Fracture of the nose is a pathological process, as a result of which there is a violation of the integrity of the bone tissue, which leads to a change in the structure of the nose. Since it protrudes on the surface of the face, it often gives way to various injuries.

Fracture of the nose often occurs in the male part of the population. The reasons here are very different - fights, accidents of domestic trauma. Diagnosis of the fracture is quite simple. To do this, the doctor listens to the complaints of the victim and examines it. Sometimes the nose can be broken in the child.


  • 1 How to remove edema
  • 2 Conservative treatment
  • 3 Physiotherapy
  • 4 Surgical treatment

How to remove edema

There are a few simple recommendations that can be observed at home and relieve pain, as well as swelling in case of a fracture of the nose.

To do this:

  • Apply to the area of ​​ice damage. At the expense of the cold, pain and swelling will disappear. And you need to do this as soon as possible, immediately after the injury.
    instagram viewer
    broken nose what to do Cold compresses are recommended 3 times a day, and their duration is 10-20 minutes. Ice can not be applied to the skin, beforehand it can be wrapped in a cloth.
  • The head should be raised during sleep. This will also reduce puffiness.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should not be taken.
  • Do not take for the first two days of Ibuprofen or aspirin. The fact is that they increase the time of blood clotting and increase bleeding.
  • No smoking. Under the influence of tobacco, the blood supply decreases, which inhibits the regeneration of tissues. Consequently, the process of healing of the nose slows down.

Conservative treatment of

After first aid has been given, it is necessary to go to the doctor's office. In addition, it is necessary to do this if the pain and swelling are not gone within 3 days. In this nasal breathing is not restored, the body temperature rises, nose bleeding occurs.

The doctor after the examination may include in the treatment scheme such drugs:

  1. Ketanol, Analgin( And here's how to use Paracetamol, Analgin, Aspirin for colds).These drugs are for pain relief.


  2. Valocordin, Fenosypam, Tenoten. These sedatives, which serve to relieve stress after trauma, also normalize sleep.


  3. Antibiotics of local and general influence, due to which it is possible to prevent the development of the infectious process, suppuration and tissue rejection. Local cream and ointments are used locally, and the injections and pills can have a general effect. Apply antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins of the last generation, macrolides.
  4. Drugs for stopping bleeding - Vikasol and Dimitcion.


  5. Vasodilating drops. They must be used strictly in the indicated dosage. This is Tizin( and from this article you can learn more about the instructions for using such drops), Nazivin( and here's how to use Nazivin spray for children, described in this article)


  6. Ointment for cupping with hematomas - Rescuer, Troxevasin and Bodyaga forte.


  7. Vitamin complexes for the restoration of bones.

Aloe in rhinitis during pregnancy How to use aloe for rhinitis during pregnancy, and how effective it is, is described in this article.

But how to rinse the nose with Miramistin, and how effective it is, is described in this article.

Also you will be interested to know about why scribbles in the nose: http: // simptomy-g / sverbit-v-nosu-chto-delat.html

What to do if the runny nose and nasal congestion do not pass, and what means are the most effective, is toldin this article.


With the help of physiotherapy it is possible to accelerate the process of recovery. It includes effective and safe therapies that do not involve side effects and allergies.

With a fracture of the nose, physiotherapy procedures are selected on an individual basis. But there are several procedures that are highly effective:

  1. UHF therapy .Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, restorative and immunostimulating effect.


  2. Infrared rays .With their help, you can remove pain, eliminate microbes, adjust metabolic processes in tissues, improve blood flow, restore tissue.
    infrared rays for the nose

    Infrared rays for the nose

  3. Electrophoresis .Activates the reducing processes, transfers the molecules of medications through the dermis to the site of the lesion.
    Electrophoresis for the nose

    Electrophoresis for the nose

  4. Microwave therapy .It narrows the blood vessels, accelerates blood circulation and normalizes nutrition and metabolic processes.

Surgical treatment

When a fracture of the nose without mixing the tissues, then the essence of the operation is to stop the bleeding. In the process of its implementation, all viable tissues remain untouched. The only thing that the doctor removes is the necrotic areas. Since the face has an excellent blood supply, the wound heals quickly, and complications are absent. nose surgery

When the fracture of the nose involves the displacement of the bone, the doctor performs a reposition. This is an operation, the essence of which is in the correction of the bones of the nose and their external fixation. To perform the operation, the affected person is injected with a local analgesic. Most often, the nasal mucosa is treated with lidocaine or injected. Using the Volkov elevator, raise the sunken bone and fix it with gauze or silicone tampons, pre-soaked in molten paraffin. They are left there until the bone fragments are fully coalesced. To ensure that the tampon does not lead to suppuration and infection, patients are prescribed antibiotics.

If the resulting injury does not lead to severe deformation, fracture of the septum of the nose, then perform rhinoseptoplasty. This is an operative procedure, as a result of which the nasal septum is leveled and the cosmetic defect leaves.

But the septoplasty is an operation, as a result of which specialists correct the damaged septum of the nose. For this, a minor submucosal resection is performed. This can be done by a traditional or endoscopic method. The latter option refers to the more sparing, because the removal of tissue is carried out inside the nasal cavity. Thus, the traces of the operation should not remain. septoplasty

Using incubation anesthesia, resection of the septum and change its position. After that, the lining of the sutures on the mucous membrane and the installation of tampons and plaster bandages. The duration of such an operation is 40 minutes.

The performance of septoplatics can occur under local anesthetic with the help of a laser. Laser onions have an antiseptic effect, which helps to reduce the risk of infection of the wound during surgery. After such an intervention there are no complications, and the process of recovery of patients proceeds much faster. There is also no need to use tampons and turunds. Operative intervention is conducted in the dispensary, and lasts about half an hour.

After the operation, patients should remove crusts and blood clots, water the nasal cavity with ( how to properly flush your nose with Aqualor, will help understand this video) or Aquamaris .You also need to go to the doctor on a regular basis so that he can follow the healing and cleansing of the nose.



There is another option for surgical treatment: rhinoplasty. Its essence lies in the fact that the cosmetic defect is stopped due to the transplantation of different materials. It can be silicone or own cartilage. You can perform the operation both in a closed and open method. But what can wash the nose of a child with a cold, described in detail in this article.

The first variant is characterized by the absence of external cuts. The specialist separates the skin from the bones and cartilage, and then changes the shape of the latter. Soft fabric sewn. But open-type rhinoplasty is performed in the course of extensive interventions. The specialist performs an incision in the nose and on the skin fold. To the patient I impose a gypsum langette, which he will wear for 14 days. After such an operation, patients are in the hospital for 10-14 days.

Fracture of the nose - this is a dangerous injury, when getting it you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible. At home, you can only reduce pain, swelling and stop bleeding. But further treatment is carried out by a doctor. If soft tissues are not affected, then all activities are conservative. With extensive damage to the bone and tissues, the doctor prescribes surgery.