Chronic rhinitis is a malaise, very common. It can occur in an adult, and a baby. In addition to the discomfort that delivers the disease, it can lead to dangerous complications, and even lead to the need for surgical intervention. Therefore, to treat a chronic runny nose is necessary - and the sooner, the better.

The main treatment is traditional therapy with the help of medications. However, the people's methods can also provide considerable assistance. In the article, we will consider the peculiarities of treating chronic rhinitis with the help of folk and home methods: we will find out which of them are suitable for treating adults and children.


  • 1 General treatment features
    • 1.1 Tips
  • 2 How to treat a runny nose in an adult
    • 2.1 Treatment of a child
      • 2.1.1 Recommendations
  • 3 Allergic rhinitis

General treatment features

Chronic rhinitis is treated in three ways: chronic cold

  • medication;
  • with traditional medicine;
  • by surgical intervention.
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It is clear that until the last method is better not to bring: this radical method applies only if more sparing are already useless.

Tips for

It is recommended to ensure that the room has sufficient humidity. Sometimes dry air becomes the direct cause causing a chronic runny nose. Use a moisturizer: sometimes this alone is enough to make the chronic cold run independently.

Try to use less vasoconstrictive drops. Sometimes excessive use of them causes a chronic rhinitis: the mucous membrane "learns" independently to regulate its activity and function without these drops.

The room requires obligatory ventilation. Thus, pathogenic bacteria are eliminated, and air humidification is provided.

To facilitate the patient's condition with a stuffy nose during sleep, it is recommended to lift the head of his bed or put a high pillow. In a raised position, it will be easier for a person to breathe.

On video how to treat a chronic runny nose at home:

How to treat a runny nose in an adult

runny nose in an adult

Consider the folk ways and methods of getting rid of the chronic cold of an adult.

Washing with various simple home remedies can be an excellent help in the treatment of chronic colds. Washing helps to remove swelling of the mucous membrane, destroys viruses and infections that penetrate the nasal passages, effectively even with a very protracted runny nose.

What components are used for the preparation of washing solutions:

  • Sea salt .One of the indispensable ingredients for the treatment of the common cold. Sea salt can be bought in a regular store, it is very easy to prepare a washing solution from it. Proportion: coffee spoon on the glass.
  • Soda. The proportion is the same as in the previous case.
  • Iodine .This remedy has a pronounced antiseptic effect, therefore it perfectly kills pathogens that penetrated the nasopharynx. To make the right composition, you need to dissolve 15 drops of iodine in a glass of water, and add a half-spoonful of sea salt.

For rinsing use a syringe-pear or a syringe. This method of treating chronic cold is especially recommended for pregnant women, because it is safe, effective and simple. flushing the nose with a pear

Chronic rhinitis in an adult can be treated with a soapy soap solution of commercial soap, also by lubricating the nasal mucosa. For the procedure you need a soap of "old modification" - brown, 72%.You need to moisten the cotton bud in soapy thick foam, and then lubricate the nasal passages. The procedure should be done at least five times a day.

If the runny nose was a result of hypothermia in the cold season, the following "grandfather's" method will help: pour dry powder of mustard into the toes, and pass in these socks all day. To strengthen and consolidate the effect, it is also useful to make a hot foot bath with a mustard dissolved in water for the night. After such a procedure, the nose usually "breathes" in the morning, and mucus easily leaves.

The onion compress works well for a chronic cold. To make it, you need to grind the raw onion, wrap the resulting gruel into a cloth, and attach the pouch to the wings of the nose. Keep it in this position it is necessary about 15 minutes, covered from above for warming fleece diaper.

This procedure well warms the nasal sinuses, and promotes the fastest relief from ailments. You need to spend it three times a day for a week, each time using a new bulb. onion compress for the nose

To strengthen the effect of the previous method, you can moisten the cotton swab in onion juice, and lay the resulting turuns in the holes of the nose. Wet cotton should be fairly abundant, so that the effect is more rapid and pronounced. In addition, you can dilute onion juice with water( one part of the juice - three parts of water), and instill the resulting solution with a pipette into the nose. This method perfectly helps to destroy pathogenic viruses and microbes, and also removes inflammation of the mucosa.

Onion inhalation is another excellent folk remedy for prolonged rhinitis. To do this, grind one small onion into a small slurry, and lay the resulting mixture in a glass jar with a screw cap. During the day, the bank should periodically open and inhale the present pairs of onions. The next day, change the onion, and continue the procedure. Instead of onions, you can use a horse radish or garlic. onion inhalation

Beet tampons - a proven folk remedy for coryza. For cooking, grate fresh root on a grater, and wrap a little beet mass in gauze, forming a small candle. Then put a tampon in the nasal passage. At the same time, tampons are not inserted: it is necessary to perform the procedure in turn, so that you can breathe freely. It is recommended to perform the "beetroot" procedure twice a day. The same effect can be rendered also by garlic tampons, prepared similarly.

why swollen nasal mucosa without a cold Why the nasal mucosa swells without a runny nose and what means you can help yourself to get rid of such a problem, is described in this article.

