Pine nuts for nursing mothers

Everyone knows that pine nuts are a rich source of vitamins, contain many useful substances, irreplaceable for human health. However, Mummy, if she is breastfeeding, should carefully approach her own diet, as with the competent composition of the menu the woman's body receives everything necessary, without harming the baby.

To prevent a delicacy from causing allergic reactions in a child, you need to know the pros and cons of eating pine nuts with a nursing mother. Unlike their counterparts, such products are the least source of danger for the still-undigested intestines of crumbs and a very useful food for the restoration of the mother's body after childbirth.

Benefits of pine nuts

The useful qualities of pine nuts include:

  1. Excellent digestion by the body without irritation of the stomach and intestines.
  2. High nutritional value.
  3. Presence of anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. No cholesterol content.
  5. Maintenance of immunity.
  6. Improvement of metabolic processes and stimulation of cardiac function.
  7. Increased stamina.
  8. Improved memory.
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Pine nuts are a dietary product, therefore they are very useful for those wishing to bring their own figure into the old form.

In addition, cedar kernels contain an amino acid - arginine, which has a beneficial effect on increasing lactation, enhancing the metabolism in the mother's body. At the same time, there is a natural update at the cellular level, as regards the development of organs and systems in the infant.

As a rule, a nursing mother lacks useful micronutrients. Pine nuts allow to fill such a deficiency, saturating the body with the following vitamins:

  1. A - this vitamin stimulates growth and development.
  2. B1 - thiamine - has a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems of mother and child.
  3. B2 - riboflavin - improves the work of vision, skin condition;promotes the conversion of fat and carbohydrates to energy.
  4. B3 - niacin - improves digestion, especially the absorption of fats.
  5. E - tocopherol - is aimed at strengthening cell membranes.

Especially worth noting is vitamin E, which is found in a huge amount in the seeds of cedar, being for women a real find in order to increase the production of milk. With sufficient reception of such a microelement, food for crumbs becomes more nutritious and thicker.

Dangers and possible harm

Despite all the benefits of cedar cores, it is worthwhile to approach them properly in their own diet. It is not recommended to eat nuts in the first month after the birth of the baby. Exceptions are possible only when the mother is fully confident in the health of the child, and the parents do not have allergies to such a treat.

It is possible to start the pine nuts in the mother's menu from the second month, watching the reaction of the crumb to this supplement to the food.

Allergy in a baby usually manifests itself approximately after 5 hours after the last feeding with the following symptoms:

  • colic in the abdomen,
  • gas formation,
  • rash and redness on the skin( tummy, ass, cheeks).

With all the usefulness of pine nuts, you should not abuse them - the optimal amount is 30 grams per day.

Store pine nuts in a tight, sealed package and preferably in a dark place. You can freeze the product, but not more than six months.

Siberian delicacy is a real treasure for mom and for crumbs, becoming an irreplaceable source of micronutrients that the baby receives from breast milk. If a woman knows the measure, then no allergic reactions are terrible, and a small man will grow strong and healthy.

Nutrition and Health
  • Apr 15, 2018
  • 42
  • 592