Any disease causes a person to go to a hospital for examination, according to which he will be able to prescribe effective drugs. If a patient has a strong cough that prevents him from fully living and doing his own business, then a drug such as Ascoril may be included in his treatment regimen. Adults and children can take it, since it is considered one of the most effective and has a minimum of side effects.


  • 1 How to take
    • 1 How to take
    • 3 How to use
      • 3.1 For adults
      • 3.2 For children
    • 4 Compare with Sinekodom
    • 5 Price
    • 6 Reviews


cough syrup

Ascoril is a mucolytic drug that has expectorant and bronchodilator effect. With its help it is possible to cure very complex diseases.

This preparation contains components that allow Ascoril to have such a powerful effect in the treatment of cough:

  1. Bromhexine .This component has antitussive and expectorant effect. Due to its presence, it is possible to activate cilia of the epithelium on the mucosa of the trachea and bronchi. In addition, bromhexine dilutes the secret and contributes to its early evacuation. But from what cough it is worth using Bromgexin, it helps to understand this article.
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  2. Salbutamol. This is a bronchodilator, which is present in the syrup as a sulphate. Affects the receptors of blood vessels. Thanks to him, it is possible to prevent and reduce the contraction of the bronchi, giving their muscles smoothness and relaxation. The substance under consideration participates in the production of endogenous surfactant, which envelops the lungs from the inside, as a result of which the alveoli do not unite, and also participate in relaxation of the muscles of the bronchi. And in this article, you can learn more about the instructions for using a solution for inhalation Salbutamol.
  3. Guaifenesin. This component has an expectorant effect. In addition, it makes sputum more rare, reduces its surface tension. Due to the presence of this component, the bronchi begin to perform more active actions, as a result of which the sputum will be evacuated.

On video syrup from cough ascaril:

At what cough to take

syrup aspiril from cough The considered preparation can be involved at treatment of unproductive or wet cough. Most often, Ascoril is prescribed for diseases accompanied by a dry cough. And this is due to the fact that the composition contains Guineesin, which increases and evacuates the pulmonary secret. Syrup Ascoril is excellent for the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory diseases, which are characterized by a strong and barking cough.

This includes:

  • bronchitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • pulmonary tuberculosis,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • whooping cough.

than to treat a wet cough in a child But what to treat a wet cough in a child and what means, is described in great detail in this article.

It will also be interesting to learn how to quickly cure a runny nose and cough.

And here's how to cure a cough with the thyroid gland and by what means, this article will help: http: // simptomy-g / kashel-pri-shhitovidke-simptomy-i-lechenie.html

Why cough after eating and how to fight it, veryis described in detail in this article.

Instruction for use

Ascoril is a drug that is released today in various forms. Take it with caution should people suffering from hypertension, heart disease and blood vessels. When carrying a baby, breastfeeding from such a medicine will also have to be abandoned.

For Adults

If Ascoril drink in the syrup format, then for adults, a single dose of 10 ml. But on the day of such dosage should be 3. This amount of the drug is minimal, so that if necessary, the dose can be increased, and during the course the doctor will adjust it at their own discretion. But tablets Ascoril adults can take 1 tablet 3 times a day.

syrup ascaril for adults

Asporil syrup for adults

For children

Ascoril is a drug that can be used to treat cough in children. But you can do this only if the crumb does not have a lot of liquid secret. This will only complicate the situation, since all the airways will be filled with excessive phlegm.

syrup ascaril for children

Syrup ascaril for children

If the patient is not yet 6 years old, the doctor will prescribe him an Ascoril syrup. But for a child 1 year to take medicine is not worth it. The duration of therapy is 5-7 days.

Dosage of the drug in the form of a syrup:

  • children under 6 years of age - 5 ml;
  • from 6 to 12 years - 5 - 10 ml.

On the day the amount of admission is 3. If the child is already more than 6 years old, then he can take pills - ½ pills 2-3 times a day.

Comparison with Sinecode

Sinecod and Ascoril are two effective drugs that successfully fight a cough. They have both common features and some differences. The common thing between them is that they dilute sputum and evacuate it from the body. But only the syrup Ascoril in the composition has chemical components, which sometimes lead to side effects, which can not be said about his opponent.

syrup Sinekod

Syrup Sinekod

A sinecode from a dry and productive cough can not be taken at the same time, but Ascoril can be used in the treatment of various kinds of cough. And this is due to the fact that it contains active components that affect pulmonary mucus. They expand the bronchi, stop puffiness, dilute the secret and have an antiseptic effect.


You can buy the drug in a pharmacy kiosk without a prescription. Tablets cost 230 rubles, and syrup - 250 rubles.

You may also be interested in learning how to get rid of a smoker's cough.

And here's what to treat the perspiration in the throat and cough and what means the most effective, will help to understand this information.

What to do if pershit throat and dry cough, as well as what treatment should be used, is described in this article.


  • Daria, 32 years old: "Ascoril is one of the most effective cough drugs I know. Before that, I was taking Lazolvan, but I could not get the proper effect. Then the same evening I went to the pharmacy and bought Ascoril. I used it for several days and I felt better. Dry cough became productive, as a result of which sputum began to go away. But the child I bought not pills, but syrup. He drinks it with pleasure, since the medicine has a pleasant taste. "
  • Anna, 28 years old: "I had to get acquainted with Ascoril when my daughter fell ill on ARVI.Her eyes were troubled by a strong and irritating cough, accompanied by a plentiful cold. In addition, her temperature rose to 40 degrees. By the evening an intense cough began, so in the morning we called a doctor at home. He appointed us a syrup, which has a sugary flavor, but he liked the little girl. After the first day of admission, she was no longer capricious, his breath was gone, and coughing attacks became less intense. The only thing I did not like was my poor appetite. "
  • Victoria, 39 years old: "I've been using Ascoril for about 10 years now. This remedy is always in the medicine cabinet of our family. We immediately take it as soon as the first signs of coughing have appeared. As a rule, at first it is dry, and thanks to this drug it is possible to transfer it to the moist one. For the first time I met the drug when a cough arose against the background of pneumonia. For several days I took syrups from other manufacturers, but the effect was observed. Then the doctor appointed me Ascoril. Already the next day it became much easier for me, and the process of recovery accelerated. After that event, I always buy only Ascoril. The syrup is sold in a 200 ml vial, so it lasts for a long time. His taste is sweet, but there is a taste of some spices. Reception to conduct 3 times a day. I was already able to adjust, so in the first two days I increase the dosage, and only then I reduce it by half. This is such a shock method of treatment, due to which the cold is not complicated, but immediately goes to a decline. The medicine perfectly liquefies the accumulated secret in the lungs and bronchi, and also quickly evacuates it. "

Ascoril is an effective tool for cough treatment, which is successfully used by both adults and children. The peculiarity of the drug is that it can treat any form of cough, and a positive result will be noticeable in a few days.