How and what to whiten nails at home

Contents of
  • Why do nails change color?
  • Folk remedies
  • How to whiten nails at home - video
  • Special tools
  • How to whiten your toenails?

Beautiful and well-groomed nails tend to have every woman, regardless of age. But the effect even from the most carefully and professionally made manicure negates the brownish, grayish or yellowish tinge of the nail plate. Hands look very unaesthetic. Therefore, the actual question is how to whiten the nails at home.

Why do nails change color?

Before you start bleaching, you need to identify the cause of the problem and eliminate it, otherwise all the tools used will not have the effect. The nail plate that has changed color is just a symptom. The most common causes:

  • Various diseases. Yellowness can indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder and kidneys, as well as diabetes mellitus or lack of iron and zinc in food. Therefore, if other causes of the problem can not be identified, it is better not to wait until everything passes by itself, and see a doctor. Yellow, grayish or brownish nails are the most innocuous sign.
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  • Fungus. Yellow or brownish, crumbling, unevenly thickened nails, from which an unpleasant smell spreads - one of the main symptoms. In this case, self-medication is strongly discouraged.
  • Bad habits. The more you smoke, the more soot fumes in the nail plate, it turns yellow, then browns. The same can be said about the fingertips. This is especially noticeable on those fingers with which you hold a cigarette.
  • Permanent varnish coating. The most damaging are saturated, bright colors. Several layers of varnish prevent normal oxygen metabolism in tissues, especially if you use substandard drugs. Artificial nails, which are glued to the glue consisting of chemicals, are no less harmful.
  • Regular intake of certain medications, especially antibiotics. At the end of the course of treatment, yellowness will pass by itself.
  • Working with aggressive chemicals, garden fertilizers or cleaning an apartment with bare hands, without rubber gloves. Some of the components that make up cleaning and detergents are very harmful to the skin of the hands and nails.

Folk remedies

How quickly to bleach nails? First try folk remedies. They are good in that they are available, cheap and suitable for home use at a time convenient for you. All the necessary equipment can be found in the kitchen of most housewives.

  1. Lemon juice. Dipped in a freshly squeezed juice wadded disk or a piece of bandage you need several times a day to wipe your nails. If you do not want to squeeze juice, just immerse your nails into the pulp of a half-cut lemon. Another option - citric acid, diluted with water to the consistency of gruel. To nails stopped to break, add to the juice as much refined olive oil. For sensitive skin, half dilute the juice with water. After the procedure, apply a moisturizing cream on your hands and nails. It is not necessary to abuse the procedure, since lemon juice dries heavily both the skin and the nail plate.
  2. Sea salt.200 ml of hot water will need 30 g of sea salt. Stir until the salt dissolves, cool to an acceptable temperature and put your hands in a container with a solution for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse the salt from your hands with plain water and apply a nourishing cream. A week should be carried out at least 2-3 procedures.
  3. Baking soda. Dilute 50 grams of soda with 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide( 3%) and stir to a thick slurry. The resulting homogeneous paste daily apply to the nails for half an hour. Then rub them with a brush and rinse with warm water. From the heat of the body, the mixture melts pretty quickly, so to avoid splashing everything around, you need to hold your hands over any container. Instead of peroxide, soda can be diluted with lemon, grapefruit or lime juice. But only in the event that next to the nails there are no cuts, abrasions, cracks, burrs.
  4. Chamomile pharmacy. A tablespoon with a hill of dried flowers is poured a glass of boiling water, cover and insist for an hour. Then put the hands down for 15 minutes.
  5. Castor oil. Every day, rub in the nails with castor oil, preferably with vitamins A and E. To enhance the effect, add a few drops of essential oil of tea tree, ylang-ylang, any citrus and / or ordinary iodine.
  6. Apple cider vinegar( if it is not, you can use a normal dining room( 6-9%, but not 70% acid), 200 ml of warm water will need 10 ml of vinegar. Put your hands in the solution and leave for 3-4 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and soap
  7. Glycerin Add to it 5: 1 hydrogen peroxide and apply in a day for 2-3 minutes
  8. Fruits and berries Crush strawberries, gooseberries, black currants, apple( better in the blender)green or not matured) and immerse the nails into it for half an hour.
    Berries can be used both fresh and frozen. Fill the toothpaste( not gel) with the content of fluorine. For the nails, only white paste is suitable. Put a little on the brush for cleaning the nails. In the morning and in the evening during the cleaning of the teeth, undergo similar procedure and nails. If there is time, rub the paste and leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse. One more option - tablets for cleaning dentures. Several pieces are dissolved in warm water and lowered into a container with hand liquid.
  9. Liquid bleach without chlorine. The product is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, hands are dropped into the solution and a few minutes rubbed into the nails with a brush. For sensitive skin of hands, you can increase the proportion of water by half.
  10. How to whiten nails at home - video

    Special tools

    If there is no desire to use folk remedies or the effect is not too noticeable, refer to the achievements of cosmetology. In pharmacies and specialized stores in the widest range are pencils, varnishes, gels, powders and other means for whitening nails. There is also a special base for varnish. Look for labels "nail whitener", "non-yellowing top".By all these means, you can also whiten your nails at home.

    There, too, do not be lazy to get a liquid for removing varnish without acetone, with vitamins and caring components.

    All that is required of you - carefully read the instructions and follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Make sure that the remedy is of the type that suits your skin.

    Thus it is not necessary to try to save, getting the cheapest variant from possible. Before buying, study the composition. Chemicals will bring more damage to your nails than good.

    Continuous use of whitening agents is not advisable. Use them only as needed.

    Immediately before use, perform a test by applying a little gel, lacquer or pencil to the inner crook of the elbow. If after 6-8 hours there is no itching, burning, irritation, redness, peeling, other symptoms of allergy, boldly apply it to its intended purpose.

    In case of any discomfort, immediately wash your hands with soap several times and wipe the skin with an antiseptic.

    Whitening pencils are easy to use."Griefel" you just need to hold on the inside of the nail.

    Varnishes and a base for lacquer, in addition to whitening nails, often have light-reflecting particles in the composition. It is a worthy alternative to the usual nail polish. In addition to whitening, it strengthens and revitalizes the nails, prevents their fragility, smooths the nail plate.

    All possible powders and gels should be used with caution and whenever possible. They bleach the nail plate, peeling off the top layer. This is not very useful even for healthy and strong nails, and for fragile and weakened - even more so.

    You can still, instead of whitening your nails at home, undergo a course of procedures for whitening nails in the beauty salon. This is also effective, but it is suitable only for those who are not short of money and have enough time.

    How to whiten your toenails?

    For some of the reasons given, the nails can change color not only on the hands, but also on the legs. There are also some specific reasons. First of all, this wearing of a tight, uncomfortable, unsuitable shoes, especially with narrow noses. In this case, the blood circulation in the foot is disturbed, the small capillaries are compressed, the nails receive less oxygen and nutrition. Sometimes the nails are painted because they are colored by colored socks and tights.

    There are no special methods for whitening nails on legs. You can use all the means to help get rid of yellowness on your hands.

    First of all, to ensure that the procedures are not in vain, you need to identify the cause and take measures to eliminate it.

    Any woman can, with very little effort and without spending significant funds, keep her hands in perfect shape. All you need for this is in every kitchen. You will need only a little patience and time, as well as a sincere desire to cope with the problem of yellowed or grayed nails. Regularly conducted procedures in this case work miracles.

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