And that's why there is a stuffy ear without pain in the cold, very detailed in this article.

How inhalation is carried out over a potato in the common cold will help to understand this information: http: // ingalyaciya-nad-kartoshkoj-pri-kashle.html

What to do.when it is difficult to breathe through the nose, but there is no rhinitis, it is described in great detail in this article.

Treatment of a child

Most often the child acquires a chronic runny nose due to the neglected form of the acute manifestation of the disease. If the common cold is wrong or untimely treated, the consequence of this is its chronic manifestation.

Chronic rhinitis causes severe discomfort even in adults. Especially his symptoms are unpleasant for children, so it is necessary to treat the disease. And effective, safe home methods can help in this. What methods of traditional medicine will help cope with a chronic cold to the child.

On video, how to treat a chronic rhinitis of a child:


Before taking on the treatment of a chronic rhinitis of a child, especially - by domestic methods, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the ailment. After all, the cause may be an allergy, adenoids, a common cold: this all depends entirely on the treatment.

Protect the child from smoke( cigarette - mandatory) and dust. Thus, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction in the form of a cold.

For washing, it is better to use a weakly concentrated saline solution for the baby. This composition is good because it does not dry the nasal passages, does not cause discomfort. It is suitable for a child of any age, including for a baby. Inhalation of onions to a child

Onion juice is also suitable for instilling in the baby's nose. However, in this case it is necessary to soften the solution with vegetable oil in order to exclude the possibility of a tender mucous burn. The product is suitable for instillation throughout the treatment.

If a small child( including a baby) has a runny nose of unclear origin, beetroot droplets can help. Fresh beet juice is used in small quantities. Instead of beets, you can also take carrots.

An older child will also suffer more burning garlic drops. But in their pure form they can not be buried: it is necessary to first dilute the garlic juice with olive oil.

Kalanchoe and aloe - are natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents. These plants, thanks to the juice of their fleshy leaves, help to quickly and safely cope with the chronic rhinitis, significantly improving the child's condition. This tool can be used, even without knowing the exact cause of the common cold: it does not hurt in any way. Start burying the juice at the first sign of malaise: it is advisable to do the procedure in the morning and in the evening. If the child is less than three years old, the juice must be diluted with water. aloe for a child

Inhalations can be of great help in the treatment of pediatric chronic rhinitis. Alkaline inhalations with soda and essential oils are especially useful. The child can also breathe the steam over an ordinary saucepan, it is not necessary to buy a new-fashioned nebulizer. The effect in any case will be.

Buy in the pharmacy sea buckthorn oil, and dig it in the nasal passages with a cold. Oil perfectly removes inflammation and swelling, and also strengthens the immune system. But what to fill nebulizer with the treatment of sinusitis, will help to understand this article.

It is useful to make herbal medicinal herbs: plantain, sage, marigold, and these broths to wash the nasopharynx. As a result of using such tools, you can quickly and safely help the child get rid of stuffy nose, remove mucus from the nasal passages.

Be sure to consult a pediatrician, as well as an ENT specialist and an allergist. Qualified help will help quickly and competently cope with a chronic childish rhinitis.

What medications for chronic rhinitis exist and which ones should be used.will help to understand this information.

How to use Albacid in a cold and how effective it is is described in this article.

How can you cure the swelling of the nasal mucosa without a runny nose and by what means it is done most quickly, is described in great detail in this article.

How to use the Kalanchoe juice from the common cold and how effective it is will help to understand this information.

Allergic rhinitis

If, through laboratory tests and the delivery of appropriate tests, it is determined that chronic rhinitis in an adult or child causes an allergy, the following tips will help.

The most common allergens are: dust, animal fur, feathers, fluff. Having eliminated the allergen, you can completely get rid of the common cold. It is sometimes very easy to do this: it is enough to replace the pillow with a natural feather on a synthetic foam, to limit contacts with four-legged friends.

On the video-treatment of chronic cold:

But if the allergy is caused by plants on the street, then of course they will not get rid of them. But you can change places for a while: leave, for example, in the summer to rest on the south. Returning, the allergy again will not start so quickly, the body will harden and recover. Especially useful is the marine climate and mountain. Unfortunately, folk remedies are not able to completely rid of the chronic allergic rhinitis. To do this, you need to save the person from contact with the allergen.

We examined the peculiarities of treating chronic rhinitis with folk methods, learned simple and effective home recipes. Now you can easily help yourself and your child in the event of this problem, greatly ease your health, and accelerate recovery.