Olive oil on an empty stomach for weight loss - we bring health in order

Everybody dreams of a beautiful and harmonious figure. To achieve the desired result, people sit on a strict diet and exhaust themselves with physical exertion. But eating this way, we do not think about our health at all, because most of the time rejection of most products harms our body. The article will introduce you to the useful properties of olive oil, and also tell you how to choose and store it correctly.

Contents of

  • Benefits of taking olive oil for weight loss
  • How to drink olive oil for weight loss?
  • Weight-loss recipes with olive oil
    • Lemon mixture with extra-virgin olive oil
    • Kefir mix with extra-virgin olive oil
    • Garlic mix with extra-virgin olive oil
  • Useful combination of olive oil with lemon
  • How to choose olive oil?
  • Recommendations to help buy good olive oil
  • How to store olive oil?
  • Contraindications for the intake of olive oil
  • Olive oil for weight loss: tips and feedback
  • Video: Olive oil and the Mediterranean diet
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But still, it is possible to lose weight with advantage for your body, and ordinary olive oil will help you in this. So let's figure out how to properly take olive oil for weight loss?

Benefit from taking olive oil for weight loss

Most often a person gets well because he transmits and moves very little. Based on this, it can be concluded that only an active lifestyle and a balanced diet can help you keep your weight under control. But if for some reason you can not eat properly, then try to help your body, and start taking a product made from olives.

IMPORTANT: As part of this natural elixir, there is oletonetanolamide, which is responsible for ensuring that the person does not overeat. Getting into the gastrointestinal tract, olive oil begins to stimulate the intensive production of olethaletanolamide and due to this the person does not have more than necessary.

How to drink olive oil for weight loss?

But in order for this plant component to give the desired effect, it must be properly taken.
RECIPE : So, take 1 tsp of olive oil and take it in the morning on an empty stomach. Over time, this dose can be brought to 1 c. L, but to the body did not get stress, you need to do it gradually. After 45 minutes you can start breakfast. And remember, after taking "fragrant gold" you can not only eat, but drink any liquid. If the body will tolerate this manipulation well, then olive oil for weight loss can be taken even in the evening( also 1hl).

Weight loss recipes with olive oil

And those who want to speed up the process of losing weight a little can try to mix this useful component with other products. We bring to your attention a few simple recipes that will help make your figure slimmer.

Kefir and olive oil for the night will help to quickly split and assimilate food.

Lemon blend with olive oil for weight loss

This combination is very good for increasing metabolism, which means that the food will be well absorbed and not put off in fat.
RECIPE : To prepare a miracle elixir, you will need the following ingredients: olive oil( 1 tsp) and freshly squeezed lemon juice. All components are mixed and drunk. You need to drink this mixture for at least a month.

Kefir mix with olive oil for weight loss

This mixture not only speeds up metabolism, but also helps burn fat.
RECIPE : Take 1 cup low-fat kefir and add a teaspoon of a healthy ingredient. Slightly mix everything, heat in a microwave and drink. Take kefir with butter is best for the night.

Garlic mix with extra virgin olive oil

The combination of these components increases the general tone of the body and promotes rapid saturation.
RECIPE : So, mix 2 tbsp.l.olive oil and 1 teaspoon of garlic juice and drink. You can take the mixture in the morning( on an empty stomach) and in the evening( preferably before going to bed).

A useful combination of olive oil with lemon

A mixture of lemon juice and olive oil is considered the most useful and effective tool that helps rejuvenate the body of .

As you already probably understand the olive oil for weight loss is simply an indispensable product.

IMPORTANT: But, besides the fact that it softly and without excessive stress reduces weight, it also helps to revitalize the body. If you mix it with lemon juice, you can cleanse your liver. These two ingredients together improve intestinal perestatics, promote the withdrawal of bile and remove yellow cholesterol plaques.

You can improve your body in two ways:
• Take a freshly prepared mixture in the morning on an empty stomach.
• Add lemon juice and butter to salads fish and meat dishes.

How to choose olive oil?

In stores you can find both pure olive oil and herbal infusion.

Before you buy olive oil for weight loss, be sure to carefully inspect the bottle, because if you bring home a substandard or overdue product, then you are unlikely to achieve the set goals.

Recommendations to help you buy good olive oil

  • The label should show the place of production and spill
    • Buy the oil that was spilled recently
  • Buy cold-pressed oil
    • The product should be in a dark, sealed container
    • In no casedo not buy a very cheap product. Properly produced oil can not be cheap

How to store olive oil?

If you want your purchase to really benefit you, then be sure to take care of its storage. Olive oil retain its useful properties if you adhere to the following tips :

  • Make sure that the product does not get light. The sun's rays will provoke oxidation and the oil will become bitter and instead become useful as a carcinogen
  • Keep it in a dark, dry and cool place.
  • You can not put it in the refrigerator, because in the cold it will very quickly lose all its useful properties
  • . If you do not want tothe oil absorbs odors, then after use, do not forget to close it tightly.
  • Do not keep this miracle product very close to the cooker or oven. High temperature also helps to reduce the amount of nutrients

Contraindications for the intake of olive oil

If you feel pain or some other unpleasant symptoms after taking olive oil, then get rid of this method of losing weight .

And, although a product made from useful olives really helps to reduce weight and improve the body, it can not be accepted by everyone. There are situations when olive oil even provokes exacerbation of chronic diseases.

IMPORTANT: It is strictly forbidden to drink it if you have the following diseases:

  1. Cholecystitis
  2. Allergy
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Obesity
  5. Chronic stomach diseases.

Olive oil for weight loss: tips and feedback

Olives have almost all the vitamins and trace elements that the human body needs .

This useful product can be taken not only in its pure form and added to food, but also used for external use.

IMPORTANT: The oil is ideal for massages and anti-cellulite wrappings.

If you follow the proper diet and use olive oil in all possible ways, then you will achieve the following results:

  • Rapid reduction in excess weight
  • Improves overall health
  • Increased immunity.

Valeria : After I started taking this useful product, after about three weeks my stomach normalized and the waist size decreased by 4 cm.
Hope : And I like to drink it at night. So I got rid of the bad habit of eating at night. I drank a glass of kefir with a spoonful of olive oil and I do not feel hungry until the morning.

Video: Olive Oil and Mediterranean Diet

  • Mar 03, 2018
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