How to improve digestion

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Not find in the world a single person who does not experience from time to time discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. Each of us is sometimes concerned about bloating, upset stomach or constipation. Doctors and nutritionists agree that the health of our digestive system is significantly influenced by eating habits. Let's try to find out what needs to be changed in the daily diet in order to maintain health?

First of all, it's worth starting with an in-depth analysis of your daily menu. Perhaps you will note that you consume a lot of sweet, fatty or refined or processed foods and completely forgot about fruits, fresh vegetables, cereals and cereal products.

Distinctive diet with an unhealthy intestine

If you are often tormented by indigestion or bloating, then pay attention not only to the foods that you eat, but also to the way you eat. People eating on the run, eating fast food or semi-finished products, often swallow a large amount of air along with food. Food intake should not be accompanied by haste, diligently chew on each piece and learn how to enjoy it.

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To protect themselves from overeating, fractional food will help. Many people used to eat 2-3 times a day and consume large portions in one sitting. Unable to eat, the person often feels hungry and quenches him with "improvised" products. There is a way out: divide the receptions into 5-6 parts. As snacks, fresh vegetables, nuts, fruits, and sour-milk products are perfect. They have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, but will not allow you to overload the stomach.

Increase the amount of fiber. Dietary fiber is of great benefit to the intestines. Harsh statistics say that in the daily diet of the average person, on average, there are only 10 grams of fiber, while experts advise to consume up to 50 g. In large quantities, cellulose is found in fruits, vegetables and grain products. Also worth mentioning is that such products increase the feeling of satiety and protect us from overeating. Digesting, they improve the work of the duodenum and prevent the occurrence of constipation.

Limit fat intake. First, fatty foods contribute to the emergence of unwanted pounds, and secondly, increase the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system. Excess fats in the body disrupt the digestive tract and contribute to stomach upset and liver disease. Take control of the consumption of fatty foods is quite simple: first give up all fried foods, replace them with steamed or baked.

Maintain a healthy microflora in the intestines, consuming beneficial bacteria: prebiotics and probiotics. For the normal functioning of the digestive system, more than 400 species of bacteria are needed.

Semi-finished products, snacks, canned food have become a part of our life, and often without them we can not imagine our diet at all. They are very popular because they save our time, but they contain a huge amount of salt or sugar, they are fatty and high in calories, besides they lack the minerals and components that our body needs. For example, the refined grain, which is often used to make white bread, does not contain complex carbohydrates and fiber, but the content of simple carbohydrates in it is high. The organism receives a shock from the consumption of such a product: the sugar level jumps and the work of the whole digestive system is disrupted.

Each semi-finished product can be found worthy replacement: for a couple of 15-20 minutes you can prepare fish or vegetables, and grain bread and fresh fruit can always be found in the store.

Let's sum up, in order to keep our digestive system healthy, we need to choose fresh products enriched with fiber. Divide the daily ration into several meals and give up fried foods and semi-finished foods.

Nutrition and health
  • Apr 16, 2018
  • 67
  • 317