Bitterness in the mouth - the causes of appearance after eating, taking antibiotics, during pregnancy and treatment

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Many people complain that a bitter taste periodically appears in the mouth. There are several reasons, but mostly the bad patency of the ducts of the gallbladder. When unpleasant sensations worry after taking fatty, spicy foods, alcoholic beverages or potent drugs, you should not worry. In other situations, you need to look for the cause.

Bitterness in the mouth in the mornings

It is problematic to immediately answer why bitter in the mouth after sleep, because the source of the problem can capture not only the physiology of the cavity, but also the physical component of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. The main reason is in the gallbladder, when its secret is thrown into the esophagus. Metallic after-taste may be the result of overeating in the evening. So the body reacts with bile to food that irritates the intestines.

These symptoms are also characteristic after taking antibiotics that affect the pathogenic flora. Medications destroy both bad and good bacteria in the body, which causes a decrease in immunity, and this gives bitterness in the mouth in the mornings. Dental pathologies( caries, periodontitis) also cause similar sensations, accompanied by an unpleasant odor after sleep.

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Bitterness in the mouth after eating

If an unpleasant aftertaste after eating is an isolated case, then you need to take care of the quality of the diet. However, when there is regular bitterness in the mouth during a meal - the causes must be sought in the malfunctioning of the internal organs. If the correction of nutrition, the rejection of bad habits and control over drugs improve the condition did not bring - it means you need to see a doctor. What does it mean bitterness in the mouth after eating, you can answer after the examination.

Hepatic diseases( cirrhosis, cholecystitis) can provoke a condition. In this case, not only bitter, but also observed in the language of white plaque, it hurts and pulls in the right side. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, too, can provoke bitterness in the mouth - the causes can be hidden in gastritis or stomach ulcer. These diseases are accompanied by:

  • with an unpleasant aftertaste;
  • with nausea;
  • on the tongue;
  • belching;
  • abdominal pain.

Bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy

Most of the future moms are looking for what can be bitterness in the mouth, since this is the most common symptom. It is accompanied by a burning sensation in the throat, a sour aftertaste, a belch. When a bitter taste in the mouth is regularly felt - the causes of women( pregnant women) are a consequence of natural processes. When the hormonal background changes, the body needs to constantly increase the amount of progesterone, which is also responsible for the process of relaxation of the gastric valve. In this state, there are no obstacles to throwing acid into the esophagus, which causes bitterness in the mouth with a touch on the tongue.

Bitterness in the mouth after antibiotics

Almost all instructions for taking antibiotics contain information about such a side effect as bitterness in the mouth - these are the causes of dysbiosis. All these medicines refer to the means, the metabolism of which occurs in the liver. Under the sight of the impact of active components is this body. If the liver is already affected by any ailment, bitterness in the mouth from antibiotics will appear in any case. The defeat of her tissues causes a violation of detoxification functions, and the medicine is perceived by the body as a source of toxins.

At what diseases there is an aftertaste of bitterness

If all organs of the gastrointestinal tract work normally, then it should not be bitter in the oral cavity. If there is a taste of bitterness in the mouth - the reason may not be one:

  1. Indigestion. There is a problem with stagnation of bile, which is accompanied by a metallic taste( the composition of saliva changes), dark urine, diarrhea, yellowing of the skin.
  2. Infection with parasites. When the doctor is looking for an answer, why it is bitter in the mouth, parasitic infestation is always considered, which is accompanied by impaired functionality of the digestive tract, fever, diarrhea, weakness.
  3. Diabetes mellitus or biliary dyskinesia. These pathologies are caused by hormonal failure, which provokes an unpleasant symptom.
  4. Chronic gastritis. Pathology causes dysfunction of the stomach. At first the disease develops asymptomatically, then there is nausea, heartburn, dry mucous, bitter aftertaste.
  5. Pancreatitis. The pancreas ceases to produce the right amount of enzymes, so that the digestive process can proceed normally. The cause may be alcohol abuse, smoking, overeating, nervous stress.
  6. Cholecystitis. If there are stones in the gall bladder, its inflammation occurs. This leads to a violation of the walls of the organ and interruptions in the outflow of bile. As a result, the disease is accompanied by nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste, hepatic colic, yellow skin.

Treatment of bitterness in the mouth

Pharmaceutical drugs for getting rid of unpleasant symptoms do not exist. This is only a consequence of one or more of the huge number of functional disorders. Only after the diagnosis is carried out drug treatment of bitterness in the mouth. To normalize the condition, the doctor can first recommend:

  • elimination of stressful situations, active lifestyle, positive thinking;
  • normalization of microflora in the intestines with the help of probiotics( Linex, Acipol);
  • cleansing from intestinal toxins by taking enterosorbents( Smecta, Polysorb);
  • refusal from alcohol, smoking;
  • mode of proper food intake - frequent but fractional meals;
  • dietary diet: the exclusion of citrus, chocolate, coffee, fried, fatty, spicy, spicy dishes.

Symptomatic treatment is provided by folk remedies, but this is only temporary. Herbal decoctions help to eliminate the effect of bile on the esophagus. Folk remedies eliminate heartburn, normalize stomach acidity, but for the final cure should contact the doctor. As beverages that eliminate the bitter aftertaste, you should eat broths of fruits and herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • viburnum;Hawthorn
  • ;
  • cranberries;
  • cranberries;
  • rose hips.

Video: bitter taste in mouth: causes of

  • Apr 12, 2018
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