Products that cause depression

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Despite the fact that food products are called by nature to be of benefit, scientists have also identified those that create the opposite effect, namely, the property of causing depression.

Clarifying this fact, it is worth noting that it is incorrect to hang a depressive label on any product, as a negative effect can cause some components in the product, abuse or even a rejection of it.


While the consumption of products from wholemeal flour has a beneficial effect on the body, confectionery and bakery products( especially in large quantities) create stagnant processes in the body. This leads to disharmonization of digestion, and, consequently, to depression.


This is a very contradictory product. Using it in small amounts creates an effect of vivacity, while abuse leads to drowsiness and general depression. Scientists recommend drinking no more than 2-3 cups of coffee a day.


Without going into details, we will remind that sausage in the vast majority of cases is not meat, and a set of certain components is not of the highest quality. In addition, this set does not have the best effect on the body, as well as on the mood. The only guarantee of quality sausage, is to make it yourself.

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Canned food

Just as the life cycle of a product stops, the body stops. Toxins, which accumulate from the constant use of canned foods, take energy from the body.


Comparative characteristics of sugar content in sweet carbonated drinks can be shocked. Raising a high wave of sugar content, the body at first rejoices, rejoices and overflows with energy. Then this tsunami takes away the remains of energy and mood. If this argument is not convincing enough, then the threat of diabetes is not a child's joke.


Red meat in small quantities is quite acceptable. But the body is much harder to digest this kind of meat, especially if you eat it a lot. As a result of such painstaking work, much energy is expended, and the residual phenomenon is toxins. As stated above, toxins are a poison that, among other things, contributes to the onset of depression.

Restrictions on

Those who have ever limited themselves in the amount or variety of food noted sharp mood swings for the better, irritability and loss of energy. To bring harmony and an element of happiness, you should add to the diet harmless foods that raise your spirits. Watermelon, various nuts and green leaves perfectly complement the diet, without causing harm. And the useful elements that are contained there will support the body during the hard times of the diet.

Nutrition and health
  • Apr 15, 2018
  • 64
  • 286