Free radicals in the human body

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The concept of "free radicals" is widely heard today, but few people really know what it is.

What is free radicals

From the lessons of chemistry we know that atoms in molecules are connected by chemical bonds, which are pairs of electrons. If the chemical bond breaks, only one electron remains at the atom. The result is a molecule in which one of the atoms has an unpaired electron. Such a molecule is called a free radical.

Free radicals tend to return a lost electron, and for this they usually break the connection in another molecule, attaching one electron to themselves. So a new free radical is formed. According to this scheme, a process called stormy oxidation( combustion) is developing.

Free radicals are present in the human body. They are formed as a result of internal biochemical processes, and come to us from outside - for example, when smoking or inhaling exhaust gases.

The role of free radicals in the body

In the human body, radicals transmit information within cells, participate in blood clotting and in the fight against infections. However, an increase in free radicals in the body can lead to the development of diseases. Radicals begin to damage cells, and as a result, oxidative stress develops.

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For small damage caused by free radicals, cells can recover. However, with a prolonged oxidative process, cell death occurs.

Many doctors believe that free radicals and related pathological processes contribute to the occurrence of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, cancer, cataracts, atherosclerosis.

Free radicals affect the life span of a person. In the middle of the 20th century, a theory appeared that claimed that radicals could damage DNA, and with larger damages, aging processes started faster. By the way, this theory is still recognized by scientists and doctors.

Antioxidants against free radicals

Fortunately, mankind has a weapon to fight free radicals - antioxidants. Antioxidants neutralize radicals due to their interaction with them. After such "contact" a new radical is born without the ability to react with other cells.

Antioxidants have been used for many years in various industries. However, the two most demanding fields for antioxidants are fuel and food industries. Antioxidants prevent the lubrication of lubricants and fuel, and in the food industry they are used as food additives to prevent the destruction of vitamins, fat burning and other processes caused by oxidation.

Of course, antioxidants can not stop a person's biological clock, but they fulfill their important role in the human body. In the human body, these substances come from food. Antioxidants are rich in green tea, vegetables, berries, fruits. These products are the source of the main antioxidants - vitamins C, A and E. The daily norm of antioxidants can be obtained by eating a few fruits or vegetables.

Nutrition and health
  • Apr 17, 2018
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