How to make up for a lack of calcium

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We do not always know that our body lacks calcium, because the symptoms of this are poorly expressed. Meanwhile, the condition of hair, nails, teeth and bones gradually deteriorates. If these signs become more obvious, you should make up for calcium deficiency.

Products rich in calcium

Dairy products are the most effective and easy way to give calcium to our body. Especially it is good for children. A couple of glasses of milk, yogurt, cottage cheese with sour cream, and vitamin D - for better absorption of calcium.

With rational and balanced nutrition, our body receives all the necessary substances, at least as it should be. But it does not always happen. It is necessary to review and analyze the composition of the products used.

First, our food should be varied, because monotony does not give all the necessary substances. The consumption of meat and fish in the diet should be constant, because they give our body proteins - building material for the cells.

Tablets and folk remedies

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But in some cases even a balanced diet can not solve the problem of calcium deficiency. However, you do not need to run at once for tablets. You can use other methods.

Will help in this egg shell. Put the well-washed shells on a lightly heated frying pan, make the smallest fire and dry it. For these purposes, you can also use a microwave or an oven. The shell must be well ground and poured into a glass jar for storage. Take this shell three times a day before eating one teaspoonful. This should help to compensate for the lack of calcium in your body.

To compensate for the lack of calcium can be faster and less troublesome way - by taking appropriate tablets. However, one should remember - self-medication is harmful. Wrong intake of calcium-containing drugs, you can give your body an overabundance, which is harmful. The reaction can be extremely negative, for example, in the kidneys stones will start to form. It is better to undergo a preliminary examination with a specialist, which will result in a course of preparations containing calcium, which is most suitable for you. So you solve the problem of lack of calcium, and negative side effects can be avoided.

In the case when calcium is accompanied by ailments, pain in the bones or lower back, or some other unpleasant symptoms, you should consult your doctor.

Nutrition and health
  • Apr 17, 2018
  • 13
  • 413