Sometimes a child just runs a nosebleed liquid of a transparent color. Many parents believe that this phenomenon is considered harmless, and do not pay attention to such a pathology. Experience shows that such indifference is in vain, because liquid mucus from the nose can indicate a variety of diseases. In order to start treatment, it is necessary to first understand the cause of this phenomenon, because only in this way it will be possible to overcome all unpleasant symptoms.

For what reason there are cough and snot with teething, you can learn from this article.

Contents of

  • 1 Reasons for forming
  • 2 Therapy in an adult
  • 3 Treatment in children

Reasons for forming

Why does the snot flow like water? When a child has a runny nose like water, the doctor must first understand the cause of this phenomenon. There are several factors that can affect the formation of transparent mucus:

  1. Cold .Very often, at the initial stage of ORZ development, the rhinitis takes a liquid consistency, which results in the nose flowing all the time. When the cause of such a cold is a cold, the mucus after a few days will get a thick consistency and yellow tint. Liquid snots indicate the onset of the formation of a cold, so it can be accompanied by symptoms such as headache, fatigue and general malaise.
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  2. Sinusitis and sinusitis .If a child has a cold, like water, you can say about sinusitis or sinusitis. Presented pathologies arise due to untimely treatment of ordinary rhinitis. Sinusitis and sinusitis are not only liquid, transparent snot, but also pus, blood.
  3. Allergic reaction .When water flows from the child's nasal cavity, an allergy can provoke such a phenomenon. It can arise at a certain time, for example, when plants bloom, poplar. But the allergy washes have a permanent character, and it provokes its dust, animal hair.
  4. Craniocerebral trauma .Liquid snot may also arise due to head injuries. In this case, the liquid will be released not only from the nose, but also from the ears.

What to do when a baby has snot and cough without fever, you can learn from the article.

The video tells how to treat snot like water in a child:

If liquid discharge from the nose begins to occur after hypothermia or physical exertion, then nothing dangerous in this. The symptom that emerges very quickly passes, and in a few days you will forget about it.

Therapy in an adult

When a person is endlessly shedding snot, then it causes a huge discomfort. For this reason, patients want to quickly start treatment and overcome this unpleasant symptom.

What to do when a child has green snot and nasal congestion, you can learn from this article.

In the treatment of liquid snot in an adult, it is first necessary to understand the cause of its formation. It is necessary to understand that the presented phenomenon indicates the presence of a certain ailment. Do not postpone the trip to the doctor in the long box, as the lost time will lead to serious complications.

To eliminate liquid sopley, it is worthwhile to apply the washing of the nasal cavity with saline solution or herbal decoction.

Here you can apply infusion of chamomile or calendula. This procedure allows eliminating all pathogenic microorganisms from the nasal cavity.

When preparing a saline solution, it is necessary to use sea salt. When the cause of a cold cold is a cold, then you need to use vasoconstrictive drugs. But use them no more than 3 times a day. They allow you to eliminate nasal congestion and ease nasal breathing. When a cold is allowed to conduct thermal procedures, warming up the maxillary sinuses and the bridge of the nose.

If a liquid cold is found, as a sign of sinusitis or sinusitis, then all therapeutic measures should be made by the attending physician. As a rule, not only washing and the use of drops are involved here, but also an antibacterial course.

From this article you can learn how to treat a child with yellow snot.

In case of an allergic rhinitis, accompanied by liquid discharge from the nose, it is necessary to use vasoconstrictive drops.

The most effective are Naphthysine, Pharmazoline, Noxprey .But to receive a positive effect from them is impossible, if not to eliminate the causative agent.

Be sure to perform a wet cleaning in the house 2 times a day, change bed linens and air the rooms. Thanks to fresh air, you can moisten the nasal mucosa. If you could not determine the cause of the allergy, then only an experienced specialist can do it.

From this article you can find out what to do when the nose is flowing brown snot.

No matter what provoked liquid runny nose, it is necessary to correctly establish the cause of this phenomenon. Therefore, to delay the trip to the hospital is not worth it. The faster you can understand the provoking factor, the faster you start treatment and forget about this unpleasant symptom.

Treatment in children

What should I do? If you find a liquid snot from your child, he can not sleep peacefully, badly eats, it is a clear sign of ailment. Treatment should be performed immediately after the formation of this symptom.

From this article you can learn how to treat white thick snot in a child.

Positive results are vasoconstrictive drops. In the course of their use, it is possible to narrow the vessels, remove the edema and facilitate breathing. But they should be taken in the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Also it is not necessary to exceed the duration of the course, so that there is no addiction, during which the child can no longer breathe independently. There are situations when parents increase the dosage and thereby contribute to the formation of excessive pallor of the skin.

In the photo - nose rinsing

If you want to quickly remove nasal congestion, then be sure to perform with the child a procedure for cleaning the nasal passages. Thanks to sea water, it narrows to clean the nasal cavity of dead cells, which helps to reduce the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms. The presence of minerals in the mineral water leads to strengthening the walls of the mucosa and increasing local immune forces.

What are the signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults and treatment, you can learn from this article.

From this article, you can learn how to treat a beginning sinusitis.

Which modern antibiotics for maxillary sinusitis is best used, you can learn from this article here: http: // lechenie-n / antibiotiki-pri-gajmorite.html

As a result, the process of recovery of the nasal mucosa is accelerating. With regular use of mineral water, it is possible to clean the nasal passages from dust and dirt, which cause allergies. If liquid snots have arisen because of excessive dryness in the room, then with the help of sea water it is possible to moisten the nasal cavity.

A liquid cold is not a very dangerous symptom, when the cause of its formation does not lie in the presence of a cold. This runny nose goes very quickly and after 2 days this symptom quickly goes away. Be attentive to your health and visit the doctor on time. Only in this way will you provide yourself with various diseases, and will not expose your body to a different method of therapy.