Diet of centenarians

To survive a long, eventful life and keep health until old age - such an achievement is under the power of a few. Usually, illness is overtaken after the person has crossed the 50-year boundary.

Revising the diet in favor of useful products will help to maintain all the functions of the body in a normal way and meet each new year with optimism.


There are in the body the kind of particles called free radicals - they tend to destroy cells and provoke the development of diseases. Their activity is fueled by poor ecology, harmful food, substances contained in certain medicines.

Free radicals create chain reactions inside the body, affecting nearby tissues, damaging cell membranes and DNA.

Antioxidants are able to prevent this process. In the diet they must be present on an ongoing basis. You can find them in many products, for example: raspberries, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, spinach, cabbage, turnips, ginger, cinnamon, oregano, basil, cumin, walnuts, hazelnuts, green tea.

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Fibrous products have a beneficial effect on the course of many processes in the body:
• maintain the sugar level;
• improve digestion, reducing the risk of diverticulitis and hemorrhoids;
• promote weight loss;
• do not allow stones to form in the kidneys and gall bladder;
• reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack.

You can find fiber in most popular vegetables( corn, pumpkin, celery, cabbage, carrots, radishes, parsley, peppers, dill), fruits( raspberries, bananas, gooseberries, orange, currants), legumes, bran, porridges, nuts.


In addition to fiber, it is necessary to consume energetically rich food. In addition, the protein protects the immune system and helps to resist free radicals. Protein products are also involved in the construction of tissues, bones, supporting the optimal level of acidity.

A protein-rich diet reduces the risk of many diseases and premature death, serves as a preventive measure, especially for diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, certain types of cancer and heart disease.

The main thing is not to abuse protein food, its search can have the opposite effect, aggravating the state of health. For a person whose physical activity can be called moderate, the average daily rate will be 100-120 g. Who gives sports more time and effort, can correct the dose upward.

It is also important to choose wholesome protein: white meat instead of red, fish, seafood, beans, eggs, lentils, nuts, mushrooms, cottage cheese, sour-milk products.


Vegetable food contains all the elements listed above. It is necessary for the normal course of digestion, hematopoiesis, vascular protection, normal sugar level.

In addition to the fact that vegetables should constantly supplement the diet, it is useful to spend at least one of the days of the week solely on a plant diet. First, it will be a good supply of the body with vitamins, secondly - all energy saved on digesting heavier food will be spent on the purification process.

6 products for the weekly diet

1. Legumes

These products are slowly digested, and therefore saturate for a long time, supplying the body with protein, fiber, minerals and vitamins. The highest antioxidant activity is found in black beans, beans and lentils.

To maintain a long-term positive effect, it is enough to eat 2 tablespoons of the listed types of legumes per day.

2. Nuts

In addition to fiber and protein, contain antioxidants and healthy fats. The maximum benefit can be extracted from walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios. To maintain the health of one handful a day - about 30 grams.

Nuts effectively prevent diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, respiratory system, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases.

3. Green tea

Many people like a drink for properties that help lose weight - green tea speeds up metabolism and helps get rid of fat deposits faster.

But its usefulness is not limited to this - thanks to polyphenols, the use of tea has a positive effect on life expectancy. These compounds support the work of the circulatory system, normalize the production of hormones, prevent the destruction of cells by free radicals and their premature aging.

4. Oats

Like green tea, oatmeal porridge should also be on the menu of those who seek to lose weight. Despite the high caloric content, this product is easily digested, saturating with fiber, protein, slow carbohydrates, allowing long time to keep the sugar level stable, which means it is easier to control the appetite.

Protect foods from oats and from deadly diseases, primarily cardiovascular. And because it is especially useful for the elderly.

5. Asparagus

The plant contains glutathione - a powerful antioxidant. He can reduce the impact on the body of factors such as poor nutrition, stress, unhealthy ecology. It also fights with toxins that enter the body through medicines, infections, premature aging and even radiation.

Asparagus also contains chromium - a microelement that enhances the body's ability to perceive insulin, and helps in the treatment of polycystic ovaries. There are vitamins A, C, E and K in the plant.

6. Avocado

It also contains a significant amount of glutathione, which destroys carcinogenic substances. It can be said that asparagus with avocado is the champions of the content of this antioxidant. Rich in avocado and fiber, potassium, useful fats, iron, protein, folic acid, vitamins C, K and E.

It also contains polyphenols that protect the skin from ultraviolet, provide support for the brain, control over sugar levels and pressure indicators.

The key components of a diet for a long and healthy life should be products that not only help to maintain energy that gives saturation, but also able to withstand the harmful effects of various external factors.

Build a diet in accordance with the recommendations and live long!

Nutrition and Health
  • Apr 15, 2018
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