Such healthy green vegetables

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The usefulness of green vegetables has long been undisputed even in young children, and recently it became known that the color of plants used is as important as nutritional value. Green vegetables contain chlorophyll, which strengthens the body's immunity. It protects against the harmful effects of free radicals and positively affects red blood cells. That is why it is important that our daily menu contain at least a small amount of salad or green onions.

Separation of vegetables

American scientists divide vegetables, fruits and berries into five colors:

  1. White - celery, parsley, garlic;
  2. Red - cherry, currant, tomatoes;
  3. Yellow - lemon, pumpkin;
  4. Blue - blueberries, aubergines;Green - broccoli, spinach.

A healthy diet assumes certain proportions of the presence in the diet of vegetables and fruits of certain colors. Green vegetables, as already mentioned, owe their useful properties and color to chlorophyll. It is a dye that absorbs solar energy, takes part in the transportation of oxygen, vitamins and nitrogen. After all, in its chemical structure and properties, chlorophyll is in many respects similar to the hemoglobin of human blood.

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Useful green vegetables

Green vegetables are one of the healthiest. It is best to eat them raw and freshly collected, because when stored and heat treated, they partially lose valuable nutrients. Green vegetables contain folic acid, which belongs to group B vitamins. A diet rich in green vegetables is recommended for women planning to become pregnant in the near future.

What kind of green vegetables and greens can be considered the most useful, with valuable taste and medicinal properties?


Parsley is known to people for many years. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamins C, A, PP, folic acid. In small amounts, it contains vitamins E, B, D and K. In addition, parsley facilitates the assimilation of iron from other foods.

How does it work? Clears the body, prevents rickets and anemia, improves eyesight, has a diuretic effect and removes excess water from the body. This greens can be successfully added to many dishes - meat, soups, salads and sandwiches.


Very tasty and useful representative of green vegetables - watercress. It carries a lot of iodine, chromium, sulfur, iron, calcium, vitamins A, C, B3, PP and E. It is recommended to eat it in raw form - at least one teaspoon per day. But too much watercress can cause inflammation of the bladder.

Where can I get a salad? Dilute it at home. It's very simple. It is enough to take a bandage or cotton wool and moisten it abundantly, then put seeds on it. After 4-5 days they will ascend - it is important only that the base is constantly wet.


Dill is a source of essential oil that stimulates digestion, improves the secretion of gastric juice and inhibits the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine. It is rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C. Dill gives a wonderful taste to soups, cheeses, fish and potatoes. How useful is a green onion? It helps to cleanse the body, improves digestion and stimulates appetite. It is the most valuable source of various useful substances - vitamins B1, B2, C, and also - potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, folic acid and carotene.

The correct diet should contain a significant amount of green onions. It is great for sandwiches, salads, pasta and egg dishes.


Many people do not like this green vegetable, especially children. Nevertheless, it should be eaten, as it contains a lot of vitamins - A, C, E, K, B, as well as iodine, iron, folic acid and manganese. Thanks to this, rickets, anemia and excessive stress on the heart are prevented. It is best to eat spinach in its raw form, as boiling leads to loss of iron and folic acid.

The disadvantage of spinach is the inhibition of calcium absorption. Therefore, it should not be used much by those who suffer from kidney disease, stomach or are prone to rheumatism and arthritis.

Nutrition and health
  • Apr 17, 2018
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