Ear drops are a necessary preparation in the treatment of otitis. Thanks to them it is possible to remove a strong, throbbing pain, which is simply impossible to endure. Today on the shelves in pharmacies there is a rich assortment of different medicines for the treatment of otitis, but most often doctors prescribe to their patients the drug Sofraks.

These ear drops have long been in high demand, because they are effective, and they have a democratic price. Drops of Sofradex have a quick effect, as the unpleasant symptoms begin to decline the next day.


  • 1 Indications for use
  • 2 Instruction for use
  • 3 Analogs
  • 4 Price
  • 5 Reviews

Indications for use

ear drops

Doctors today are increasingly assigning their patients the drug Sofradex in the treatment of any inflammatory disease of the mucous. In addition, what is used to treat ear diseases, you can drip them even with inflammation of the mucous eyes. The main indication for the use of Софрадекса is otitis.

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In this case, it can be external, middle and internal. In addition, drops can cope with the disease in acute and chronic stages. You can also apply the drug in the treatment of conjunctivitis, eczema of the outer eyelid, adenoids and other diseases of the ears, eyes and nasopharynx.

Three main components were used in the development of the preparation:

  1. Framicetin sulfate .Has a pronounced antibacterial effect, affecting gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It can destroy even Staphylococcus aureus. The main advantage of this component remains resistance to it in bacteria is produced extremely rarely. As a result, the drug is considered one of the most effective in the treatment of otitis.
  2. Gramicidin .Has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. Due to it, the action of Framicetin is enhanced and expanded.
  3. Dexamethasone .This glucocorticosteroid, which has a pronounced anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect. This component is characterized by the ability to stop the inflammatory process. ear drops

And although Sofradeid effectively copes with otitis, the drug has a number of contraindications, which include:

  • individual intolerance of certain components of the drug;
  • infectious process of viral or fungal origin;
  • edema of the tympanic membrane;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • newborn children.

With special care, drops are prescribed in the treatment of otitis in young children.

Instruction for use


The ear drops of SofraDex can be used only for topical application. Before dripping drops, you must carefully clean the auditory canal, removing pus and other contaminants from it. Thus, the active components of the drug can penetrate as deeply as possible. Dosage for children and adults will be 2-3 drops 4 times a day. If the child is uncomfortable with this procedure, it is possible to soak a cotton swab in the solution and insert it into the ear canal. This procedure is best done at night. But during pregnancy, ear drops are prohibited.

The duration of therapy should not be longer than a week. If the drops are applied further, this can lead to the development of superinfection, which is characterized by high resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to the components of the drug. When using drops of Sofradex, it is undesirable to use other dosage forms, especially if it is antibiotics.

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Why there is a strong buzz in the head and ears, and with what means can get rid of this problem, is described in detail in this article: http: //prolor.ru/u/ lechenie-u / gul-v-ushax-prichiny.html

And here are some antibiotics forthe average otitis is worth using, is described in this article.


If, for some reason, you can not buy drops for the ears of Sofradex, you can replace the drug with the following preparations: Betagenot and Garazon. These drugs are similar to those considered by the pharmacological group.

Drops Garazon

Drops Garazon


You can buy the drug in any pharmacy and without a prescription. The cost of one bottle is 297 rubles.

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But what are the best and effective drops for purulent otitis, is described in this article.

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  • Inna, 32 years old: "My otitis has a chronic form. The thing is that I did not manage to get to the hospital on time, as I decided that I could cope with pain and other symptoms myself. But I was not able to get the proper effect. The pain became worse, the ear became stuffy, there was a purulent discharge. When I went to the doctor, he diagnosed my otitis of a chronic form. Unfortunately, I can not completely get rid of the ailment, but here I am able to facilitate the course of the acute stage and prolong the remission with the help of Софрадекса.I do not drip them, but I put a gauze swab in my ear. I spend such manipulation 2 times a day. "
  • Maria, 27 years old: "I have Sofradex permanently in the medicine cabinet. And the reason is my chronic otitis. When my stage of aggravation approaches, my habitual rhythm of life is violated, because because of severe pain and discomfort, I can not fully work, sleep. Save me exactly drops of Sophradex. I drip their ear 3 times a day. I can see a positive effect the next day. Pain is reduced, the number of secretions is also reduced. Of course, it can not be used for a long time, otherwise the bacteria will get used to it and will not get the proper effect. My father uses these drops to relieve inflammation and irritation, because I work as a welder, and my eye gets irritated systematically. "
  • Valentina, 54 years old: "With the help of drops of Sofradex I managed to cure otitis and get rid of unpleasant symptoms. I did not go to the doctor. My cum therapist, so she advised me and Sofradex. In the morning and afternoon I dripped it 5 drops into each ear canal, but before I went to bed, I moistened the gauze swab in the solution and inserted it into my ear. To the effect of the applied drops was quick and qualitative, then before using the drug it is necessary to thoroughly clean the ear canals. In addition, I began to notice that when using Sophradex I manage to prolong remission and live fully. "

Sofraks are effective ear drops for treating otitis media. They can be used by children and adults. Cases of overdose are rare. As a rule, they arise because of an increase in the dosage of the drug indicated by the doctor. The uniqueness of the drug is that the patient can feel relief already the next day. In case of side effects, immediately inform the doctor and discard the use of drops.