's what to do when the throat and ear ache on the left side, and what can be used from drugs to achieve a good result, will help to understand this article: http: // simptomy-g / bolit-uxo-gorlo-s-odnoj-storony.html

Perhaps you will also be interested to know about what inhalations for dry cough nebulizer with lasolvan should be done.

Another doctor will prescribe combined drops that have a combined effect. These include:

  1. Otypax. Effective in the treatment of otitis media. Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Lidocaine was used in the development of the drug. Often, it becomes the cause of allergies in children. But how to use such drops in the ear with inflammation, will help understand this article.


  2. Otof .These drops are in great demand in the treatment of acute pathologies of the middle ear. The composition contains a powerful antibiotic. But what are the reviews about ear drops of Otofa, will help to understand this article.


  3. Garazon .This drug has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.


  4. Отинум .Drops relieve pain and inflammation. Do not use for children who have not turned 1 year old. But what ears otinum should be used for children, is described here in the article.


  5. Софрадекс .Drops that contain a potent antibiotic. But what analogues are there and ear drops of Sofradex and what is their price, described here in the article.


  6. Remo-Wax .These drops should be used in case the cause of the pain is a sulfur plug.


Folk remedies

almond oil

In addition to the presented pharmacy products, at home, pain in the ear can be relieved with the help of the following prescription:

  1. Almond oil or walnut oil .Send to the affected ear for 1 drop 3 times a day.
  2. Take a dry chamomile in the amount of 10 g, add 200 ml of boiling water .Insist that the broth become warm. Filter and apply to wash the affected ear 2 times a day. The agent is effective for purulent discharge from the ear, otitis and other inflammations.
  3. Combine honey and water in equal proportions. Boil and dip into a thin slice of beetroot. Cook for 30 minutes. Turn into gauze, attach to the affected ear. With the help of such a compress it is possible to bring the convalescence closer and to stop the pain syndrome.
  4. Fresh branch of lemon balm to pour 200 ml of boiling water .Wait until the broth becomes warm. Filter and use to wash the affected ear 2 times a day Melissa infusion can be used for oral administration as a tea. But you can do this only if there is no allergy.
  5. Combine honey and tincture of propolis in equal quantities. Drops are used 3 times a day, sending 1 drop to each ear.

Komarovsky's opinion

Famous pediatrician Komarovsky advises parents who have children with ear pains to take a series of measures aimed at normalizing the condition of small patients.

These recommendations can be implemented not only for treatment, but also as prevention:

  1. In the room where the baby is, there must be fresh air, the temperature of which is 18-20 degrees. A moisture level of 50-70%.Thanks to this baby will not feel any discomfort.
  2. You can purchase a special humidifier or hang wet towels on batteries.
  3. In summer, to humidify the air, it is worth using water from the spray gun.
  4. And in winter it is quite easy to open the window for airing.
  5. For pain in the ears, parents should give the child a lot of drinking. This is very important, since if the shelter is thick, then the mucus will be thick. Drinks should only be warm.
  6. If at home, to stop pain in the ear in the child does not work, then you do not need to delay the trip to the hospital. Perhaps the cause of pain is an inflammatory process. And if you do not start his treatment, then he can go into a chronic form.

On the video view of Komarovsky:

Pain in a child's ear is an unpleasant symptom that prevents him from eating normally, sleeping, playing and doing the usual things. Some pain relievers here do not help. It is necessary to understand what led to the development of such symptoms. After all, only on condition that the cause of the pathological process was stopped, it will be possible to eradicate pain syndrome.