Salt with varicose veins - harm or benefit?

salt with varicose veins Varicose veins, which are most often affected by women of different ages - about 70%, are quite common today.

A characteristic feature of the disease is loss of elasticity of the walls of large vessels, swelling of the veins, their expansion and stretching in certain areas.

Veins of the lower extremities, rectum and spermatic cord are especially vulnerable.

The causes of the appearance of varicose veins can be very diverse: long standing on the feet, frequent weight lifting, muscle tension during defecation, overweight, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, and hereditary predisposition.

It appears as follows way:

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  • on his feet appear veins of a dark blue or purple hue;
  • skin in the legs and ankles is subjected to uneven pigmentation;
  • periodically in the muscles of the legs there are pain, itching and convulsions, especially at night;
  • on the skin can manifest ulcers.

In addition, the disease is fraught with various complications, among which you can note eczema, thrombophlebitis, severe venous bleeding in the wound.

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Is salt intake possible in case of vein disease

In case of venous disease, the patient's diet is very important.

It is known that the use of a number of products positively affects the body, helping it cope with the disease.

But there are also products that can exacerbate the situation.

With regard to salt, then with varicose, its use should be reduced to a minimum.

This is due to the fact that it delays fluid in the body, strengthening edema and creating additional stress on the affected veins.

phlebosclerosis The non-surgical method of treating varicose phlebosclerosis - the pros and cons of the procedure you can learn from our article. Gel Girudoven for prevention and treatment of varicose veins - indications and contraindications, reviews and other useful information.

Treatment of varicose salt - tips and recipes

Still, salt with varicose can be used as a remedy.

For example, such popular recipes:

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For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of doctors. .. »
  1. Marluce, which is lined with hydrochloric gruel, pribintovat to the sore spot with the help of elastic bandage. Regular use of this drug in the morning and evening will ease the condition of the affected veins, and within a week you can feel positive results.
  2. Sprinkle the salt in a pouch of cotton or cotton cloth and place it in the freezer for a few minutes. Apply the compress to the painful place until it warms up.
  3. Make a pulp from water and sea salt, which you need to put in the refrigerator. When the mixture acquires a temperature of 0 ° C, apply it to the cheesecloth or piece of saline bath sheet and pribintuyte to the affected vein. As soon as the compress is heated, it needs to be removed and the place of application wiped with a wet towel so that the salt left on the skin does not lead to irritation. This procedure is most effective in the mornings, because it gives a tone to the veins throughout the day. The treatment course should last a week.
  4. A small amount of table salt dissolve in hot water, add 10 drops of rosemary oil and 2 tablespoons of milk. From this mixture make foot baths, which need to take 20 minutes a day. This will improve blood circulation in the legs.
  5. Also the healing effect of foot baths made from sea salt, as well as decoction of chamomile and mint. The procedure should last about 10 minutes, which helps to remove the feeling of fatigue of the limbs, eliminate irritation of the skin and improve its appearance.
  6. Fatigue and swelling help to remove the bath with sea salt. To do this, take a couple of tablespoons of salt, dissolve it in warm water and immerse the legs there."Walking" in the basin with water 5 - 10 minutes, you can take a cool bath of herbs.

As we see, although the use of salt with varicose is extremely undesirable, yet its external use has a beneficial effect on sick veins.

Salt with regular application as compresses and foot baths eliminates edema, fatigue and improves blood circulation.

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